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TASK 2 - page 189

Học viên: Nguyễn Thị Hậu
SĐT: 0968156724
Buổi 2

Dear Anne,
Many thanks for your email, it was really nice to hear from you

You asked me about the most ideal time to go on holiday in my

country. Well, you can go sightseeing in the autumn. That's one of the
most beautiful seasons of the year. The weather is dry and cool.

As far as meeting people of the same age. Well, my apartment is

located in the center of the city and near Le Van Tam Park. I think it's an
interesting place where you can cultural exchange with your peers. There
are many high school students joining some activities like playing sports,
singing, and dancing in this place.

You asked me about items of clothing. Well, in the autumn, the

weather is windy with cool temperatures. It's not too hot during the day
and maybe a little bit cold in the early morning and at night. Just bring
your summer clothes packed with a thin coat.

You also asked me about accompanying and traveling around.

Well, I will come along. I am thinking about the plan with a light heart.

Just give me a call if you have any questions.

Best wishes.

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