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The opening of the Philippines to international trade

 The challenges presented by international trade and foreign influence forced the
Filipinos to reassess their sense of national identity. This event served as a
steppingstone for Filipinos to stand up for themselves in the face of outside
influences, leading to a nationalist movement that was fueled by their sense of pride
in their national identity.
2. Secularization Controversy
 As the secularization movement gained momentum, there was an increase in the
number of native Filipino priests who spoke out against injustices, including
discriminatory and economic inequalities, and their calls for change manifested
deeply with the Filipino people, contributing to a growing sense of national identity.
3. The Influx of liberal ideas from Europe
 Liberal ideas contributed to the development of a nationalism among Filipinos,
emphasizing the idea of a unified Filipino nation with a shared destiny. The aspiration
for self-governance and independence was rooted in the liberal principles that had
inspired nationalist movements in other parts of the world.
4. The Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
 The GOMBURZA execution marked a turning point in the struggle for Philippine
independence. Their sacrifice fueled a collective sense of outrage and determination,
inspiring Filipinos to rise up against Spanish rule and fight for their freedom.

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