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General Introduction:

Signaling phrases: The table/graph/chart shows... / According to the table... / Looking at the
Highlighting key features: The table illustrates... / It can be seen that... / In summary,...

Describing Trends:
Increases: There was a(n) (slight/considerable/dramatic) increase in... / ...figures rose steadily... /
...values have gone up by...%
Decreases: ...figures showed a(n) (slight/steep) decline... / There was a decrease of...% in...
Fluctuations: ...values fluctuated... / ...figures showed some variation... / There were some ups
and downs in...
Comparisons: ...was significantly higher/lower than... / ...remained more or less stable
at... / ...mirrored the trend of...
Highlighting Specific Data:
Numbers: ...accounted for...% of... / The highest value was.. for... / ...stood at...
Extremes: ...represented the lowest figure at... / ...reached a peak of...
Ranges: ...values range from... to... / ...figures fall within the range of... and...
Comparing Rows or Columns:
Similarities: ...showed similar trends... / ...had (a few/several) things in common... / There was
little difference between... and...
Differences: ...stood out in contrast to... / ...was considerably higher/lower than... in...

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