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AULA 4 EXT / MED : VERBOS MODAIS Resolução Comentada

Prof. Chico

Lista de Exercícios
6- Mark and Sally were mischievous children. They
Assinale a alternativa correta: ______________ tricks on their teachers, which
always got them into a lot of trouble.
1- John painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and a) could play
dreary. b) used to play
He ____________________ a different color. c) could have played
a) had to choose d) may have played
b) should have chosen Hábito passado, indicado pelo uso de used to.
c) must have chosen
d) could have been choosing 7- Robert has a new car. He ___________ it for a very
Sugestão/conselho num contexto passado. Uso good price. He paid 30 percent less than the regular
de should + tempo perfect retail cost.
a) could buy
2- Tom is sitting at his desk. He’s reading his chemistry b) had to buy
text because he has a test tomorrow. He c) was supposed to buy
____________________ . d) was able to buy
a) could study Capacidade num âmbito passado. Uso da forma
b) should be studying equivalente be able to. Ele conseguiu comprá-
c) will study lo...
d) must be studying
Conclusão lógica com uso de must. 8- “Did you enjoy the picnic?”
“It was okay, but I’d rather _____________ to a
3- When Mr. Lee was younger, he ______________ movie.”
work in the garden for hours, but now he has to a) go
take frequent rests because he has emphysema. b) be going
a) has got to c) have gone
b) can d) went
c) should be able to Uso de would rather para expressar
d) could preferência num contexto passado, portanto
Capacidade, num contexto passado. Uso de seguido de um tempo perfect.
could. 9- “Why are you so sure that Ann didn’t commit the
crime she’s been accused of committing?”
4- Whenever my parents went out in the evening, I “She ________________ that crime because I was
_____________ the job of taking care of my little with her, and we were out of town on that day.”
brothers. a) may not have committed
a) would get b) wasn’t supposed to commit
b) should get c) committed
c) must have gotten d) couldn’t have committed
d) had better get Expressa impossibilidade (verbo na negativa)
Uso de would + infinitive para indicar hábito num contexto passado, seguido por um tempo
passado, acompanhado de advérbio de perfect.
frequência (whenever = sempre que, toda vez
que) 10- “Since we have to be there in a hurry, we
____________ take a taxi.” I agree.
5- Yesterday I ____________ to a furniture store. I a) had better
bought a new lamp there. b) may
a) could go c) have been used to
b) went d) are able to
c) could have gone Expressa conclusão pessoal. Em face do
d) ought to have gone exposto na primeira oração, seria melhor
Verbo no passado com tempo definido. Não há pegarmos um táxi.
necessidade de uso de um modal.

Aviso Legal: Os materiais e conteúdos disponibilizados pelo Poliedro são protegidos por direitos de propriedade intelectual (Lei nº 9.610/1998). É vedada a utilização para fins comerciais, bem como a
cessão dos materiais a terceiros, a título gratuito ou não, sob pena de responsabilização civil e criminal nos termos da legislação aplicável.
16- “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn’t know
11- “It _______________ rain this evening. Why don’t what to do.”
you take an umbrella?” “You ______________ your roommate.”
“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?” a) could have called
a) had better b) may have called
b) could be c) mould have called
c) must d) must have called
d) might Possibilidade expressa num contexto passado.
Probabilidade de ocorrência de ação futura. Uso de Could + tempo perfect
Uso de might.
17- “You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday
12- “ _____________ you hand me that pair of scissors, afternoon. You _________ be really hungry!”
please?” a) might
“Certainly.” b) will
a) May c) can
b) Shall d) must
c) Will Conclusão lógica expressa com o uso de must.
d) Should
Uso de will para expressar um pedido educado. 18- “How long have you been married?”
“We _________________ have been married for
13- “Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s twenty-three years on our next anniversary.”
wedding. He _____________ a) must
exhausted by the time he arrived.” b) should
a) ought to be c) will
b) could be d) could
c) must have been Uso do Future Perfect Tense para expressar
d) will have been uma ação que terá sido completada antes de
Conclusão sobre uma ação ocorrida num um certo tempo no futuro. Não há necessidade
contexto passado. Uso de must + tempo do uso de um modal.
19- “I ___________ there at 6 pm for the meeting, but
14- “What are you doing here now? You ____________ my car won’t start. Could you please give me a lift
be here for another three hours.” in your car?”
“I know. We got an early start and it took less time
than we expected. I hope you don’t mind.” “Sure. Are you ready to go now?”
a) couldn’t a) will be
b) might not b) may be
c) had better not c) supposed to be
d) aren’t supposed to d) have got to be
Uso de forma equivalente para expressar Expressa obrigação. Uso de forma equivalente a
expectativa. must.

15- “ ______________ taking me downtown on your 20- “I left a cookie on the table, but now it’s gone.
way to work this morning?” What happened to it?”
“Not at all.” “I don’t know. One of the children _____________
a) Can you it.”
b) Why don’t you a) may have eaten
c) Would you mind b) could eat
d) Could you please c) had to eat
Pedido educado. Uso da expressão Would you d) should have eaten
mind ...? (Você se importaria...?) Expressa uma probabilidade num contexto
passado. Uso de may + tempo perfect.

Aviso Legal: Os materiais e conteúdos disponibilizados pelo Poliedro são protegidos por direitos de propriedade intelectual (Lei nº 9.610/1998). É vedada a utilização para fins comerciais, bem como a
cessão dos materiais a terceiros, a título gratuito ou não, sob pena de responsabilização civil e criminal nos termos da legislação aplicável.

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