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Stages of Moral Development

Lawrence Kohlberg

Activity No. 9

1. Heinz's decision to steal the drug raises a complex ethical dilemma. Some people may argue that
preserving a life outweighs property rights, whereas others firmly believe that stealing is always
morally wrong. Ultimately, the right course of action depends on an individual's personal beliefs
and values.

2. Heinz may feel a duty or obligation to steal the drug in order to save his wife's life. The moral
principle of saving a life may outweigh the moral principle of respecting property rights in this

3. Heinz's feelings towards his wife could impact his choice to steal the drug, however, the crucial
factor to weigh is the moral obligation to rescue a life. While his love for his wife may play a role
in his decision, the ethical conflict revolves around the significance of human life.

4. It's widely accepted that saving someone's life is a moral duty in most ethical systems. But the
methods used to save a life can differ based on personal convictions and principles.

5. Although it is important to adhere to legal requirements, ethical dilemmas can complicate matters.
There are situations where violating a law may be justified in order to uphold a greater moral
principle, such as preserving a life. Ultimately, the decision hinges on evaluating potential
consequences and remaining true to one's ethical beliefs.

Jose, The Military Doctor

1. The question of whether it is acceptable to kill a bad person poses a challenging ethical dilemma.
Most ethical systems maintain that taking a life is inherently wrong, regardless of the individual's
behavior. However, there are those who believe that there are circumstances, such as self-defense,
where killing may be justified. Ultimately, the decision of whether it is moral to kill a bad person
is influenced by personal beliefs and values.
2. Jose might be obligated to reveal the plans to his superior, particularly if they involve illegal
activities or actions that violate human rights and the Constitution. Being a military doctor, Jose is
bound by ethical codes and laws that may necessitate him to report such activities to the relevant
authorities in order to uphold justice and the rule of law.

3. Even if Jose is not part of the military, he could still feel a moral duty to report illegal activities
to the authorities, especially if they endanger public safety or violate human rights. While his
military affiliation might impact his decision-making, the ethical principles of following the law
and safeguarding human rights should take precedence.

4. It's usually seen as crucial to uphold truth and law to keep society fair and organized. But
sometimes, moral conflicts or personal safety can complicate things. It's key to think about the
outcomes of our choices and carefully consider the ethical aspects of sticking to truth and law in
different scenarios.

5. Maintaining social order and safeguarding the rights and safety of individuals within a society
necessitates people's adherence to the law. Nevertheless, there might arise situations where it
becomes justifiable to engage in civil disobedience when confronted with unjust laws or
oppressive regimes. In the end, individuals must carefully ponder the ethical consequences of
their actions and make a conscious effort to uphold justice and fairness in their decision-making.

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