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Name: Alin, Schatz Collin J.

Score: _____________________
Subject and Section: Functional English , BSBA MM 1-B Date: April 10, 2024

Activity 2: Organizing Persuasive Speech.


Analyze the way the speaker organizes his/her speech. Point out the strategies and language
used based on the following areas:

a. Introduction
- The speaker begins with a personal statement to grab the attention of the audience and
establish rapport. They identify their mission as health psychologists by acknowledging
their preconceived beliefs about stress. This introduction creates interest and sets the
stage for the rest of the talk.

b. Body (1st point, 2nd point, 3rd point, etc.,)

● 1. The speaker makes a strong case against the conventional wisdom that stresses are
bad for you. They address startling discoveries about the effect of stressful moods on
mortality and present some significant research that refutes this notion.
● 2. The speaker explores the science underlying the idea of stress and how it affects the
body physiologically. They explain how altering one's perspective on stress can alter the
body's reaction with lucid language and compelling data.
● 3. The speaker talks about the benefits of oxytocin for cardiovascular health and how it
plays a part in the stress response. They draw attention to the connection between
stress resilience and social support, highlighting the value of interpersonal relationships
in reducing the harmful effects of stress.

c. Transition between points

- The speaker effectively turns the points around by focusing on the previous topic and
linking it seamlessly to the next one. They used phrases like "I'll start," "Now to explain
how this works," "OK, so how would knowing this aspect of meditation make you feel
better?" to guide the audience through the talk.

d. Counter arguments & rebuttal (if applicable)

- The speaker acknowledges the possible argument that stress is inherently harmful and
addresses it by providing evidence to the contrary. They disprove traditional beliefs by
presenting hard evidence and personal stories to support their claims
e. Call to action (if applicable)
- The speaker encourages the audience to reconsider their attitude toward stress and
seeks action by suggesting a change of attitude. It is suggested that audiences view
meditation as a beneficial rather than detrimental response, enabling them to meet life's
obstacles head-on with bravery and resiliency.

f. Conclusion
- The presenter concludes the talk by summarizing points and reinforcing the main
message of meditation. They emphasize the transformative power of mood and the
importance of human interaction in coping with stress. The latter empowers the audience
with a new perspective on meditation

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