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Ecem Aktop


Observation paper 2: Classroom Management Techniques

In language teaching, effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive
learning atmosphere conducive to student engagement and academic success. This paper
critically evaluates the classroom management techniques employed by a practicum teacher,
focusing on consistency, fairness, and their impact on student engagement and learning
The teacher demonstrates proficiency in establishing routines, as evidenced by the structured
flow of activities observed. While there may not be clear documentation of rules, the routine
implicitly conveys behavioural expectations, which students seem to understand and follow.
The consistency in the teacher's approach contributes to a predictable learning environment.
While the teacher generally succeeds in maintaining a relatively orderly classroom
environment, occasional instances suggest room for improvement. For example, during a
vocabulary activity, a student becomes distracted and begins chatting with a neighbour. In
response, the teacher reprimands the student sharply and deducts points from their participation
grade. This use of negative reinforcement, coupled with a punitive approach, inadvertently
escalates the disruption rather than mitigating it. Instead of redirecting the student's behaviour
positively or addressing the underlying cause of distraction, the punitive response may lead to
resentment or disengagement, potentially exacerbating disruptions in the classroom. Moreover,
deducting points from the student's grade for minor infractions could create an atmosphere of
fear or anxiety, detracting from the overall learning experience and inhibiting students'
willingness to participate actively in class activities. Thus, while the intention behind the use
of negative reinforcement may be to maintain discipline and order, its impact on the learning
environment can be counterproductive. A more effective approach might involve proactive
strategies for managing student behaviour, such as positive reinforcement, clear expectations,
and fostering a supportive and respectful classroom culture.
The teacher predominantly assumes the role of an authority figure rather than actively
modelling behaviour for students. While positive reinforcement is evident, the frequent use of
negative reinforcement and a lack of emphasis on modelling positive behaviour may diminish
its effectiveness in promoting a positive learning atmosphere.
Throughout the observations, instances were noted where student contributions were not fully
acknowledged or responded to by the teacher. For example, during discussions or question-
and-answer sessions, some students may have been overlooked or their responses quickly
passed over without further exploration or validation. This lack of acknowledgment can make
students feel dismissed or undervalued, potentially impacting their willingness to participate
actively in future classroom activities. By ensuring that all student contributions are recognized
and appreciated, teachers can foster a more inclusive and engaging learning environment.
The teacher follows class rules and gives clear instructions. They handle problems quickly.
However, they don't involve students much in setting behaviour rules. It's important for
students to feel responsible for their classroom. Sometimes, students seem distracted, and the
teacher could do more to keep them focused. Also, the classroom setup could be improved for
better learning.
Ecem Aktop

Effective classroom management is vital for creating a positive learning environment

conducive to student engagement and academic success. While the observed teacher
demonstrates proficiency in certain aspects of classroom management, such as establishing
routines and addressing behavioural issues promptly, there are notable areas for improvement,
particularly in terms of utilizing positive reinforcement and modelling positive behaviour.
Moreover, fostering inclusivity by acknowledging and valuing student contributions is crucial
for promoting active participation in the learning process. Moving forward, it is imperative for
educators to prioritize proactive strategies, clear expectations, and a supportive classroom
culture to optimize student learning outcomes. By enhancing consistency, fairness, and student
engagement in classroom management practices, teachers can create an environment where all
students feel valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

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