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Developing a framework to

sustainably produce steel in


O: Organization of power. In order to power

the necessary equipment for sustainable
mining, we must find renewable energy
sources available in the Iron Range.

R: Reimagine. Sustainable steel making will

require reimagining a new structure of mining
and manufacturing, including batteries and
electric trucks, which will ultimately be
cheaper and more effective over time.

E: Expand. As the steel making industry

grows, the Minnesota Iron Range will begin
sustainable steel production, supporting the
local economy by providing jobs and the
environment by reducing emissions

associated with exporting iron.

Introduce renewable energy for a

stainable steel-manufacturing future
Green Steel ORE else!
Oxygen gas is produced as a
byproduct of electrolysis
Federal subsidies will provide money
from the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law and Clean Energy Bill to fund
clean energy.

Wind turbines provide clean energy. Stores

They will be placed away from
residential areas and tourist
destinations to minimize the impact
Using green hydrogen, which involves
on the Iron Range landscape.
Iron Air Batteries were chosen due to their reducing oxygen atoms from iron ore to Funds
reversible rusting process, which can create green produce metallic iron, is a more sustainable
energy for much longer than thermal batteries. way to produce iron used in steel making.
These batteries will store renewable energy from This will save up to 2 tons of CO2 per ton
wind turbines to be used in electric trucks. of steel.


Green Mining is made Green taconite is much more Manufactures
more sustainable by electrifying sustainable
dump truck, connecting them to
overhead power lines. This will
Green Steel, the final
reduce diesel fuel by up to 60% per

Steam byproduct

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