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Two maps illustrate the transformation of the coastal town of Pentland,.

.spanning from 1950 to 2007
The maps depict alterations in the local industrial village in England known as.3
.Stamdorf, occurring between 1985 and 2015
Plans are underway to reconfigure the civic centre, as evidenced by two maps: .4
one detailing the current layout and the other outlining the proposed
The map provided illustrates the evolution of Rye mouth village from 1995 to .5
.the present time
The diagram displays the evolutionary stages of West Park Secondary School.6
.since its establishment in 1950
Information regarding the Hawaiian island chain situated in the heart of the.7
.Pacific Ocean is presented in the diagram below
The map showcases the town of Garlsdon, featuring two potential locations.8
.for a new supermarket (S) as part of upcoming development plans
Changes occurring in an American town from 1948 to 2010 are depicted in the.9
.map below
Chorleywood, a village in close proximity to London, has experienced.10
consistent population growth since the mid-19th century. The map below
.provides an overview of the village's development over time

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