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What is this thing?

It's an unofficial dashboard to help you understand how close you are and what you need to
focus on in order to unlock levels beyond L8. It's a great way to keep track of progress in
regards to medals as well.

How do I use this?

Step 0. Make a copy of this document for yourself
Click on the "File" menu and then "Make a copy..."
If you don't see the menu, it probably means that too many folks are viewing the document.
Try again later :)

Step 1. Fill up some basic information below. As in litterally, the cells below.

Agent cmchance
Faction Resistance
Started 7/20/2013 NOTE: This should be the day you actually started playing Ingress on your current account.
If you don't know, do your best to guess. This date is actually pretty important in order to
calculate rates to approximate the ETAs in this tracker.

Step 2. Basic stats

Open your scanner and go to to your all time stats (OPS ➤ AGENT ➤ ALL TIME).
You will then have to overwrite the current stats with your own on the STATS SHEET, starti
1. Hit Ctrl + ; to insert today's date on K2. You can also manually type in the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY
2. Type your current AP on K3
3. Type your stat numbers (from the ALL TIME tab)

PRO-TIP: currently, only the bolded items are used but keeping a record of everything might
help in the future).

Step 3. Advanced stats

In order to refine the ETA for unlocking the next item, I recommend that you do the following
1. Fill in the Manual Override columns G and J in the STATS SHEET
DON'T type in an estimated AP though. There is a formula in this cell to estimate it. This formual is not exact, but it is a better estimate than guessing.
However, it doesn't take into account enemy portal hacks, photo submissions and portal edits (it does factor in AP for portal submissions though), mods
deployed, or the difference between resonators upgraded and new resonators deployed (it does however take use an average of the two point values for each).

2. Regularly add new ALL TIME stats by inserting a column to the left of "Insert left" colum
3. When you have a week worth of ALL TIME stats, delete all the data in the manual override WEEK data and right click the J column and select "Hide Column"
4. When you have a month worth of ALL TIME stats, delete all the data in the manual override MONTH data and right click the G column and select "Hide Column"
NOTE: When you begin allowing auto compute to take over, you will see some of your weekly and monthly stats that will have strange values. This is because
there are difference formulas in these cells and they're taking the difference of two different values on two different dates. Ignore this. It still computes fine.

PRO-TIP: Column C is a graph of your data over time. Use this mini graph for each stat to
find typos. For example, if there is a dip in the Resonators Deployed mini graph, you know
there is a typo somewhere because you can never have this stat go down.

What do I do if this is a new version I'm trying to use?

So you just had someone share an updated version of this tracker - how do you get all your sta

1. Save this new version as a copy to your Google Drive (instructions above).
2. Go to the "Stats" page and right-click the "L" heading of column L and select "Insert 1 left"
3. Keep doing this until you have enough columns to copy and paste all your data from your old tracker.
PRO-TIP: After you insert a couple columns, you can then select multiple columns UP TO BUT NOT
INCLUDING THE LAST COLUMN and then right-click and select "Insert # left" in order to insert multiple
columns at a time and speed things up. The column with "Insert Left" MUST remain the last column though.

4. Open your old tracker and highlight and copy all the dated columns of all time stats and paste them into the newly created columns in the new tracker.
5. Begin using the new tracker just as you would have with the previous tracker.

How do I read the dashboard?

Unlocked items: indicated by a yellow vertical stick
Locked items:
1. Your progress is indicated by a thin line underneath the required threshold
2. An estimation of how long this is gonna take is shown in the "ETA to next" column
3. The smaller text in the "ETA to next" column is a computed minimum and maximum time to obtain. The large text is the best estimate.
4. The gold/yellow bars next to values indicate that you have achieved up to this point or level.
5. The second section shows what requirements you have attained for each rank. Gold lettering for levels, gold bars for badges, and gold "GOT AP" indicate what has been achieved.
6. The third section indicated what you need to complete in order to obtain the next rank.

Do I edit anything on the dashboard?

No! The Dashboard sheet is 100% computed automatically by the data that you enter on the Stats sheet.

How accurate is this?

It depends on the item you are looking at. For instance, Guardian has a huge luck factor built
in. Similarly unique counts and portal submissions are not really predictable.

Who made this? Can I modify it?

Who made this:

Agent LeKeno with shout out to xr4ti@ and bmoross@

Faction Resistance

Who last edited the version you're using:

Agent cmchance
Faction Resistance
Date Edited 5/28/2014

Can I modify this?

Yes, you can modify this into your own thing. A mention or link to the original and/or its
author is appreciated but not required.
Badge Description Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Black My stats ETA to next My Badges Date 5/28/2014
Explorer Unique Portals Visited 100 1,000 2,000 10,000 30,000 1,160 1.7m 1.5m ↗ 4.9m Agent cmchance
Seer Portals Discovered 10 50 200 500 5,000 47 12d 11d ↗ 13d Faction Resistance
Hacker Hacks 2,000 10,000 30,000 100,000 200,000 14,824 6.7m 4.3m ↗ 9.3m Started 7/20/2013
Builder Resonators Deployed 2,000 10,000 30,000 100,000 200,000 9,845 3d 2d ↗ 3d AP 5,299,635
7.1m ↗
Connector Links Created 50 1,000 5,000 25,000 100,000 1,832 8.6m 11.6m

Mind Controller Control Fields Created 100 500 2,000 10,000 40,000 863 5.8m 4.8m ↗ 8.8m

Recharger XM Recharged 100,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000 25,000,000 16,554,237 6.4m 4.8m ↗ 8.3m

Liberator Portals Captured 100 1,000 5,000 15,000 40,000 958 6d 5d ↗ 9d

Pioneer Unique Portals Capture 20 200 1,000 5,000 20,000 613 4.2m 1.7m ↗ 4.2m

Purifier Resonators Destroyed 2,000 10,000 30,000 100,000 300,000 6,863 3m 2.4m ↗ 3.5m

Guardian Max Time Portal Held 3 10 20 90 150 194

Level Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Black AP

L9 4 1 2,400,000! GOT AP

L10 5 2 4,000,000! GOT AP

11 6 4 6,000,000 27d 20d ↗ 1.3m

12 7 6 8,400,000 3.8m 2.9m ↗ 5.9m

13 7 1 12,000,000 8.3m 6.3m ↗ 1.1y

14 2 17,000,000 1.2y 11m ↗ 1.9y

15 3 24,000,000 2y 1.5y ↗ 3y

16 4 2 40,000,000 3.6y 3.6y ↗ 3.6y Date:

Stats summary 4 5 0 1 1 5,299,635 Date:

tally 11 7 2 2 1

In order to obtain level 11

You need to earn the following:
700,365 AP
0 Silver Medals
2 Gold Medals
Resistance Latest Month Week
My stats Description 5/28/2014 auto manual override auto manual override 5/28/2014 Insert left
AP Action Points 5,299,635 1,061,674 1,061,674 170,624 170,624 5,299,635
Unique Portals Visited 1,160 499 499 128 128 1,160
Discovery Portals Discovered 47 7 7 2 2 47
XM Collected 56,017,461 19,797,56 19,797,56 437,917 437,917 56,017,461
Hacks 14,824 3,556 3,556 370 370 14,824
Resonators Deployed 9,845 2,054 2,054 355 355 9,845
Links Created 1,832 447 447 79 79 1,832
Control Fields Created 863 236 236 43 43 863
Mind Units Captured 10,896,742 10,574,43 10,574,43 2,980 2,980 10,896,742
Longest Link Ever Created 301 301 301 74 74 301
Largest Control Field 3,521,089 3,521,089 3,521,089 944 944 3,521,089
XM Recharged 16,554,237 4,521,539 4,521,539 597,303 597,303 16,554,237
Portals Captured 958 268 268 47 47 958
Unique Portals Captured 613 231 231 46 46 613
Resonators Destroyed 6,863 1,334 1,334 202 202 6,863
Portals Neutralized 885 183 183 33 33 885
Enemy Links Destroyed 1,400 264 264 27 27 1400
Enemy Control Fields Destroye 685 128 128 9 9 685
Health Distance Walked 727 165 165 16 16 727
Max Time Portal Held 194 195 195 195 195 194
Max Time Link Maintained 126 64 64 53 53 126
Defense Max Time Link Length x Days 995 316 316 140 140 995
Max Time Field Held 110 45 45 45 45 110
Largest Field MUs x Days 45639 14,160 14160 5,463 5463 45639

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