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Nama : Silvia Nisa Amalia

NIM : 2398010961

Rombel : 7 PGSD

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Tugas : Eksplorasi Konsep Point 2 Topik 5

Worksheet 5.3

Setelah mengamati video singkat mengenai bagaimana classroom language digunakan

dalam pembelajaran di SD, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini:

1. Bagaimana guru membuka dan menutup pembelajaran? Kata-kata apa yang

digunakan selama proses membuka dan menutup pembelajaran?
When opening and closing a lesson, teachers usually use certain words or sentences to
create a conducive atmosphere for students. Here are some examples of frequently used
❖ Opening learning:
a. "Good morning/afternoon, children. Today we will learn about..."
b. "Let's start today's lesson by praying first."
c. "Before we start, do you have any questions regarding the previous lesson?"
d. "Who is ready to learn today?"
❖ Closing learning:
a. "Okay, kids. Today's lesson is over."
b. "We have come to the end of today's lesson. Do you have anything to ask?"
c. "Before we end, does anyone want to convey the conclusion of what we learned
d. "Let's close today's lesson by praying together."
e. "Don't forget to do the homework I gave you. See you later."
2. Bagaimana guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran?
Kata-kata apa yang digunakan selama proses penyampaian instruksi?
In delivering activity instructions during the learning process, teachers usually use words
or sentences that are clear, short, and easy for students to understand. Here are some
examples of frequently used words:
❖ Give instructions:
a. "Now, open your books to the page..."
b. "First of all, take the scissors and glue on your table."
c. "Next, write the answer to question number 1 in the practice book."
d. "Do this task individually/in pairs/in groups."
e. "Pay close attention to the instructions I give you."
❖ Request students' attention:
a. "Children, please pay attention to my explanation carefully."
b. "Everyone, listen carefully to the instructions I am about to convey."
c. "Before we start, does anyone have any questions regarding the instructions I
❖ Provide examples:
a. "For example, if you are asked to make a report, the structure of the report is..."
b. "This is an example of how to do question number 2."
c. "Just watch how I do these steps."
❖ Ensure understanding:
a. "Is everything clear with the instructions I gave?"
b. "Is anyone still confused about what you should do?"
c. "Try explaining again what you have to do."

3. Apakah terdapat penyampaian classroom rules untuk mendisiplinkan siswa dalam

situasi tersebut? Jika ada, kata-kata apa yang guru gunakan saat
In managing the class and disciplining students, teachers often convey class rules or
classroom rules. The delivery of these rules aims to create a conducive and disciplined
learning environment. The following are some examples of words commonly used by
teachers when conveying classroom rules:
❖ Introducing class rules:
a. "As students in this class, we need to follow some mutually agreed upon rules."
b. "To ensure that the learning atmosphere remains conducive, let's obey the following
❖ Explain the importance of rules:
a. "These rules are there to maintain order and safety for all of us."
b. "By obeying the rules, we can learn more effectively and comfortably."
❖ Communicate the rules positively:
a. "Let's start with the first rule, which is to respect each other's opinions."
b. "We'll be more focused if we don't interrupt each other when other people are
❖ Remind the consequences of breaking the rules:
a. "If anyone breaks the rules, there will be consequences to face."
b. "I believe that all of you can be responsible students and obey the rules that have
been set."
❖ Encourage student participation:
a. "Does anyone want to add any other rules that you think need to be implemented in
this class?"
b. "Let's work together to maintain togetherness and discipline in this class."

4. Apakah terdapat penyampaian umpan balik dalam situasi tersebut? Jika ada, kata-
kata apa yang guru gunakan saat menyampaikan umpan balik?
Providing feedback to students is an important part of the learning process. Good feedback
can help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide direction
for future improvement. Here are some examples of words that teachers often use when
giving feedback to students:
❖ Positive Feedback:
a. "What a great job you did in completing this assignment!"
b. "I am happy to see the progress you are showing in this lesson."
c. "You are very thorough in answering these difficult questions."
❖ Constructive Feedback:
a. "Maybe you could try another approach to solving this problem."
b. "Try to be more focused when doing assignments so that the results will be better."
c. "Pay attention to the mistakes you make and try to correct them the next time."
❖ Encouraging Feedback:
a. "Let's continue to increase your efforts, I'm sure you can achieve even better results."
b. "Don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you don't understand, I'm here to help."
c. "I believe you have great potential, keep learning and growing."
❖ Specific Feedback:
a. "When you answer a question, try to explain it in more detail so that others can
understand it too."
b. "Pay attention to writing capital letters so that your writing is neater and easier to
c. "You have taken the right steps, but you need to pay attention to small details so that
the results are more perfect."

5. Apakah Saudara akan menyampaikan classroom language yang sama dalam situasi-
situasi tersebut? Jelaskan alasannya!
I will tend to use the same classroom language in these situations, with adjustments to suit
the needs and context of the class. This is because using consistent and clear words helps
create a structured and conducive learning environment. However, I would too consider
student characteristics and specific classroom situations to adapt my delivery style to be
more effective and appropriate to their needs. With Thus, consistent but flexible use of
classroom language is possible helps build good relationships between teachers and
students and supports effective learning process.

6. Bagianmana yang akan Saudara ubah? Bagaimana?

If there was any part I would change, it would probably be related to variations in
delivering classroom language according to needs and level student understanding. I will
make sure to convey any instructions or rules class with more detail or simpler if necessary,
depending on complexity of material or characteristics of students in the class. Besides, I
would too provide feedback more specifically and individually, adjusting wording and
tonation according to each student's needs to ensure a deeper message effectively conveyed
and understood. This will help create an environment inclusive learning and supporting
student diversity in the classroom.

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