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Teban: (not understanding) Eh? What’s that ma’am? If I loss….. He…..

Kulas: What! What! This is becoming very complicated teban, were you in the cockpit a while
Teban: Yes sir
Kulas: What did you do?
Teban: I bet, sir,
Kulas: Ah, You bet! Where did you steal the money?
Teban: From Aling Celing, sir
Kulas: What? You stole from Aling Celing?
Teban: Er….no sir, Aling Celing ordered me to bet sir.
Kulas: (To celing) Ah! So you are preventing me from cockfighting but you are betting secretly
yourself, eh?
Sioning: No, Kulas. Celing just bet on you cock’s opponent.
Kulas: (To celing) Ah, and you even go against me, eh?
Celing: Don’t get mad, Kulas. I bet on the other cock so that even if you lose, we won’t lose
Kulas: You mean, even if my cock wins, we really don’t win anything?
Sioning: Of course, and vice versa. Very clever.
Kulas: So I have been wasting gargled water and smoke and a lot of fondling on my cocks. I was
a fool who –
Celing: Wait a minute. Let’s find out first what happened to our twenty pesos. Teban, where did
you put the money?
Teban: Well, er….
Kulas: Wait a minute, Celing. Teban really lost.
Celing: And your cock won?
Kulas: Yes.
Celing: Then give me the money!
Kulas: No, Celing. Because I lost too
Celing: You won, but you lost?
Kulas: Yes. You see I also bet on the other cock
Sioning: Dear me, what a confusing mess!
Celing: (To kulas.) You bet on your opponent?
Kulas: Yes, You see, I lamed my cock so it had no chance to win. Then I bet on the other rooster.
But the moment I put down my cock the other cock turned about face and run away! So my
cock won by default and I – well, lost
Celing: Ah, so you wanted to cheat, eh? Well, you certainly hit your own head with a stone…
(She laughs.)

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