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Sessional Planning of Therapeutic Intervention.

1. Assessment and Rapport building (Session 1-2)

● Assessment:

Gather information about the client's symptoms, triggers, and compulsive

● Building rapport:

Establish a warm and empathetic therapeutic relationship.

2. Psychoeducation and Goal setting (Session 3-4)

● Psycho-education:

Educate the client about the nature of OCD, including the cycle of obsessions
and compulsions.
Discuss the cognitive model of OCD, emphasizing the role of distorted
● Goals setting :

Establish goals for therapy and collaboratively create a treatment plan.

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques (Session 5-6):

Introduce mindfulness practices to help clients observe their thoughts without

Teach relaxation techniques to manage anxiety.
4. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) (Session 7-12 and ongoing):

Gradually expose the client to anxiety-provoking situations or triggers.

Encourage them to resist engaging in compulsive behaviors (response
5. Cognitive Restructuring (Session 13-16):

Identify and challenge distorted thoughts related to obsessions.

Introduce alternative, more balanced thoughts.
6. Problem-Solving and Coping Skills (Session 17-20):

Develop effective problem-solving strategies.

Teach adaptive coping skills for managing stress and anxiety.
7. Relapse Prevention (Session 21-24):

Review progress and identify potential challenges.

Develop a plan for maintaining gains and preventing relapse.
8. Closure and Follow-up (Final sessions):

Summarize the client's progress and achievements.

Discuss any remaining concerns or future goals.
Establish a plan for ongoing self-help and support.

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