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Bedayia International School

HS Math Department
Academic year 2023-2024
Tri 2 Grade 12 Calculus

Creative Designs
Task Title: Glass Coverage Calculation for Architectural Design.
This task will assess your understanding of quadratic functions, linear equations,
integration, and the application of mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.

Task Description: You are an aspiring architect tasked with designing a window for a modern
building. The window shape is defined by a parabola and a line. Your goal is to calculate the
amount of glass needed to cover this window.

The parabola is represented by the equation: y=x 2, and the line by y=x +6 . Both the parabola
and the line intersect at two points A and B, forming a region called a Parabolic Segment.

LEVEL 1-2:
1. Identify the points of intersection (A and b) between the parabola and the line.

2. Determine the integral bounds for the region enclosed by the parabola and the line.

3. Set up and evaluate the integral to find the area of the region.

Use the calculated area to determine the amount of glass needed, assuming the glass covers
the entire region.

During the installation of the glass, the workers needed to add a bolt to fix the glass window
on the façade, this bolt must be on a certain position (Point C) on the curve, such that its x-
value is halfway the x-values of points A and B.

LEVEL 3-4:
1. Graph the two functions on the same x-y plane, label Points A and B, then shade the region
bounded by the two graphs.

2. Find the coordinates of point C on the curve.

3. Using Coordinate Geometry, calculate the area of triangle ACD.

The quality Control department in your company needed to verify the area of the window
before purchasing the glass sheets, they did their research to find other mathematical
methods to calculate the area of triangle ABC, and the area of the Parabolic Segment. They
Bedayia International School
HS Math Department
Academic year 2023-2024
Tri 2 Grade 12 Calculus

found that the historian mathematician Archimedes showed that the area of the Parabolic
Segment is of the area of the triangle ABC.

LEVEL 5-6:
1. What other methods are available to calculate the area of the triangle?

2. Verify that Archimedes' result is correct for this parabolic segment.

3. Research Egyptian Glass Companies, then choose a specific glass type, providing a
justification of your selection taking into consideration the sustainable finance factors.
Then calculate the total cost of this window.

LEVEL 7-8:
1. Write and graph two new functions to show that this result is true for any parabola and
for any starting points A and B on the parabola.

2. Verify that Archimedes' result is correct for this parabolic segment.

Creativity - BONUS:
Draw the facade of the building, paying attention to architectural elements such as doors,
windows, and any decorative features.
Integrate the parabolic segment glass window into the elevation.
Present your sketch neatly, either digitally or on paper, and be ready to briefly explain the
mathematical aspects during presentation.

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