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Doing work before school (bus etc)

2. Being disciplined, forcing yourself to form a routine
3. Use your time in school wisely
4 . Work only on one task for one block of time without any kind of distraction .

5. Use english

a)Reschedule homework: Do your homework before school when you are more alert
and have less stress.

b)Discipline yourself: Imagine being forced to do homework, you would do it, so tap
into that ability.

c)Reflect on study needs: If you study after an 8-hour school day, you might not be
using school time effectively. (in boring/useless classes do sth useful)

+ Bonus tips include power naps(try nsdr instead of taking naps), use dark
noise/binaural beats when sleeping) , exercise/Empower your body (exercise &
breath) , sunlight, and using weekends for studying.

- Rule 1: if it takes 2 minutes to do, get it done now

- Rule 2: if there’s something you don’t want to do, simplify the task to 2
minutes or less

Feynman technique

1. Take a piece of paper and write the concept's name at the Top.
2. Explain the concept using Simple Language.
3. Identify problem areas, then go back to the sources to review.
4. Pinpoint any complicated terms and challenge yourself to simplify them.

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