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Romeo and juliet

Narrators: Salome, violeta and candelo

Romeo Montague : Sophia
Juliet Capulet : isabella
Extra: Candelo

1. Salome* Welcome to our play about the sad love story of Romeo and Juliet.
2. Violeta* Two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been enemies for a
long time. But in the middle of their fighting, Romeo and Juliet fall in love.
3. Salome* In the city of Verona, where our story takes place, we meet Romeo
4. **violeta ** And in the Capulet house lives Juliet, the other main character in our
5. **Sophia :** Oh my, I want to find true love away from our families’ fighting.
6. **Isa* What will happen to me, stuck in this place with all these rules?
7. **salome :** Romeo and Juliet meet at a party, and it’s love at first sight.
8. **violeta ** But their families don’t like each other, so their love is forbidden.
9. **Candelo* : Stop, young lovers! Thou love shall only cause trouble.
10. **Salome :** With the help of their friends, Romeo and Juliet make a plan to be
together secretly.
11. **violeta:** But even though they love each other a lot, they can’t escape their sad
12. Candelo: Because they didn’t know Juliet was engaged to another man.
13. Violeta: So Juliet talked to a friend named Friar to make a plan.
14. Candelo: Friar’s plan was for Juliet to pretend she was dead with a sleeping potion.
15. Isa: (drinking the potion) I trust you, Friar. Please, let this work.
16. Candelo: Juliet is buried in the Capulet family tomb.
17. Salome: Meanwhile, Romeo didn’t know about the plan.
18. Violeta: Thinking Juliet was dead, Romeo becomes sad.
19. Sophia: (crying) I can’t live without you, Juliet!
20. Sal: Romeo gets poison and goes to Juliet’s tomb.
Feeling very sad, Romeo drinks the poison and dies next to Juliet’s body.
21. Candelo: Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead beside her.
22. Isabela: (seeing Romeo) No! This can’t be!
23. Candelo: Sad, Juliet takes Romeo’s dagger and stabs herself.
24. Soph: The play ends with a feeling of sadness but also a new hope for peace

Lineas de isabella: 3
Lineas de Karen: 6
Lineas de salo: 6
Lineas de sophia: 3
Líneas de violeta: 6

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