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T- I'll start by explaining what EMDR is and how does it work.

When a T event
occurs, memories can remain of this event in the form of sounds, emotions,
feelings, body sensations. EMDR can activate information and help the brain
process that experience. The process resembles a phase of REM sleep, during
which we directly see dreams. The eye movement or patting we use helps to
process this unconscious material.
And it is your own brain, under your own control, that processes all this
information. During processing, your task is simply to observe what is happening.
We start the process and help the mind itself to recover. As if you are riding a train
and watching the landscape out of the window, and you will be observing the
images, thoughts, emotions, sensations in the body. Your task is simply to observe
them. Or it's like when you're watching a movie on a screen and you know the
content of that movie, but you don't know what the next specific moment will be.
Now let's decide how we will conduct stimulation. We can, as usual, follow the
movement of the hand and you will follow-move with your eyes. Or you can pat it
here, like that.
K- probably as usual.
T-movement of the hand?
K-yes, follow my fingers.
T-ok, then let's define the distance and the height.
K- that's normal.
T- ok. and not higher, not lower, not closer?
T- Good.
During the session, we will check your status. Sometimes there will be changes,
sometimes not. There is no "have to" in this process. Your task is simply to trust
the process. As it goes, so it goes.
What else is important to us - I will ask questions and expect short answers from
you. Let your mind take care of itself.
And one moment. If suddenly you will decide that you cannot continue and you
want to stop the process, just raise your hand and I will understand that this is a
And something else, before we get started, remember your "safe place."
Let's enhance, fix with a butterfly this feeling of calm, of safety
Okay, well, and now we are going directly to the memory.
And today we will work out the situation that is connected to you and your brother
when he fell down into the hatch. Yes?
Tell me, please.
K- we were walking in the yard with the kids outside as usual, at the usual
location, that is, nothing new. There is a hatch - well, nothing extraordinary.
Usually we do not pay attention to it. And here it is closed lid, but not welded, as it
should. I do not know may have repaired the day before.
T -yes.
K- and he just stood on the hatch and I turned around, watching how he was
standing on the hatch, and in a split second he just rolled over, and it closed behind
him and that's it, he was gone. I was so scared at that moment exactly .. did not run
to him, did not try to open it, did not check what was there, I ran to my parents'
house at once. Called for parents, frightened them all. I said that everything is
awful - Misha is dying

T -yes
K- parents also ran out. They got nervous. Until we got to this place, that is in a
minute, and we had to run some more.
T -yes
K- Getting out of the house. Other children have already pulled Misha out of the
hatch, and there he was not injured much.
T -yes. How old were you?
K-me ?, well, around 8, 7-8 years old
T -yes. And Misha?
K- well, he was 2-3 years old
T -yes. Very small, wasn`t he?
K- yes
T- so. And when you remember this situation, when now you have an image, a
picture of this event, what do you think of this incident? What words arise in your
K- well, I'm not trustworthy.
T- yes. I'm not trustworthy. Аnd when you think back to that image, what's the
worst moment in that situation?
K- I don't even know. Here are somehow two on equal footing: when Misha falls
and when my parents, when I say that mom-dad Misha is dying.
yes. Let's just focus on one today. choose.
C- I guess when I tell my parents that, their reaction is this strong, abrupt,
emotional reaction. That's probably it.
T- yes
C- more so now, when I think back. That incident is over, Misha is alive. And my
parents were really scared. That's not how it turned out.
T- yes
К- scary. I told them this, I guess.
T- yes. Then here's looking at this situation, this worst moment. Mm-hmm. And
when you look at this worst moment right now, what negative thoughts about
yourself do you have?
C- I don't know... I'm kind of stupid, I should have made sure, looked at it. First
maybe go to Misha there, and I immediately ran to call my parents. I mean I'm not
trustworthy because they trusted me with Misha.
yes I'm not trustworthy... I don't know. These are my thoughts.
T- how would you like to think of yourself now instead of "I am not trustworthy"?
looking at that situation
C- I am trustworthy after all. You can trust me.
T- yes. I'm trustworthy. I can be trusted, right?
C- yes.
T- and how many points is that statement true I can be trusted on a scale of 1 to 7,
where 1 is not true and 7 is absolutely true now.
К -3.
T -yes. So. And when you look at the picture of what is happening, the worst
moment, with the thought of myself that I am not trustworthy, what emotions do
you have now?
K-well, anxiety
T -yes. Anxiety. And if you measure this anxiety on a scale from 0 to 10, this is the
internal tension, which is, where 0 is no tension, and 10 is the maximum that you
can imagine, then by how many points?
К -8
T- now, yes?
H- yes
T-well. And where in your body do you feel this anxiety?
K- well, in the chest, right here, belly, in the chest. Somehow everywhere.
T -yes
K - slightly in the shoulders.
T-well. Now, please, look at this whole situation again - the worst moment in this
situation, with the words-thoughts about myself that I am not trustworthy and at
the same time you feel anxiety of 8 points and with sensations in the body in the
chest, in the stomach , a little in the shoulders.
Get in touch with that, and when you're ready, watch my fingers.
T -yes. So. Ok. Yes. ok. Breathe in. and exhale. What now?
K - a little calmer.
T- be with it. Yes. So. Yes. Yes. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- the same.
T- be with it. Yes. So. Yes. OK. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K - it became calmer in the body, not completely, but calmer. And the recollection
is a little - as if I had become farther from him. Scrolls.
T -yes.
K- farther away.
T-well. Be with it. Yes. So. Yes. So. Yes. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K - calmer and the memory is farther and hazy there.
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. So. Yes. Yes. So. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- becomes even more vague.
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. ok. Yes. Yes. OK. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- more small moments from this recollection were recalled. That is, after the
moment when we walked to this place with our parents, we ran.
T -yes.
К-To this hatch, this is now remembered, now here
T- and?
K- The parents were emotional, nervous, ran out without shoes, ran down the street
T- be with this. Yes. so. Yes. ok. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- it becomes calmer. I feel calm.
T -yes. calmly?
K - just a little bit here is the tension.
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. So. Yes. So. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- it is more and more obscured somehow. This very worst moment is very far
T-well. Return again to the original situation. What we started with. What now?
K- when I came back here there was quite a bit of anxiety.
T- so be with it. And watch your fingers. Yes. So. Yes. Yes. Breathe in. And
exhale. What now?
K- now there is less anxiety
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. So. Yes. So. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- now it is all very vague again, there in scraps. There is no complete picture.
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. So. Yes. So. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K - the anxiety is completely gone
T -yes, so.
K-and the memories are still vague, in scraps.
T - yeah. Be with it. Yes. So. OK. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- here it is, somehow, I can't concentrate on it
T -yes, OK. Return again to the original situation. What we started with. What
K- it was harder to remember now. Somehow a little covered with a veil. Anxiety
does not appear here, as last time. Calmly
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. ок. Yes. Yes. OK. Breathe. And exhale. What now?
K- also. Calm and it is covered with a veil
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. OK. OK. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- the same.
T- also calm?
K- calmly, yes
T- and memories?
K-they are somehow very distant. I do not know
T -yes. If you return to the original situation, What we started with, what now?
K - it is also covered with a veil and there are no these emotions that were
T -yes. Be with it. So. Yes. OK. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- also calmly and also in tony and move away even more and more, move away
even more with scraps of steel, move away.
T- Be with it. Yes. OK. Yes. OK. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K- here, in general, quite a bit, scraps, everything.
T- Be with it. OK. Yes. So. Breathe in. And exhale. What now?
K - well, here it is again, that is, it is almost absent at all. These memories are
somewhere very far away and it is very clouded, in small fragments of some kind,
as pictures emerge. There is no such integral image.
T- Return again to the original situation. What we started with. What now?
K- calmly. There it is again foggy, difficult to remember, not the way it was
originally. That is, it somehow became covered with a veil, as if in some kind of
fog. There are no those emotions. I can see how my parents were worried then, but
I'm calm now.
T -yes. How much now, if we look at this whole situation, you have emotional
stress from 0 to 10, where 0 is no stress, and 10 is the maximum that you can
imagine. How long is it now?
K- 0
T -yes. Be with it. Yes. So. So. Breathe in. And exhale. Yes. So.
And further. So. Yes. Breathe in. And exhale. Yes. Like now?
K- foggy in the head
T- is it calm?
T- if now you put those words “I can be trusted” on the remnants of your
memories, they still fit, are they still relevant? Or are there some more appropriate
K- there are no others. You can trust me!
T -yes.
T- how true are they from 1 to 7, 1- incorrect, and 7- absolutely correct?
k- 7.
T -yes. Put the words “I can be trusted” on the remnants of your memories, connect
with positive sensations in the body. And watch my fingers
Yes. Yes. so. Breathe in. And further. You can trust me. Yes. Breathe.
Like now? How true are the words “I can be trusted” now?
K- also.
T- on 7?
T -yes. Now, please close your eyes and scan your body from the top of your head
to the tips of your toes. How would you inspect everything with your inner eye,
maybe there is some kind of tension somewhere? Then tell me where. Or what an
uncomfortable feeling. How do you feel?
K - calmly, relaxed.
T -yes. Be with it. yes. and again. Breathe in.
How are you now?
K - even a little sleepy.
T- are you comfortable?
K- yes
T- ok. You are a doing great! You have done very good work today. We have
revised one more of your memories today. I want to remind you that the process
can continue. Perhaps there will be some discoveries, dreams, thoughts may
appear, but maybe not. And if so, please write it down in your diary and we will
talk about it at the next meeting.
H- yes
T- do you have any questions, comments?
K- no. it`s okay.

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