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Reflection Paper

Maddie M. Smith

Georgia College & State University

KINS 4306

Dr. Ernie K

April 14, 2024


My name is Maddie Smith, a Public Health senior at Georgia College & State University.

During the entirety of my spring semester, I have interned at Magnolia Medical Group (MMG)

in Greensboro, Georgia. Through my time at MMG I worked as a Medical Assistant and

Research Intern. I worked under the office manager, Shanea Harwell, and the Nurse Practitioner,

Chelsea Lewis. Magnolia Medical Group operates as a fully integrated healthcare practice

offering medical, aesthetic, chiropractic, and physical therapy services. Their team consists of

board-certified doctors who provide a comprehensive range of traditional and innovative

regenerative medicine treatments. These services include trigger point therapy, nutritional

counseling, medically supervised weight loss programs, amniotic regenerative cell and biologic

treatments, as well as platelet-rich plasma injections. I spent most of my time observing the

weight loss programs, however, I was involved in every single service throughout my internship.

The overall goal of Magnolia Medical Group is to offer integrated healthcare that will benefit a

patient in multiple different aspects. The convivence of having various services tailored to

different treatments and aspects of care sets MMG apart from other establishments.

Description of Experience

As an intern at MMG, my main role was comparable to a Medical Assistant. One of the

focal points of my internship was learning the intricacies of administering shots to patients;

SubQ (subcutaneous) and Intramuscular (IM) injections. The SubQ method involves injecting

medication into the fatty tissue just beneath the skin. The precision required in locating the

appropriate subcutaneous tissue and the importance of angle and depth have been critical aspects

of this skill set. The SubQ injections that I administered to patients were allergy shots and

Tirzepatide. Tirzepatide is a peptide-based compound developed to support weight loss by

regulating appetite and metabolism, aiding in the reduction of body fat. As for Intramuscular

(IM) injections, it differs from SubQ because it involves injecting medication directly into the

muscle tissue, requiring a different approach in terms of needle insertion and depth. I had a larger

range of medications that I administered intramuscularly, including B-12 shots and testosterone.

Understanding the proper technique and mastering the art of administering SubQ and IM shots

was a pivotal aspect of my learning at MMG.

In addition to administering injections, I also assisted with the insertion of hormonal

pellets used in pellet therapy. During this procedure, I was responsible for maintaining a sterile

environment by holding the Lidocaine bottle for Chelsea to draw up for numbing and ensuring

the placement of the physical pellets into a sterile container. Aside from pellets, I set patients up

on our E-Stim device. Electrical stimulation (E-Stim) is a therapeutic technique that uses

controlled electrical pulses delivered through electrodes to stimulate muscles, aiding in pain

relief, muscle strengthening, and tissue healing. Patients typically go to the E-Stim after

chiropractic treatment, and that is when I would hook them up to the machine using four

different electrode stickers. `Aside from my other duties, I had more simple responsibilities

which included taking patients’ weight and blood pressure before routine weight loss procedures.

I loved being able to be hands-on with patients throughout my various responsibilities,

which was one of the best parts of my internship! I will never forget drawing blood for the first

time, and the thrill I felt after successfully completing it; it was truly rewarding. Additionally,

one of the best parts of my internship was making an impact on patients’ lives. One remarkable

experience involved shadowing micro needling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) on a patient

who had undergone a double mastectomy. Micro needling, coupled with PRP, is not only a

cosmetic intervention but also a therapeutic approach, promoting skin rejuvenation and
enhancing the overall well-being of the patient. The patient was receiving micro needling over

her scars so that they could become smooth enough to get synthetic nipples. As a ZTA, I have

worked directly with breast cancer education and awareness, so this procedure and patient left a

special impact on my heart.

Although I was able to do plenty of hands-on tasks with patients, I wish I could have

done more. I became eager to do new things that Chelsea and Shanea were doing, but I simply do

not have the qualifications and education requirements to do so. On the contrary, while I was

able to do plenty of amazing things that contributed to my great experience at MMG, I did

struggle in one aspect. As a woman, we are held to high standards that society has placed on us.

We must be skinny, pretty, smart, and overall, just perfect. With taking patients’ weight before

procedures, hearing comments that they made about their personal weight started to take a toll on

me. It made me sad that not only women, but also plenty of men, were shaming themselves

based on the number on the scale. Additionally, it affected me and my own perception of my

weight. I have heard several patients who were well under my current weight use terms such as

“fat,” “bad,” “terrible,” etc. I began to become insecure about my body and my weight because I

was surrounded by so much negativity on the scale. While I wish I could say that I never think

about my weight when I am around weight loss patients, that would be a lie. However, I have

taken a step back and learned to appreciate not only my own body and how it is, but also every

other body that enters our weight loss program. It is so easy to conform to society’s standards on

what is socially acceptable regarding weight, but each day I make an effort to eliminate that from

not only my mind set, but patients as well.

Perception and Evaluation of the Internship

My time at Magnolia Medical Group truly blew my expectations out of the water. I knew

going into my internship that it would be a great environment and learning opportunity since I

had a mutual connection with Shanea, which is how I landed the internship. Going into my

internship I knew I wanted to accomplish a few things: hands-on experience, general knowledge,

growth, networking, and personal relationships. However, it truly checked off every box for what

I desired in an internship, and then some more! As noted in my Description of Experience

section, I learned several practical and interactive skills that I would not have had the opportunity

to do elsewhere. Additionally, I gained a new “family.” I can confidently say that I will keep in

contact with a few of my coworkers, Shanea, Amber, and Chelsea, after my time at MMG. These

women not only instilled incredible healthcare knowledge to me, but they took me in and loved

me as one of their own. They guided me through each day with encouragement and love, and for

that I feel incredibly indebted to them. While these women were my friend, they were my

mentors first. They pushed me to my limits, and because of that I became a better healthcare

professional. When I had confidence issues and could not believe in myself to do a particular

procedure, they would not coddle me and take over; they made me do it. Chelsea, specifically,

taught me that I am capable of much more than I think, and she had confidence in me when I did

not even have it in myself. Shanea, my internship supervisor, was highly effective of my

supervision during the entirety of my internship. She was always with me when I was learning

new things, and she assigned me tasks to complete that she knew I could handle. Additionally,

Shanea always was effective in communication, ensuring clear guidance, feedback, and support

throughout my learning experience.

I could rave about Magnolia Medical Group all day and can confidently say that there is

absolutely nothing I would change about this internship site (expect maybe if it were a tad closer

to Milledgeville). I would highly recommend this internship sight to future Public Health seniors

that are interested in integrative healthcare. The student must have a drive for nursing, and must

be comfortable with blood, needles, procedures, etc. This internship is not just a cubicle job

where you sit and complete tasks at a desk all day. MMG is completely hands-on and offers both

interactive works along with computer work as well (i.e., pamphlets, flyers, marketing, etc.).

With these responsibilities in mind, it confirmed my aspirations to become a RN and work in

medical aesthetics.

Internship Preparedness

The Public Health program at Georgia College & State University is nothing short of

amazing, which is why I felt so prepared for my internship at Magnolia Medical Group. First and

foremost, the professors in this program were an incredible help in guiding us not only in the

classroom, but also as mentors in setting us up for our future. As for my preparedness, I felt most

prepared and confident in my general knowledge, thanks to courses in Anatomy/Physiology of

Human Movement and Medical Terminology that equipped me well for working in a healthcare

setting. The Determinants of Health course was extremely helpful by providing me with insights

into understanding diverse patients and meeting them where they are in their health journey.

Additionally, Women's Health and Human Sexuality offered valuable perspectives on societal

influences, especially regarding self-esteem and weight. The Health Promotion Program

Planning course was also crucial in helping me create my program plan on Allografts,

significantly aiding in the process. On the contrary, however, I found myself least confident in

my hands-on care abilities, which are more aligned with Nursing rather than Public Health, so
that is a factor that is not necessarily related to this evaluation. Looking forward, while

GCSU/School of Health and Human Performance already provides valuable resources such as

the Senior Seminar course and networking dinners, I believe there's room to enhance our

preparedness for real-life application of public health concepts and future employment by

expanding networking opportunities with professionals in the field.

Internship Performance

During my internship, I acquired valuable new skills and knowledge that significantly

contributed to my professional growth. One of the most notable developments was an increase in

self-confidence. While I already possessed strong interpersonal skills from my previous job as a

bartender during college, I learned how to further enhance these skills through interactions with

patients. Reflecting on my performance during the internship, I was highly satisfied with the

quality of work I delivered on projects assigned at MMG, such as creating marketing posts for

social media and developing brochures that are now actively used in the practice. However, I

believe there's room for improvement in terms of my presentation and project on Allograft, as I

felt I could have been more knowledgeable and prepared. Finally, looking ahead to life after

graduation, I recognize the need to continue working on certain areas to maximize my success.

One skill I aim to sharpen is time management, specifically addressing procrastination habits

that, although improved, still require further refinement. Additionally, I plan to focus on boosting

my confidence, as it plays a crucial role in performing well during interviews and executing tasks

to the best of my ability in professional settings. Despite the little things I have to work on, I am

very proud of myself.

Personal/Professional Insights/Benefits
My internship at Magnolia Medical Group has had a profound impact on my personal,

professional, and academic growth. On a personal level, I have grown as a woman, largely due to

the mentorship, love, and friendship extended to me by Shanea, Chelsea, and Amber. Their

support went beyond the workplace, with invitations to family dinners and visits to Taylor's Cove

where I worked on weekends. Their efforts truly fostered a nurturing environment that enriched

my personal life and had me eager to attend my internship daily. Professionally, the internship

has been transformative, equipping me with valuable skills in injections, assessments, and

overall medical office operations. While I continue to work on boosting my confidence, I have

made significant strides in this area and have also expanded my professional network by

connecting with fellow healthcare professionals and patients. Finally, academically, the

experience has broadened my knowledge across various healthcare domains, including hormone

therapy, trigger point therapy, nutritional counseling, medically supervised weight loss programs,

amniotic regenerative cell and biologic treatments, and platelet-rich plasma injections.

In terms of insights gained regarding the populations served by MMG, I have come to

understand that the majority of individuals we encounter are motivated to become the best

versions of themselves, seeking improvement in their health, appearance, and well-being. The

location of Magnolia Medical Group is crucial, considering it is in a wealthier part of Greensboro

by The Ritz. With this particular population and their high socioeconomic status, they make up

the majority of patients. While MMG provides exceptional care, it's essential to acknowledge

that not all populations have equal access to such healthcare services due to various social

determinants of health. This realization underscores the importance of addressing healthcare

disparities and advocating for equitable access to quality care for all.

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