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Amy, the Thai Tease

Chapter One

Dr. Robert Allyn walked quickly down the hall to his 8 am class. Not because he was
late, for he always arrived a few minutes early to be sure to start his class on time. He
enjoyed teaching and especially liked early classes, him buzzing from three cups of
coffee and half the class waking up to jolt of his lectures. Another thought putting spring
in his step was the image of the lovely young women who took his class. Faces fresh and
beautiful were always there, sometimes with the added bonus of sexy fashions.
Occasionally blouses with an extra button left undone or a top with a scoop neck cut a
little too low woke him up during his first-of-the-day class, but more often the thin or
tight fabrics revealed the shape of lacy bra.

"Women's liberation has won, at least here on campus. Why are the bras still around?
By all rights they should be in the dustbin of history," he thought, remembering the bra
burnings of the sixties. "But what we've lost up top, we've gained down below." Today's
fashions ran to short skirts and, the most popular, tight, thin leggings that looked sprayed
on. Watching young women walking in the halls or across the campus was a unique
pleasure that gave each day at work its own little fantasies.

This morning's class, however, had its own special attraction. While all classes had some
women with curvy legs or soft breasts or sensual lips, it was rare to find that perfect
fantasy woman who, wherever your eyes or imagination roamed, slipped past your
thinking, conscious mind and moved directly into the lair of animal reflex that grabs and
shakes the libio awake. Amy was one such woman. As Dr. Allyn entered the classroom
and greeted the early students, he noticed she hadn't yet arrived. Laying out his notes, he
found images of her flashing through his mind. Her face was fascinating; although she
came from Thailand, her features were a mix of Asian and European with eyes not quite
round, and a nose just bit broader than most. He wasn't sure if her dark brown hair was
natural or tinted to fit in better with the rest of the students. Her fair skin covered a soft,
lushly padded, petite body. Often she wore skirts, knee-length or shorter, that displayed
curved calves and soft thighs. This perfect hourglass shape was accented by a larger than
normal bust line. Two of her outfits in particular had low scooped necklines that showed
cleavage worthy of the finest pin-ups. Many times since the semester began, the good
doctor found himself at home, gripping his cum-smeared dick in pleasure as he ran
through every fantasy he had ever had, and some he didn't know he had, placing Amy in
the role of his personal succubus.

Amy walked into class just as he was about to start. His "Good morning" was returned
with a smile as she took a seat near the front of the room. Starting up his lecture, he
thought that today was a *good* day. The lovely Amy was wearing a neat charcoal-grey
jacket and matching short skirt that showed plenty of leg and a silvery scoop top with a
bra that pushed her bosoms up and together. As he talked, he tried not to look at her,
being uncomfortable with his feelings for her. He was afraid that his attraction to her
would show in front of the class. Either he would favor her with looks, or stumble in his
speech or find a bulge growing in his trousers, so he consciously avoided looking at her,
treating her seat as if it were empty.

But eventually he always felt that by totally avoiding her, he was being unfair to her as a
student, and this avoidance might in itself signal his fantasies. Today, as usual, this
unconscious game of "Do I? - Don't I?" played under the surface of his mind until his
eyes finally turned to her.

The first time, her head was down taking notes, so he moved his eyes from the tops of her
breasts peeking out of the shimmering silver top to her shapely legs and thighs visible
under the desk. The dark stockings she wore outlined the curve of her calves, and a lacy
pattern of interlocked diamonds and circles ran up the outside of each leg and thigh.
Unable to stare when in front of the class, he turned his gaze away. The next time he
looked, her head was up, and her dark brown eyes were looking into his, not looking
away as most other students did when his eyes found theirs. She must have noticed when
his eyes wandered down to the wide expanse of her full breasts and back to her face, but
never gave a sign.

Midway through the class, Bob gave a few questions for the students to work on using
concepts just discussed in class and walked around giving help and encouragement. At
Amy's desk, he saw an error and reached down with a pen to point it out. "Think about
this a little bit more," he said, looking down her blouse at tops of soft breasts with black
lace peeking up the sides and the smooth valley in between rather than the paper he was
pointing at.

Suddenly, his hand, inches from her breasts, jumped as if from an electric shock when her
hair slipped off her shoulder and fell across his knuckles and fingers as she turned her
head to look at him with a small smile and questioning eyes. He felt a wave of dizziness
and his vision flashed red as the sweet scent of her perfume suddenly filled the room. He
made some encouraging grunts in response to her look and walked back to sit at his desk,
the image of her breasts, the scent of her perfume and the soft, silky touch of her hair
rolling into a wave of arousal that he couldn't control. Sitting at his desk, his groin
swelling and throbbing, he stared at his notes, but his eyes were pulled to the place under
her desk where her crossed legs poured out of a skirt that reached only a quarter of the
way down her thighs and filled the dusky stockings that ended in shiny black heels.

Bob managed to finish the class by having the students present the solutions to the
problems, never calling on Amy. Focusing on other students, he gradually felt his body
cool down and his head clear. He did look at her once and got a smile and sparkling
eyes. He didn't look again. It was too dangerous; he felt out of control and dangerously
public. Never did he want his secret fantasies made public or even revealed to one

After class, the shaken doctor sat in his office, his mind, more calm now, turning the
images and feelings over, arousing him once more. Female students had always been a
side attraction, a hobby if you will. It had never interfered with his work or affected his
relationship with his students. But never ever had he been so completely overwhelmed
by one of his little fantasy objects in public.

He unzipped his trousers, brought out his rigid pole and began rubbing the swollen head
and stroking the shaft. He'd only done this at school once before, late in the day when
few people were around. The excitement of doing the forbidden and the novelty of the
place had attracted him before. This time he was reacting to something deep inside him
that needed release. He imagined stroking Amy's silky mane as her full lips were
wrapped around his cock, her tongue massaging the sensitive head. Pictures of her
breasts forming a tunnel for his hard rod, of her legs wrapped around his waist as they
joined together, of her jiggling ass being bathed in sperm, these and many images more
raced through his mind, emerging from past fantasies and being given power by the
contact he had had today, pushing him to orgasm.

Knock, knock, knock.

"What-! Who-who's there?" he said like a little kid caught by parents.

The latch snicked - he hadn't locked it!?! - And the door swung open. Closing the door
behind her, Amy clicked in on her heels, calves taut, kneecaps sliding, thighs flexing as
she walked towards the chair he kept on the opposite side of the desk for students. "Hi
Bob," she said beaming as she sat down. "I need to see you for a minute. Are you
busy?" Her voice was high, even a bit squeaky, but lent a little girl innocence to the
young woman. This sweet, soft voice often whispered encouragements and cried out
obscenities in Bob's fantasy sessions at home.

As soon as the door latch had clicked, Bob had rolled his chair forward, jamming his
stomach against the desk and effectively hiding his engorged member. Now, with Amy
seated, her angle of view was limited by the desk between them, and he could relax and
push back a bit. "Well," he said clearing his throat, "What's your problem?"

"I forgot to do part of my homework, and I want to turn it in now. Last night I got a call
from my girlfriend when I was answering the questions. We talked for one hour, and then
I studied my math. I forgot that I didn't finish your homework. Now I was looking at my
notes and I found this one. "She pulled out a piece of notebook paper with notes scribbled
on it and layed it down on the desk. "I want to copy it now and give it to you," she
finished, her eyes wide below straight cut bangs in a face framed by long, straight hair
running down to her chest.

"Oh, sure. I haven't even looked at the papers yet. Let's see..." Bob picked up the ragged
pile of papers on his desk and leafed through till he saw her name, "Amy," written in the
curlicue-filled hand that she'd learned at school in Thailand. "Here it is. Just add on what
you need to," he said handing her the paper across the desk. Amy slipped off her jacket,
fished a pencil out of her pocketbook and set to work.
Bob, on the other hand, now found his hand gripping something as hard as a pencil, but
quite a bit larger. He had wilted quickly when Amy walked in, but as soon as the
immediate danger of discovery had passed, he felt his stiffening penis bumping against
the cool metal of his desk. After passing her the paper, he had reached down to tuck it
between his legs. On touching his engorged member, a second wave of passion rolled
over him. His awareness was narrowed to his throbbing penis waving in the air under the
desk and the beautiful woman sitting across from him. As the world outside disappeared,
so did any control he had over the desire his heart pumped to his pounding brain and to
his twitching cock. His hand began stroking his cock rhythmically, bending at the wrist
only to keep the action secret.

Amy was sitting across from him; the chair sideways against the desk, her upper torso
twisted towards him and bent forwards writing. Although only the top edge of her legs
was visible, Bob had a good view of her tempting bosom. Nipples pushed out bumps on
the silvery top, and the jutting mounds of flesh tumbled slightly with the action of her
writing. Erasing produced a quivering in the flesh that fed heat to Bob's rigid penis and
began a building surge in his balls. He watched the curled ends of her hair brush back
and forth across the tops of her tits tracing patterns that his tongue longed to follow. He
stared at her cute lips covered in a bright pink lipstick, the lower lip full and pouting, the
upper a beautiful bow shape. As they pursed to ponder the spelling of a word, he
imagined brushing the head of his cock back and forth over them, smearing lipstick on
the shinny helmet. His breathing struggled to become deeper as pressure ran up from his
balls to his hard shaft bobbing in his hand a few inches below Amy's form, bent over her
work. In turn, he struggled to maintain an outward calm while the most incredible waves
of pleasure spread over his body. The more effort he put into remaining composed
outside, the stronger the urges created by his own stroking until any and every detail of
the sexy girl sitting three feet away made him want to leap up and writhe in masturbatory
passion in front of his student.

Then, Amy layed her pencil down with a click, and brought her hands up to her nipples.
Her thumbs pressed first one nub, then the other, and as they snapped back to attention
pushing the more insistently at the material of her top, she picked up the pencil and
continued her work, never raising her eyes to look at Bob.

The proud nipples coaxed out the cum that had been building in Bob since his first class.
The first spurting jet lanced straight for the cleft displayed by her low cut top, stopped
only the half inch of desktop between them. Surge after surge followed, Bob's gaze still
locked on the nubile Thai coed seated across from him.

After the heat had poured out of his body, Bob was left with a sticky mess cooling in his
lap and soaking into clothes - and a rising panic that set his heart pounding again. He had
just jerked off in front of a student! Tenure or no tenure, stuff like this could get him
fired. How could he possibly face her in class? What must she think of him? But,
incredibly, Amy continued writing as if she had noticed nothing.
Amy finished writing and put the papers on her lap. Then she opened her purse, dropped
the pencil in and reached for the stapler on Bob's desk. Again, her smile lit up the room,
her bright pink lips framing white teeth, and Bob was startled to find himself stirring
again. "Can I use this?" she asked while she stapled the sheets together and leaned across
the desk to stuff them into the middle of the pile of assignments sitting next to Bob. "I
don't want you to see it. I'm afraid it's not good."

Bob quickly snuggled himself against the edge of the desk. "Could she use this? She can
use more than that!" Bob thought, again looking at her gorgeous cleavage. But even as
the thought came to mind, consciousness of his dangerous position took charge. Keeping
his gooey right hand hidden in his lap, he replied, "I'm sure it's fine." This was certainly
true. Her grades were always among the top 5 or so in the class, but he hoped that she
didn't notice the quiver in his voice. He couldn't believe that she didn't notice his flushed
face or ragged breathing. Yet, she acted as if this were a normal visit with her professor.

"Bye. See you later," her high voice tinkled as she gathered her purse and jacket, turned
and walked to the door. Her heels tapped out each step, and her stocking legs set her rear
twitching provocatively. She shot a last beaming smile at him as she closed the door.

If Bob had not just cum, her pulsing butt would have been enough to pop his cork. He
stared at the closed door, stopped trying to control his breathing and thought about what
had just happened. Had he imagined her touching her nipples? He had been trying like
mad to control his outer reactions, but when he had shot his load he hadn't been very
aware of what was going on. Was her smile a sign that she knew, that she'd blackmail
him for grades or money or both? Yet, nothing in her manner suggested this.

Bob used a handkerchief to mop up the stickiness on his hand, pants and crotch. Then he
got some paper towels and cleaned the underside of his desk, the floor and his chair. He
couldn't believe how much he had cum. Or rather he could believe it. He simply could
not recall a time when he'd felt more sexually charged. While this was not exactly living
out one of his fantasies of bedding a nubile student, it was a close as he was ever likely to
come to it. Certainly it was closer than he had ever wanted to be. Nowadays, charges of
sexual harassment would destroy a person's career. Even if he survived legally, it being
her word against his, the reaction of colleagues and students to such charges would make
it very uncomfortable, to say the least, to stay at the university. Was sexual harassment
strong enough to describe what he'd done?

When his trousers had dried out, Bob left his office and drove home. At home he
continued to ponder the morning's events, alternately feeling aroused and disgusted with
himself. So, it wasn't until that evening that he got around to correcting the students'
assignments. When he got to Amy's paper, he found, stapled between the two sheets of
paper, a card. The card said:

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