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Teacher Training Program- (2023) of St John Paul II English Medium Colleges Network, Chilaw Diocese

Model of the lesson plan

1. Date: …… / …… / 2023

2. Subject: French

3. Grade: 8C

4. Number of students: 24

5. Time: 40min

6. Competency : Il est français?

7. Competency Level: L’infinitif après un autre verbe

8. Lesson: The infinitive after another verb

Outcomes of the Lesson:

➢ Cognitive – Identifying some verbs that are followed directly by another verb in the
infinitive form.
Les exemples :-
• Savoir
• Aimer
• Pouvoir
• Vouloir
• Fair

➢ Affective -
▪ Choosing the infinitive verbs corrrctly
▪ Conjugez les infinitifs avec les sujets pronoms

➢ Psychomotor - Construct meaningful sentences using infinitive verbs accurately

Les exemples :-
1. Je sais jouer au tennis ( I know to play tennis )
2. Tu peux aller au cinéma( You can go to the cinema)

10. Teaching-Learning Methods:

• Individual work
• Questionning

Conducted by Lect. Thanuja Perera

Teacher Training Program- (2023) of St John Paul II English Medium Colleges Network, Chilaw Diocese

11. Teaching-Learning Techniques:

• Demonstration
• Individual based

12 Teaching - Learning Aids:

• White board
• Worksheets

13 Teaching-Learning Process:

• Engagement: The teacher explains how the infinitive form is used after the
conjugated verb.

Worksheets are given to the students .

• Development of the lesson:

• Step1 : The teacher ask questions from students individually .

The teacher gives a list of infinitive verbs along with example

1) Step2 : Mettez au prèsent de l’indicatif chaque verbe donné.

Step3 : Brainstorm with the students.

Do some activities about IR verbs using worksheets.

Help students if they have any doubts about the lesson.

• Discussion : Discuss the answers with the students.

14 Evaluation and feedback:

15 Homework: An activity given.

16. Annex

17 Reflection notes: Discuss briefly how wee place the infinitive verbs after the conjugated

17. Note of the supervisor:

Conducted by Lect. Thanuja Perera

Teacher Training Program- (2023) of St John Paul II English Medium Colleges Network, Chilaw Diocese

Conducted by Lect. Thanuja Perera

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