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Nama : Arifani Septi Ningsih

NIM : 20053006
Mata Kuliah : Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Ekonomi
Ujian Tengah Semester 5 (Jawaban)

1. Why is it necessary to specify what is to be assessed before selecting or constructing an

assessment instrument?
Answer :
Adapun beberapa tujuan dalam penyusunan instrumen penilaian yaitu untuk memudahkan guru
ataupun peneliti dalam mengukur kemampuan atau kompetensi siswa, baik dari aspek kognitif,
pesikomotorik, dan afektif.
• Memberikan informasi terkait kemajuan hasil belajar siswa secara individu dalam mencapai
tujuan sesuai dengan kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan.
• Membina kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih lanjut berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh
berdasarkan hasil penilaian. Informasi tersebut dapat digunakan oleh guru untuk mengetahui
tingkat kemampuan siswa.
• Memberikan motivasi belajar kepada siswa, menginformasikan kemauan siswa agar teransang
untuk melakukan usaha perbaikan.
• Memberikan informasi tentang semua aspek kemajuan siswa.
• Memberikan bimbingan yang tepat untuk memilih sekolah atau jabatan sesuai dengan
keterampilan, minat, dan kemampuannya.

2. What are some of the advantage of stating instructional objectives as learning outcome?
Answer :
Dengan menyatakan tujuan intruksional sebagai hasil belajar, kita dapat menentukan tujuan
proses belajar dan mengajar, menentukan persyaratan awal intruksional, merancang strategi
intruksional,menyusun instrumen tes evaluasi pembelajaran, melakukan kegiatan tindakan
perbaikan pembelajaran, serta dapat memilih media ajar dalam proses pembelajaran.

3. For a unit of instruction in one of your major teaching areas, prepare a list of general
instructional objectives and specific learning outcomes. Following the procedures suggested
in your text book (Write in English).
Answer :
a. Develop a plan for evaluating learning outcomes.
1) Before the evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out, the planning must be
prepared properly and carefully, including the following activities:
2) Formulate the objectives of the evaluation carried out
3) Determine the aspects to be evaluated (cognitive / affective / psychomotor)
4) Selecting and determining the technique that will be used in the implementation
of the evaluation, for example whether the evaluation will be carried out with a
test or non-test technique.
5) Develop measuring tools that will be used in measurement and assessment such
as test items on test techniques.
6) Determine the benchmarks, norms, or criteria that will be used as a guide or
benchmark in providing interpretation of the evaluation data. For example
whether to use PAP or PAN.
7) Determine the frequency of the learning outcomes evaluation activity itself.
b. Collecting data
c. Verify data
d. Processing and analyzing data
e. Provide interpretation and draw conclusions
f. Follow-up on evaluation results

4. If you want to determine the validity of a published achievement test for use in a course you
are teaching or plan to teach, what procedure would you follow? Describe your procedure
step by step and give reasons for each step.
Answer :
a. Content Validity
Content validity describes the extent to which questions, tasks or items in a test or instrument can
represent the overall and proportional behavior of the sample being tested. Content validity is
used to measure learning ability, learning outcomes or learning achievement.
b. Construct Validity
Construct validity or Construct Validity is a validity that is concerned with how far the test items
can measure what is really about to be measured in accordance with a specific concept or
conceptual definition that has been set. Such as instruments to measure talent (aptitude test),
intelligence (intellectual intelligence), intelligence, emotional and others.
c. Criteria Validity
Criterion validity or empirical validity (Criterion-Related Validity) is determined by criteria, both
internal criteria and external criteria. An example of the use of criterion validity is the intelligence
test which is correlated with the average academic score. Assuming, if a person's intelligence is
high, then he will get good academic grades.
d. Advance Validity
Face validity is one of the types of validity with the lowest significance because it is only based
on a cursory assessment of the content of the measuring instrument. If the content of the
measuring instrument looks in accordance with what you want to measure, it can be said that
advance validity has been met.

5. Briefly describe the methods of estimating reliability. Can one method substitute for
another? Why or why not?
Answer :
Menurut KBBI, estimasi adalah penilaian,perkiraan, atau pendapat Pada suatu instrumen yang
digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, reliabilitas skor hasil tes merupakan informasi yang
diperlukan dalam pengembangan tes. Reliabilitas merupakan derajat keajegan (consistency) di
antara dua skor hasil pengukuran pada objek yang sama, meskipun menggunakan alat pengukur
yang berbeda dan skala yang berbeda (Mehrens & Lehmann,1973; Reynold, Livingstone, &
Wilson, 2010). Dalam kaitannya dengan penilaian pendidikan, prestasi atau kemampuan seorang
siswa dikatakan reliabel jika dilakukan pengukuran, hasil pengukuran akan sama informasinya,
walaupun penguji berbeda, korektornya berbeda atau butir soal yang berbeda tetapi memiliki
karakteristik yang sama.
Satu metode bisa menggantikan yang lain karena apabila penggunaan suatu metode tidak berhasil
maka bisa diganti dengan metode lain selama tetap memperhatikan hal-hal yang seharusnya

6. Which method of estimating reliability provides the most useful information for each of the
following? Why?
a. Selecting scholastic aptitude test for predicting future achievement.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test was developed based on the theory of intelligence tests.
b. Reassessing student to determine standing relative to a fixed performance standard.
c. Determining whether a test measures a homogeneous characteristic.
d. Determining the degree to which essay scores obtained from different rates are
affected by differences in the stringency of rates.
Answer :
Metode estiminasi yang B.
Karena, Menilai kembali siswa untuk menentukan berdiri relatif terhadap standar kinerja
tetap. Dimana reabilitas ini memberikan informasi pada setiap hal yang paling berguna untuk
digunakan dan penilaian ini memiliki sifat dapat diukur

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