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Do you have an idea/about/ Learning Episode (13) thirteen? *Gia

It will focused in/ Assessment of Learning/ of all the teen/, *Marly
Assessment of Learning /is also known as /summative assessment/, *Mary
Demonstrate understanding of the design,/ selection,/ and organization that are meant/, *Pauline

In the realm of education/, a tale unfolds,/
A journey of learning /that each student holds./
Assessment/, the compass/ that guides the way,/
Through the landscape of knowledge/, day/ by day./

Summative assessment/, a final decree,/

Measuring the wisdom gained/, for all to see./
A tapestry woven/ with lessons learned,/
In the crucible of knowledge/, where flames once burned./

The exam sheet/, a canvas/, blank /and white,/

A reflection of efforts, /day /and night./
Questions dance /like whispers in the breeze,/
Testing the mind/, unlocking expertise./

A symphony of knowledge/, harmonies are clear,/

Each answer a note/, dispelling the fear./
Numbers and letters/, symbols profound,/
Yet /within each mark,/ a story is found./

Not just a measure/, but a moment in time,/

A snapshot of growth/, a mountain to climb./
For learning/ is more than grades on a sheet,/
It's the journey/, the process/, the challenges met./

Yet/, let us remember/, in this evaluative measure,/

Learning persists,/ an / unquenchable treasure./
Beyond the scores/ and the grades we assign,/
Education endures/, a journey divine./

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