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Lately, I really that my anxiety disorders is more extremerate.

I can’t help
thinking negative. I made so much mistake. I can’t control everything . It’s so
terrible . Although I always do the best but I can’t do nothing well. After
mistakes I need to look back on myself and may be my methods is not
appropriate for me. I am obsessed by my goals which make me stress and burn
out. I should find out motivation. I will spend time for relaxing by watching
anime or listening English podcasts? Why not? Starting from now, When my
emotion is not ok I will write it about word by English and maybe in the future
by Japanese. In the past, To have fight against my disease, I always kept me
busy to stay away from negative things. I was wrong. But make my disease
became extremerately. Enormous job made me not control and arrange an
exactly. I had to pay a heavy price by my gpa. I am so sad but I can’t do
anything. Upcoming, I prepare tomilitary conscription, I will not have time to
revive my knowledge for final exams.

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