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good afternoon, please help me return the money to my account.

I signed up for a 3-
day trial subscription on 01/5/2024 in the amount of 5.63 EUR. But on 01/08/24, the
attackers got hold of my data and began to write off my funds from my account
without my knowledge or consent ,in the amount of 72.23 euros + 76.03 euros.
After which I started calling the site’s hotline, where the operator told me the
procedure to delete my account and cancel my subscription. After completing the
steps, I received a notification at the post that my account had been deleted and
my subscription cancelled.
But a month later, thieves and scammers again, without my consent, wrote off funds
from my account in the amount of 72.22 euros. After trying to contact the company,
the operator said that the account had been deleted and could not help.
I kindly ask you to help me return the funds to my account, I am a forced migrant
from Ukraine, and this is a lot of money for me, because I support myself in a
foreign country. I hope for your understanding, have a nice day.

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