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Name: Shahid Iqbal

ID: 12933
Date: 05/04/2024
Subject: AI

Question No: 01
Explain the BFS and DFS can be used to detect cycles in a graph. Compare their effectiveness
and efficiency in cycle detection.
Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) are both algorithms used for
traversing or searching trees and graphs. While they have different strategies for traversal, both
can be adapted to detect cycles in a graph.

BFS for Cycle Detection:

In BFS, we start traversing the graph from a chosen starting vertex and explore all its neighbors
at the present depth before moving on to vertices at the next depth level. To detect cycles using
BFS, we can maintain a parent array or a visited array. Whenever we visit a node, we mark it as
visited and also mark its parent. If we encounter a node that is already visited and its parent is not
the current node, then there exists a cycle.

DFS for Cycle Detection:

DFS explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. To detect cycles using
DFS, we maintain a recursion stack or a visited array. Whenever we visit a node, we mark it as
visited and recursively visit all its adjacent vertices. If we encounter a visited vertex again during
the recursive traversal and it is not the parent of the current vertex, then a cycle is detected.


BFS is effective in detecting cycles in both directed and undirected graphs. It guarantees to find
the shortest cycle in terms of the number of edges. It is particularly useful when you want to find
the shortest cycle.

DFS is effective in detecting cycles in both directed and undirected graphs. It may not always
find the shortest cycle; however, it can detect multiple cycles in the graph efficiently.


The time complexity of BFS for cycle detection in an adjacency list representation of a graph is
O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. BFS explores all the
vertices and edges once.

The time complexity of DFS for cycle detection in an adjacency list representation of a graph is
also O (V + E). DFS explores all the vertices and edges once. However, DFS might be faster in
practice than BFS when a cycle is found earlier in the traversal.


 BFS is better when you need to find the shortest cycle.

 DFS may be more efficient in terms of memory usage as it doesn't require maintaining a
 Both BFS and DFS are equally effective in detecting cycles, but the choice depends on
the specific requirements and characteristics of the graph being analyzed.
Question No: 02
Describe a scenario where BFS is preferable over DFS , and vice versa, and solving a search

Let's consider two scenarios where BFS and DFS might be preferable over each other in solving
a search problem.

Scenario 1:
BFS Preference

Finding the shortest path in a maze where the cost of moving from one cell to another is uniform.

In this scenario, BFS would be preferable. BFS guarantees that the first time a node is discovered
during traversal, it is via the shortest path from the source node. Since the cost of moving
between adjacent cells is uniform, BFS will always find the shortest path first.
Consider a maze represented as a grid where each cell represents a location. The goal is to find
the shortest path from the starting point (S) to the destination point (D) in the maze. Here, BFS
would explore all possible paths level by level, ensuring that the first time it reaches the
destination, it would be via the shortest path.

Scenario 2:
DFS Preference

Finding a solution to the N-Queens problem, where N queens must be placed on an NxN
chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.

In this scenario, DFS would be preferable. The N-Queens problem typically doesn't have a
concept of "shortest path" because the objective is to find any valid configuration of queens. DFS
explores each possible configuration recursively, backtracking when it reaches a dead-end or an
invalid configuration. It doesn't prioritize finding the shortest solution; rather, it focuses on
exhaustively searching the solution space.

For the N-Queens problem, DFS would start by placing a queen on one row and recursively
explore all possible placements for the remaining queens. If it reaches a configuration where
placing another queen is not possible without violating the rules, it backtracks and explores other
possibilities. DFS continues this process until it finds a valid solution or exhausts all possible


BFS Preference:
When the problem requires finding the shortest path or distance from the source to a destination,
and the cost of moving between nodes is uniform.

DFS Preference:
When the problem involves exploring all possible configurations or solutions exhaustively,
without the need to prioritize finding the shortest path.

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