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Graph Searching


Hira Awais
Lecturer (DCS)
 Slide courtesy: Dr. Zahid Halim
Graph Searching

 Given: a graph G = (V, E), directed or undirected

 Goal: methodically explore every vertex and every edge
 Ultimately: build a tree on the graph
 Pick a vertex as the root
 Choose certain edges to produce a tree
Breadth-First Search
 Given a G=(V,E) and distinguished source vertex s, BFS systematically
explores the edges of G to “discover” every vertex reachable from s.

 Creates a BFS tree rooted at s that contains all such vertices.

 Expands the frontier between discovered and undiscovered vertices

uniformly across the breadth of the frontier.

 The algorithm discovers all vertices at distance k from s before discovering

any vertices at distance k+1
Breadth-First Search
 will associate vertex “colors” to guide the algorithm
 White vertices have not been discovered
▪ All vertices start out white
 Grey vertices are discovered but not fully explored
▪ They may be adjacent to white vertices and represent the frontier between the discovered and the
 Black vertices are discovered and fully explored
▪ They are adjacent only to black and gray vertices
 Explore vertices by scanning adjacency list of grey vertices
Breadth-First Search – Pseudo Code

1. BFS(G, s) {
2. initialize vertices;
3. Q = {s}; // Q is a queue initialize to s
4. while (Q not empty) {
5. u = Dequeue(Q);
6. for each v  u->adj {
7. if (v->color == WHITE){
8. v->color = GREY;
9. v->d = u->d + 1;
10. v->p = u;
11. Enqueue(Q, v);
12. }
13. }
14. u->color = BLACK;
15. }
16. }
Breadth-First Search - Example
r s t u

   

   
v w x y
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

 0  

   
v w x y

Q: s
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0  

 1  
v w x y

Q: w r
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 

 1 2 
v w x y

Q: r t x
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 

2 1 2 
v w x y

Q: t x v
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 3

2 1 2 
v w x y

Q: x v u
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 3

2 1 2 3
v w x y

Q: v u y
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 3

2 1 2 3
v w x y

Q: u y
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 3

2 1 2 3
v w x y

Q: y
Breadth-First Search: Example
r s t u

1 0 2 3

2 1 2 3
v w x y

Q: Ø
Breadth-First Search: Properties

 BFS calculates the shortest-path distance to the source node

 Shortest-path distance (s,v) = minimum number of edges from s to
v, or  if v not reachable from s
 BFS builds breadth-first tree, in which paths to root represent
shortest paths in G
 Thus can use BFS to calculate shortest path from one vertex to
another in O(V+E) time
Applications of BFS
 Web Crawlers
 Search engines or web crawlers can easily build multiple levels of indexes by
employing BFS. BFS implementation starts from the source, which is the web
page, and then it visits all the links from that source.

 P2P Networks
 BFS can be implemented to locate all the nearest or neighboring node in a P2P
network. This will find the required data faster.

 Un-weighted graph
 BFS can easily create the shortest path and minimum spanning tree to visit all
the vertices of the graph in the shortest possible time with high accuracy.
Depth First Search
 Depth-first search: Strategy Go as deep as can visiting un-visited

 Choose any un-visited vertex when you have a choice

 When stuck at a dead-end, backtrack as little as possible back up

to where you could go to another unvisited vertex

 Then continue to go on from that point

 Eventually you’ll return to where you started

DFS Algorithm
for each vertex u V[G]{
for each vertex u V[G]{
if color[u]=white then

for each vertex v  adj[u] {
if color[v]=white Then
DFS [Easy One]
1. Initialize all nodes to the ready state (STATUS=1)
2. PUSH starting node A on stack and change its status to waiting(STATUS=2)
3. Repeat 4-5 until stack is empty
4. POP N. Process it and change its status to processed(STATUS=3)
5. PUSH on stack all the neighbors of N that are still in ready state and
change their status to waiting
6. Exit
Depth-First Search - Example
Depth-First Search - Example
Depth-First Search - Example
Depth-First Search - Example
Depth-First Search - Example
Depth-First Search - Example
Applications of DFS
 Path finding
 We can specialize in DFS algorithm to search a path between two

 Detecting a cycle in a graph

 A graph has a cycle if we found a back edge during DFS. Therefore, we
should run DFS for the graph and verify for back edges.

 Weighted graph
 DFS traversal generates the shortest path tree and minimum spanning
Breadth-First Search Depth-First Search

Find the shortest path to the destination or closet node Finds the longest path or the farthest node to the
to the starting node starting node

Uses queue to keep track of the next location to visit Uses stack to keep track of the next location to visit

Traverses according to tree level Traverses according to tree depth

Implement using FIFO list Implement using LIFO list

Require more memory than DFS Requires less memory than BFS

Algorithm gives shallowest path solution Does not guarantee shallowest path solution

Can never trap in infinite loop Can trap in infinite loop

No need of back tracking Back tracking is needed

Why BFS takes more memory than DFS?

BFS is more memory-intensive than DFS, as it needs to store all

the nodes at each level, while DFS only needs to store the
current path
Difference between BFS & DFS
 BFSis more likely to find a solution faster than DFS, if there is
one, as it explores all possible paths at each level while DFS
may get stuck in a dead end or a cycle.

 BFS is more predictable than DFS, as it always visits the nodes

in the same order, while DFS may vary depending on the order
of edges.
How to choose between BFS & DFS for a

 Structure and size of the graph

 Location & number of the nodes of interest
 Type and complexity of the problem
 Memory & time constraint

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