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Concept of Agni in Ayurveda

Poster · December 2021

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1 author:

Ashutosh Joshi
RK University


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In Ayurveda, the term “Agni” is used in the sense of digestion of food
and metabolic products. Agni converts food in the form of energy,
which is responsible for all the vital functions of our body.
Concept of Agni  Types of Agni:

There are 13 Agni viz- Jatharagni, seven Dhatwagni & five

Mahabhutagni. Among these Jatharagni has prime importance & is
 Nirukti of Agni:  Importance of Agni: responsible for digestion of ingested food as well as root of other 12
The word Agni is derived from – Ang Dhatu & Gati Pratyaya which agni.
means widely spreading. शा्तेऽग्ननौ म्रियते, यक्त
ु ते धचरृं जीव्यनामय् |
रोर्ी स्याद्ग्पवकते, मूऱमग्ग्ननस्तस्माग््नरुच्यते ||
 Place of Agni: - च. धच. १५/४
अग्न्यधधष्ठानम्नस्य ग्रहणाद्ग्ग्रहणी मता । When the agni stops functioning, the individual dies; if the agni
नाभेरुऩययह्यग्ग्ननबऱेनोऩष्टब्धोऩबहृं हता ।। functions normally, the individual can lead a healthy and long life.
- च. धच. १५/५६ Similarly, if the agni becomes abnormal, the individual suffers from
Grahani is seat of agni and it is so called since it holds/retains the food various diseases; and hence, the agni is said to be the root cause of
for proper digestion and assimilation. It holds the food just above the health and longevity.
umbilical region and it is supported and nourished by the agni.
बऱमारोग्नयमायश्ु चप्राणाश्चाग्ननौप्रनतग्ष्ठता्।
 Pitta is Agni: अ्नऩाने्धनैश्चाग्ग्ननर्जवयऱनत्येनतचा्यथा ॥
This agni is not in the form of flame as the terrestrial fire but is in the - च. सू. २७/३४२  According to bala of agni:
form of liquid which is called as ‘Pitta’ in Ayurveda. Bala(Strength), Arogya(health), Ayu(longevity) and Prana (vital breath) 1. Samagni 2. Tikshna 3. Mandagni 4. Vishamagni
are dependent on the state of agni that burns when fed by the fuel of
अग्ग्ननरे व शरीरे पऩत्ता्तर्यत् कुपऩताकुपऩत् शभ
ु ाशभु ानन करोनत। food and drink or dwindles when deprived of them.  Need for protecting Agni:
- च. सू. १२/११
Agni of our body is represented by pitta, which in its non-aggravated  Function of Agni: शमप्रकोऩौ दोषाणाृं सवेषामग्ग्ननसृंधितौ |
and aggravated form performs various good and bad functions. तस्मादग्ग्ननृं सदा रऺेग््नदानानन च वजययेत ् ||
आयव ु ण
य ो बऱृं स्वास््यम्ु साहोऩचयौ प्रभा | - च. धच. ५/१३६
रार्ऩक्त्योजस्तेजोमेधोष्मकत ् पऩत्तृं ऩञ्चधा ओजस्तेजोऽग्ननय् प्राणाश्चोक्तता दे हाग्ग्ननहे तुका् || Equilibrium or provocation of all the dosha depend upon the
ु हृं करोनत | - च. धच. १५/३ condition of agni (digestion and metabolism), hence one should
- सु. सू. १५/४ All the entities in the body that are responsible for digestion and always take its care and avoid such causes which disturb it.
Pitta has been described as Agni and its main function are; metabolism) is the fundamental causative agent for longevity, normal
Raag = Ranjak Pitta = Rasa ranjan complexion, normal strength, good health, motivation, normal  Measures to protect Agni:
Pakti = Pachak Pitta = Ahara Pachana growth, normal luster, normal ojas, normal body temperature and
Tejo = Alochaka Pitta = Darshan various other forms of agni. आहारमात्रा ऩनु रग्ग्ननबऱाऩेक्षऺणी || - च. स.ू ५/३
Medha = Sadhak Pitta = Buddhi One must take food in proper quantity, which depends on the
Ushma = Bhrajak Pitta = Twacha  Mode of action: strength of agni.
 Intervention of Agni:
 Cause of Vitiation of Agni:
अभोजनादजीणायनतभोजनाद्ग्पवषमाशनात ् |
असा््यर्रु ु शीतानतरूऺस्दष्ु टभोजनात ् ||
पवरे कवमनस्नेहपवभ्रमाद्ग््याधधकषयणात ् |
दे शकाऱतवुय ैष्याद्ग्वेर्ानाृं च पवधारणात ् ||
- च. धच. १५/४
Presented By : Ashutosh Kirtikumar Joshi
Final Year Student
RK University Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Rajkot
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