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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Chormore Prashant M
Y.M.T. Ayurvedic Medical College, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Human beings, in order to adjust themselves in the modest era, have been compelled to become fast
and mechanical. This is thereason why they can’t give proper attention to daily and seasonal regimes,
exercise and diet. This change in lifestyle is responsible for replacement of Shad-rasatmak
Shad rasatmak Ahara by
preserved and fast foods, bakery products, shift duties (i.e.Ratreejagran), stress.All these factors ma
ing them more and more susceptible for diseases generated by Agnimandya. Accordingto them Man-
dagniis root cause of every disease. Due to this Mandagni Ahara-PachanKriya
Ahara PachanKriya gets affected leading to
production of Sama Ahara-Rasa
Rasa which ultimately causes the RasaDhatwagniMandyaand Uttarottar
hatu remains malnourished. Agni plays the key rolein the th process of bio-transformation.
transformation. This is the
reason why Ayurvedic Samhitas has given a lot of importance to Agni. The Ayu, Varna, Bala, Swas Swast-
hya, Utsah, Buddhi, Kanti, Oja, Tejaand Pranaof human beings mainly depend on the status of Agni,
because of this Agni
gni should be kept in its Prakrutstate.
KEY WORDS:: Agnimandya, Appetite, Mandagni, Dhatwagni, Oja, Bhootagni, Kayagni

According to fundamental principles of Ay- A the intensity of Agni has been termed as "A "Ag-
urveda Agnihas an important role in the nimandya"(4,5).
physiological functioning of body.Broadly The references of this disease havebeen found
Agni can be divided into three major catego-
categ since Mahabharata Adiparva. Acharya Charak,
ries(1,3): Sushrut, Vagbhat has not described this di dis-
1) 1 Jatharagni ease separately but in the course of other didis-
2) 7 Dhatwagni eases. Acharya Madhav has described Agn Agni-
3) 5 Bhutagni mandyaas a separate disease.
Jatharagnihas been consideredred prime among Aims andObjectives·
all Agnis. The functioning of other Agnis i.e. To re-evaluate,
evaluate, discuss and elaborate the var
Dhatwagniand Bhutagni, are dependentupon ous Ayurvedic concepts and principals related
the strength ofJatharagni. Hence it is praised as to Agnimandya
God itself because of its miraculous nature and To understand the relation between Agni aand
action.(1) Dosha, concept of Agnimandya
Agnimandyaand evolution
This Agniis sParama-sukshmaand
sukshmaand transforms of various diseases.
the food substances into various forms which MATERIALS AND METHODS
can be easily assimilated
ilated by our body. If This article is based on a review of Ayurvedic
becomes weak, it will result into texts. Materials related to Agni, Ama, Agn Agni-
improper formation of Rasadhatu and cons conse- mandyaand other relevant topics have been
quently uttarottarDhatu formation hampers.In collected. The main in Ayurvedic textsused in
Ayurvedic Samhita, decrease in this study are Charak samhita, Sushruta sam-sa
hita, Astangsangraha, Astanghridaya, MadaMadav-
nidana andd available commentaries on these.
We have also referred to the modern texts and
Prashant M. Chormore : A Critical Review On Ayurvedic Concept On Agni-Mandya (Loss Of Appetite)
searched various websites to collect informa- These are responsible to maintain prakriti and
tion on the relevant topics. when get vitiated leads to disease formation.
CONCEPT OF AGNIMANDYA Rasa-Rakta-Mamsa-Medo-Asthi-Majja and
Agni converts the Ahara dravyainto Ahara- Shukra are saptadhatu and Mutra, Shakrut and
rasa and then with the help of Dhatwagni and Sweda are three Malas.(4,5)
Bhutagnithe poshakansha is made available to Hence, to understand the pathogenesis of the
body. Hence, any vikritii.e.hypo or hyperfunc- disease Agnimandya, the following Dravysan-
tioning of the "Agni" is the prime cause of grah must be considered.
pathogenesis of any disease. Agnimandya, A. DOSHA(7)
Amanirmiti,Stroto-rodhacan occur in any se- 1. Vata
quence and are the basic events responsible for Pran, Vyan, Udan, Saman, Apan are the five
the outbreak of any disease(6,7).Also this vi- types of Vata. Amongst them Prana, Apana,
cious cycle if not treated timely, will increase Samana are related with Anna pachankriya.
the intensity of the disease. While describing So, any Vikritiin these types of Vayu leads to
“Agnimandya" Acharya Madhav has not only Agnivikriti .
emphasized on "Mandagni" alone but any kind a. Pran While describing the karma of Pran-
of hyper or hypo-functioning of Agni has been Vayu, Acharya states that Pran is important for
considered in the term “Agnimandya"(8). the intake of food in much A and then in the
Agnimandya as a disease(8) AnnavahaSrotas.
Agnimandyais a clinical condition character- This Annagrahanis the first step of Anna
izedby loss of appetite i.e.kshudhamandya, pachan and thus it is one of the responsible
Aruchii.e.loss of taste, Avipaki.e.decrease in Dosha in the disease Agnimandya
digestion, Praseki.e.excessive salivation, b. Saman The ingested bhukta and peeti.e.
AmashayaPradeshiGaurav and Shirogau- solid and liquid substance get samparinatby
ravi.e.heaviness of stomach and the help of SamanVayu.TheSamanVayu stays
head,Antrakujani.e. excessive peristalsis, near Agni and its sancharsthanis Koshtha. This
Pravahan i.e. strenuous defecation SamanVayukeeps the Agni patent and its func-
etc.(10).Agnimandya as a main event in Sam- tion is Grahan, Pachan, MunchanandVivecha-
prapt(9). Agnimandyais a main step occur- naof Annadravya. If this type of Vayu get viti-
ringin pathogenesis of manydiseases. Hetu- ated it will affect the Agni more vigorously.
sevan causes Dosha-prakop. These prakupit- c. Apan
dosha vitiate dushya andtheir Sammur- ApanVayu stays in Pakvashaya where the
chanawhich leads to many diseases, mostly it process of Sara-Kittavibhajantakes place under
starts with Agnimandya (3). the influence of ApanVayu. It is responsible
Due to decrease in intensity of Agni, the apa- for Mutra and Purishanishkramankriya. The
chitahara-rasa is produced leads to Strotorod- samyak Mala pravrittiis one of the Ahar-
haand Amanirmiti. Hence, while treating any jirnasyalakshnam.Hence, the ApanVayu must
disease the Sampraptibhanga always to be start be considered in the pathogenesis of the dis-
with Amapachan and Agnivardhan chikitsa to ease "Agnimandya".(2.)
get fast and complete cure. Agnimandya as a Pitta (2,7)
symptom(8)Acharya has described Agni- Pachak, Ranjak, Sadhak ,Alochak and Bhrajak
mandya as a main symptom in diseases like are five type of Pittas,out of these 5 types
Jwara, Pandu, Atisara, Grahani, Ajeerna, Pachak Pitta have an important role in out-
Gulma, Kamala, Shotha, Shwasa, Pratishyaya, break of Agnimandya. The Pachak Pitta is
Arshaetc.(1) situated in between Amashayaand Pakwasha-
Vyadhighatakinvolved(10) yai.eGrahani. It is responsible for Pachan and
Our body is constituted by Dosha, dhatu and Vivechan of ChaturvidhAnnapan and hence
mala. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are Tridosha. called as Pachakagni.(3).

700 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 5; September- October - 2014

Prashant M. Chormore : A Critical Review On Ayurvedic Concept On Agni-Mandya (Loss Of Appetite)
Kapha(3,7) Charakcharya has described Pancha-
Bodhak, Avlambak, Kledak, Tarpak, Shleshak dashaKosthangas, out of the described Ko-
are the five types of Kapha. KledakKapha shthangasAmashaya, Pakwashaya, Antra and
plays a main role in AgnimandyaSamprapti. Guda are the organs involved directly or indi-
KledakKapha rectly in Anna PachanKriya(6).In the disease
At this place this Ahara is mixed with Kle- 'Agnimandya', the main element to get ham-
dakKapha which softens it, liquefies it and pered is 'Agni'. There are 13 types of Agni, out
responsible for its Pachan. It will cause of which Jatharagni is the main who has con-
"BhinnaSanghata" of Anna due to which Agni trol over other Agnis and is mainly involved in
can reach upto very small particles of Ahara the pathogenesis of the disease. Charakacharya
and can digest it properly. Hence any disability has mentioned that Agni and Pitta are differ-
of Kledakkapha can cause Agnimandya. ent, the Agni works in the body through the
B. DUSHYA (1,7) Murtwan Pitta especially Pachak Pitta. Thus,
Dushya gets vitiated by Doshas but they don't Pachak Pitta has AgenyaGunadhikya and gets
have capacity to vitiate others. This term in- the name of Agni by losing its Dravya Guna.
cludes Rasa Raktadisaptadhatu, Twak, Sna- This Pachak Pitta is situated in between Pak-
yuadiUpadhatu, Swedadi Mala as mentioned washayaand Amashaya. The location of Agni
earlier. In the disease "Agnimandya" the vikrit is in between AmashayaandPakwashaya i.e.
Ahara-rasa is formed. Grahani.
The very first Dhatu Rasa get direct nourish- Rachana Sharir
ment from Ahara-rasa. So this Agnivikritileads 1. Amashaya
to Apachit Ahara Rasa which at first affects 2 Synonyms :Kaphashaya, Shleshmashaya
Rasadhatu and then the other Dhatus respec- The word Amashaya is Ama + Ashaya
tively. Ama = Undigested food.
C.STROTAS(1,7) Ashaya = Cavity (AkashMahabhutPradhan)
Strotas are those which actas vehicle of Bhav- Sushrutcharya has described Amashaya as one
Vishesafor their passage from one part to an- of seven ashayas. Charakcharya has men-
other partof the body. Any Vikriti in Annava- tioned Amashaya as one of the fifteen ko-
haStrotasaright from Mukha to Guda leads to shthangas. In 'Agnimandya' the affected Stro-
the pathogenesis of Agnimandya. tasis 'AnnavahaStrotas'. Amashaya is the
Acharya Charak has mentioned the mulasthana moolsthana of AnnavahaStrotas.
of AnnavahaStrotas and the symptoms caused Utpatti: It is mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita,
by its Dushti as Anannab- that Amashayais formed in the third month of
hilasha,Aruchi,Avipak are mainly concerned intrauterine development.
with Agnimandya. A charyaVagbhat has stated that the Kleda in
D.AGNI the cavities of Dhatu get Vipakwaby their re-
The main element to be affected in the disease spective Ushmas and there will be formation
Agnimandyais Agni.The hypo or hyper func- of Sapta Kala covered by Kapha, Snayu and
tioningof Agni are included in the disease by Apara.
Acharya Madhav. We have already discussed Acharyas included Amashaya in Matru-
the concept of Agni and its importance. jaAvayava.
SHARIR RACHANA AND KRIYA(7) Sthana:Amashaya lies in between Stana and
To understand the disease 'Agnimandya', the Nabhi.
description about general considerations and Snayu: It is composed of SushirSnayu and
concepts of Agnimandyahas been mentioned Peshi, are circular and longitudinal in
earlier. While studying the disease, we must UrdhwaandAdho
know the Sharir Rachana and Kriyaof the or- Amashaya.Marma(2)
gans involved.

701 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 5; September- October - 2014

Prashant M. Chormore : A Critical Review On Ayurvedic Concept On Agni-Mandya (Loss Of Appetite)
Amashaya is close to NabhiMarma. This pecially found between Jathargni&Pachak
marma is one of the SiraMarma and is Sadyo- Pitta. Due to Agnidushtithe Pachan-kriya is
Pranahara in nature. directly gets affected. This Pachankriyaoccurs
Sira: Amashaya has ChaturvidhaSira. at Annavahastrotas. AnnavahaStrotas starts
Dosha:Dosha related to Amashaya are from Mukha& ends into Adharguda. The An-
1) Vayu:Samana napachankriya starts with the ingestion of food
2) Pitta:Pachak, Ranjak in Mukha, with the help of BodhakKapha.
3) Kapha:Kledak Then through Anna nalika i.e. oesophagus up
Dhatu: Amashayais made up of Rakta, Mamsa to Amashaya, Grahani&Pakwashaya Where
and Medodhatu. the Sara -KittaVibhajanoccurs. The Ahara
Function: Rasa gets absorbed & the Mala excreted out of
The ingested food is brought in Amashaya by the body. Before the description of PachanK-
Prana Vayu. The food particles are made riya, let us take a review over the factors re-
Snigdha, soft and liquified by the action of sponsible for the Pachankriya in sequence.
KledakKapha. Then this food is digested by 1. Ahara(1)
Pachakagni, small amount gets transformed Acharya Charak has mentioned the importance
into Rasadhatu and the remaining small part is of Annapanaby saying that it will restore the
passes towards Grahani for the further process- 'Prana' of all living being. Acharya Sushrut has
ing.(2). mentioned that, our body is Panchbhutik,
Grahani(2) hence it gets nutrition from panchbhautikAhar
Synonyms:Pacchyamanashaya, Laghwantra, a. Thus through Samhitas, referances has been
Kshudrantra . found regarding types, quantity, quality & its
Sthana: Grahani is the part that lies between importance. For this purpose Charakcharya has
Amashaya and Pakwashaya. Vagbhatcharya mentioned 8 types of 'Vidhi' processing to
said that it is situated at the opening of Pak- make the Ahar dravya more suitable for diges-
washaya like 'Gala Pradesh'i.e. neck like part. tion & absorption. (2).
It is the part of Bhuktamargathat means Anna- PranvayuThe ingestion of food & it's Vahan
vahaStrotas. i.e. conduction uptoAmashaya is the kriya of
Utpatti:It is MatrujaAvayava, formed from the Annagrahan, occurs under the influences of
Sarabhagaof Rakta and MamsaDhatu as it is a Pranvayu.(3).
part of Antra. BodhakKapha
Function: Grahani is a part of AnnavahaStro- The type of Kapha that stays at Jivha&kantha
tas. It is hollow tubular organ having cavity is called as Bodhakkapha. It is
i.e. Akashiya part in it. So that Vyuhan and sauyma&Jalapradhan. It is responsible for sen-
Gamanof Bhavpadartha takes place at this sation of taste. It gets mixed with the food
site. AcharyaVagbhat has stated Grahani as taken, softens it &makes one homogenous bo-
Adhisthana of Anna. Here the Pachan, Vive- lus of the Aharadravaya, make it easy for va-
chan and Munchanoccurs. han&pachan also through Annavahastro-
KriyaSharir(7) tas.(4).
After keeping a view over the Sharir – Agni (1,4,5,7)
Rachanatmakdescription of the involved or- The main Pachankriyaoccurs under the influ-
gan, it is an important task to study the kriya ence of Agni. Broadly, Agniare of 13 type–
sharir related to the disease -Agnimandya. The a.The one Jatharagni stays at koshtha and is of
function of Agni is mainly getting hampered in prime importance. This Jatharagni convert the
this disease. 'Jatharagni' is the main Agni Bahya Ahara dravya into Ahararasa, which
amongst 13 types of Agni & has control over can get absorbed easily.Prana, Apanaand
the types of Agni. Charkacharya has stated that Saman are 3 types of Vayu which helps
'Agni' works through 'pitta', this relation is es- Jatharagni in the process of Annapachan.

702 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 5; September- October - 2014

Prashant M. Chormore : A Critical Review On Ayurvedic Concept On Agni-Mandya (Loss Of Appetite)
b.The five Bhutagnisare to nourish the PachanKriya (1,2,7)
PanchbhautikDeha, the Agni of that particular The whole process of 'Pachan' is explained by
Dhatu is responsible for Pachan of that par- Acharyasthrough Ayurvedic Samhitas.(1).
ticular MahabhutaPradhanAharadravya. They Firstly the Annadravyaenters in Mukha. Then
are 5 in number as Bhauma, Apya, Agneya, it ingested under the influence of Prana Vayu.
Vayviya and Nabhasa. Here it comes in contact with BodhakKapha
c.After the action of BhutagnithisAharrasa is and thus the actual process of Pachan-
ready for further absorption. It will now has starts.Here, the food particles get separated,
capacity to nourish RasadiSaptaDhatus. grind by teeth so Singh Akhilesh Kumar:
Rasagni, Raktagni, Mamsagni, Medogni, Ast- theBodhakKapha got mixed with that food
hyagni, Majjagni and Shukragniare the particles with the help of Jivha. So it becomes
sevanDhatwagnis. They helps the particular soft and Snigdha, get swallowed easily in this
Dhatus in conversion of the end products of form uptoUrdhwaAmashaya.(2).
Ahara prasadbhaga. Thus the nutrients will be In the second step it comes in contact with
made available up to the Dhatu level.(5). SamanVayu in Madhya Amashaya.This
KledakKapha SamanVayu stimulates Agni and keep food in
KledakKapha is situated in Amashaya. It is Amashaya up to its Pachan. It helps in Gra-
Saumya and Snigdhaand hence soften the food han, Pachan, Vivechan and Munchan of Anna
particles. Also liquefies it. Due to this the Agni dravya. Here the KledakKapha works and it
can reach up tothe very small particle of food separates the food particles and softens it so
bolus and can digest it properly. that it becomes easy for digestion.The actual
6. SamanVayu process of Annapachan in Amashaya is ex-
The SamanVayu stays near Agni and its plained with a very good example of preparing
Sancharsthanis in Kostha.Its function is Gra- rice.The stimulated Agni is get 'Prabal' under
han, Pachan, Vivechan and Munchanof in- the influence of SamanVayu and digest the
gested food. It increases the intensity of food like the rice get boiled. This process of
Agni.(7). digestion separates Rasa and Mala.(1). While
Pachak Pitta: It is the fundamental unit of body explaining the process of Pachan, Charak-
metabolism. Agni works through Murtawan- charyahas also mentioned AharaParinamakara
Pachak Pitta. Kshudha, Trishna, Aruchi, Bhava. Avasthapaka(7)
Prabha, Medha are the main functions of Pitta. Charakcharya has mentioned 3 stages of
Among 5 types of Pitta, Pachak Pitta is of Avasthapakathrough which he has explained
prime importance for PachanKriya. It stays at the digestion.A.PrathamAvasthapaka:
Grahani, digest the food and responsible for The 'Ahara' ingested having any types of Rasa
Sara-KittaVibhajan(8). Pittadhara KalaInternal amongst
delicate layer of Ashaya is called as Kala. Pit- MadhuradiShadrasa.In this stage, the food is
tadhara-kalais situated from distal part of converted intoMadhuraRasa irrespective of its
Amashaya to Pakwashaya. It is important for previous one. The first twoMahabhutato get
functioning of Agni. The PachakStrava, se- separated arePrithviand Jala. Thus atthisstage
creted there. Pittadhara-kala is also facilitates the AvikrutKapha production takes place.
absorption. AharyaSushruthasgiventhe name B.DwitiyaAvasthapaka:
Pittadhara –kalaand it is situated at 'Gra- This is also called as Amla-paka, it occurs
hani'.(9). while the Ahara moves from Amashaya to-
ApanVayu:ApanVayu stays in Pakwashaya. wards Grahani. In this stage, thefood in-
Here the process of Sara-KittaVibhajanatakes PrathamaAvasthapakais acted upon by Pachak
place under the influence of ApanVayu. It ex- Pittaand Agni. Thus getconverted into Am-
crets Mala Bhaga out of the body and thus larasa. At this stage,the food remains in Vi-
ends the 'PachanKriya' in a complete manner. dagdhavasthai.e. Pakwa or Apakwaform. The

703 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 5; September- October - 2014

Prashant M. Chormore : A Critical Review On Ayurvedic Concept On Agni-Mandya (Loss Of Appetite)
food is nowAmla-rasatmakin nature. Most- 3. UpadhyayYadunandan. AstangHridya,
lyTejaMahabhutPradhan Dravya get separated “Vidyotini”
here and also production of'Accha Pitta' takes Hindi Commentary.Varanasi, Chaukhmbha
place. Sanskrit Sansthan; Edition-2003.
C.TritiyaAvasthapaka: 4. Joshi YG, Kayachikitsa; Pune, Pune Sahit-
This thirdAwasthapakais KatuPaka. It occurs yaVitaran; Edition4th 2001.
at Pakwashaya. Here the food in second 5. Singh RH. Kayachikitsa; Delhi,
Awasthapaka, get converted into Katu Rasa. Chaukhmbha Sanskrit Pratisthan,
Pachan of AkashiyaandVayaviyapart of food Edition 2nd 2003.
takes place hence the Dravya becomes Katu 6. RanadeSubhash, SatheParanjape; VikritiV-
innature. Here the Ahara is now converted into idnyanam, 2nd Edition, 2001.
Pakwavastha.The Anna getPindaswaroophere 7. VavhalShivajirao and DeshpandeRajendra;
and Mala get separated. This Mala separation Sharir KriyaVidnyan, 2002
is done by purishadhara Kalaaccording to 8. ShastriSudarshana; Madhukosh Sanskrit
Acharya Sushrut.The Ahara Rasa thus Commentary of MadhavNidan, VidyotiniTika,
get'SampurnaPachit'waroop i.e. digested well 2004.
and ready for absorption and metabolism upto 9. Gadre Ganesh Krishna; SarthaVagbhat, 5th
cellular level and the Mala get excreted out. Edition, 2001
Now this Ahara Rasa comes under the influ- 10.GuptKavirajAtridev;AshtangSangrahaIndu
ence of VyanVayu and thus the 'Rasa Rakta- Tika, 2002.
Samvahan' process occurs through which it get CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
absorbed anywhere in the body. Vd.Prashant m. Chormore
By getting nutrition of Ahara-rasa firstly the Y.M.T. Ayurvedic Medical College, Khar-
Rasadhatu is formed and then the other Dhatus ghar, Navi Mumbai,India
get their nourishment respectively. Thus, the
whole cycle of formation, absorption and me-
tabolism of Ahara Rasa occurs which is called
as 'Annapachankriya'.

Thus we can conclude that there is a detail de-
scription available in various Ayurvedic texts
regarding concepts and principals related to
Agnimandya-Acharyas has established very
scientific relation between Agniand Dosha,
concept of Agnimandyaand evolution of vari-
ous diseases.
1.Shastri KN, Chaturvedi GN. Charak Sam-
hita, "Vidyotini" Hindi
Commentary.Varanasi, ChaukhambhaBhar-
tiAcadami; Edition Reprint 1998.
2. ShastriKavirajAmbikaDutt. Sushrut Sam-
“Ayurveda TatwaSandeepika” Hindi Com-
mentary. Varanasi, Chaukhmbha Sanskrit
Sansthan; Edition 11th.

704 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 5; September- October - 2014

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