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The disability/exceptionality- what are its causes (if known), treatment possibilities, what
background characteristics are associated with it, and how can it impact student learning
and behavior?,%2C%20trauma%2C%20or%20child%20abuse.
Causes: Cognitive deficits may be from birth or caused later by environmental factors such as
brain injury, mental illness, neurological disorders.
Causes from birth:
● Chromosome abnormalities/genetic syndromes
● Prenatal drug exposure
● Malnutrition
● Poisoning from lead or other heavy metals
● Neonatal jaundice (yellowed skin due to an increase in bilirubin)
● Hypoglycemia (a condition where your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than the
standard range)
● Hypothyroidism (a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid
● Prematurity
● Hypoxia (oxygen is unavailable for an extended period of time)
● Trauma
● Child abuse
Developing in childhood, possible side effects of:
● Cancer therapy
● Heavy metal poisoning
● Malnutrition
● Metabolic conditions (that disrupt the process by which the body converts food into
● Autism
● Immune conditions like lupus erythematosus,cognitive%20impairment%20on%20daily%20life.

Treatment Possibilities: No cure

Assist in building cognitive health through:
● Physical activity
● Cognitive training and exercises
● Good sleep and relaxation techniques
Managing the effects of the disorder:
● Occupational therapy
● Environmental approaches (eliminating sounds to reduce the distractions, frustrations,
and confusions as they are trying to complete their tasks, keeping a familiar environment)
● Psychotherapy and psychosocial support for patients and families. (to provide clear
understanding and proper management of the disorder which will lead to a better quality
of life),Poor%20understanding%20of%20social%20rules
Background Characteristics:
● Significantly delayed motor skills
● Delayed speech or difficulty speaking
● Poor memory
● Poor problem solving skills
● Poor understanding of social rules,Poor%20understanding%20of%20social%20rules
How Can it Impact Student Learning and Behavior?
● Students with low executive functioning (executive functioning includes: working
memory, set shifting, emotion regulation, organization, monitoring, and controlling) tend
to perform lower in academic settings.
● Tend to struggle learning at grade-level without support and more time spent.
Students with a cognitive impairment often don’t understand:
● That their actions lead to consequences
● Social rules which can lead to conflict

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