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4 parts - 50 minutes:
Theme: xoay quanh 1 câu lạc bộ nào đó (music club, sport club, ….)
Tổng quan:
part 1: 5 câu hỏi ngắn (1-5 từ)
part 2: 1 câu hỏi ngắn (20-30 từ)
part 3: 3 câu hỏi dài (30-40 từ/1 câu)
part 4: clb gửi email cho mình về 1 vấn đề nào đó. → 2 nhiệm vụ:
viết 2 email (1: email cho bạn 50 từ, 2: email cho sếp 120-150 từ)

Bổ trợ writing:
4 khía cạnh quan trọng khi cần tư duy về 1 chủ đề viết/nói nào
Health (chủ đề đó có ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe của bạn ko?)
improve one’s (mental) health
be good/bad for one’s (mental) health
Relationship (chủ đề đó có giúp bạn mở rộng mối quan hệ ko?)
expand one’s network
build friendships with many people
share mutual interests
knowledge (chủ đề đó có giúp bạn mở mang kiến thức ko?)
expand one’s horizons
help sb gain more knowledge about sth
feelings (cảm xúc của bạn khi nói/viết về chủ đề đó)
vui: on cloud nine, over the moon, on top of the world,
walk on air, ecstatic.
buồn: feel blue, down in the dumps, in a black mood,
cheerless, disappointed
Idioms (thành ngữ):


do/work wonders for sb: có lợi ích cho ai, có tác động tích cực
cho ai.

EX: Reading books can do wonders for the children.


do more harm than good: hại nhiều hơn lợi.


EX: This trend does more harm than good.


high and low/ here and there : everywhere.


EX: I have been searching here and there for the gift.


(every) now and then = once in a while : sometimes.


once in a blue moon: hiếm khi.


EX: I read books once in a blue moon


on a regular basis = usually.


hit the books : study .

EX: I need to study → I need to hit the books.


see eye to eye: agree.


EX: I see eye to eye with you. / I agree with you


best thing since sliced bread: a good idea/invention.


EX: The Internet is the best thing since sliced bread.


exceed one’s expectations: vượt xa khỏi mong đợi.


EX: This plan exceeded my expectations.

Lưu ý:
I like = I am keen on/ I am fond of / I am a big fan of / I am
excited about / I am interested in / I am crazy about/ I am
into +Ving / something is my cup of tea.
Because = since/as
Linking words: TỪ NỐI
to express opinion: In my opinion, From my
perspective, In my view, From my point of view,
to add ideas: Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, Firstly,
Secondly, Lastly, Finally, Last but not least,...

PART 1: câu hỏi ngắn 1-5 từ


What’s your favorite sport?


How many people are in your family?


What did you do yesterday?


How do you go to school?.


What’s your hobby?


PART 2: 1 câu hỏi ngắn (20-30 từ)

Xu hướng ra đề:
lý do (tham gia clb, thích …)
I decided to join the club since I am keen on … . Joining the
club can do wonders for my mental health as it expands my
horizons and lets my hair down after a hard working day.
Music is my cup of tea (thứ mà tôi thích). Listening to
music/Playing sports can do wonders for my mental health as
it expands my horizons and lets my hair down after a hard
working day.
thời gian (rảnh để tham gia hoạt động của clb, when/how
often/the last time)
During the week, I am quite a busy bee as I have a part-time
job and I need to hit the books as well. As a result, I think I
can join the club’s activities on the weekend./I listen to music
once in a blue moon/the last time I listened to music was last

PART 3: 3 câu hỏi dài (30-40 từ/1 câu)

Dùng 4 khía cạnh (ở phần bổ trợ writing) để xử lý.

PART 4: clb gửi email cho mình về 1 vấn đề nào đó. → nhiệm
vụ: viết 2 email (1: email cho bạn 50 từ, 2: email cho sếp 120-150

Việc đầu tiên cần làm là xác định đề đó là tích cực hay tiêu cực.

Đề music club: Đề sport club:

Dear member, Dear members,
The people complained about The club needs suggestions about
playing music at night. the organization of a sports
Please give the suggestions. competition for young members.
→ vấn đề tiêu cực → vấn đề tích cực
→ Para: We have received a huge → Para: In order to improve
number of complaints/ a huge young member’s health, the sports
amount of terrible feedback about club is going to arrange a sports
playing music at night. competition.

EMAIL CHO BẠN - 50 TỪ: viết trong 1 đoạn. CÓ THỂ VIẾT

Bước 1: hỏi thăm (3 câu)


How are you these days? / How are you doing? / How is life
treating you? / How are things with you? / How have you been
lately? / Are you feeling alright today? → chọn 1 trong số
những câu này


We haven’t talked to each other for a while / It seems like ages

since I last saw you / I feel I haven’t seen you for ages (= for a
long time).


I hope everything goes well with you . / I hope this email finds
you well.


→ EX: How are you these days? We have not talked to each other
for a while. I hope everything goes well with you.
Bước 2: Đề cập vấn đề (trích lại đề bài - các bạn band B2: copy
paste lại đề bài/ band C: paraphrase)
Have you heard about the notice from the club? …(trích)
B2: Have you heard about the notice of the club? The people
complained about playing music at night.
C: Have you heard about the notice of the club? We have received a
huge number of complaints/ a huge amount of terrible feedback
about playing music at night.
Bước 3: Cảm xúc khi nhắc về vấn đề đó. (đề tiêu cực thì phải buồn,
đề tích cực thì phải vui) → chọn 1 trong 2 câu cảm xúc xanh hoặc
To be honest, I was on cloud nine when I heard this news as I have
been waiting for it for a long time. → vui
To be honest, I was in a black mood when I heard this news. →

Bước 4: Đề xuất ngắn/ đề xuất chung chung.

I think I should send an email to the manager about my ideas. What
do you think?
I will contribute some of my proposals to the club? Can you give me
some advice?
→ chọn 1 trong 2 câu.
Hi Linh,
How are you these days? We have not talked to each other for a
while. I hope everything goes well with you. Have you heard about
the notice of the club? …(trích/paraphrase). To be honest, I was on
cloud nine when I heard this news as I have been waiting for it for a
long time. To be honest, I was in a black mood when I heard this
news. I think I should send an email to the manager about my ideas.
What do you think?


Bước 1: giới thiệu bản thân + mục đích viết thư.
My name is (họ và tên) and I have been a club member for 2 years. I
am writing this email to express my feelings and opinions about the
notification that I have just received from the club. Besides, I would
like to express my sincere thanks to all members in the club since
they have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to support us.
Bước 2: Đề cập vấn đề (trích đề bài/paraphrase)
According to the announcement/the news/the notice, … (trích
Bước 3: Cảm xúc. → chọn 1 trong 2 cảm xúc: vui hay buồn.
I was on top of the world when I heard this news since this
plan/event is the best thing since sliced bread. → vui
This is a little disappointing to me as it was such a bolt from the
blue. → buồn
Bước 4: Giải pháp cụ thể. (yêu cầu xác định chuẩn vấn đề đề bài là
tích cực hay tiêu cực)
Đề bài tích cực: From my perspective, it would be better if the
club could post the information about this notice on the club’s
forum so that people can follow and attend with us.
Đề bài tiêu cực: From my perspective, it would be better if the
club could post the information about this notice on the club’s
forum so that people can give their suggestions to fix this
*Nên suy nghĩ linh hoạt để thay đổi phần đuôi (đang được
gạch chân) sao cho phù hợp nhất với vấn đề. Ví dụ:

From my perspective, it would be better if the club could post

the information about this notice on the club’s forum so that
people can come up with more ideas to contribute to this
plan/the club/the event/the contest/….
Lưu ý cho band C: tự nghĩ thêm 1 câu giải pháp nữa : Moreover, I
would be grateful if we could + giải pháp 2 (tự nghĩ).

Bước 5: Câu kết:

Please take my suggestions into consideration. I look forward to
receiving your response soon.
Dear Sir,
My name is (họ và tên) and I have been a club member for 2 years. I
am writing this email to express my feelings and opinions about the
notification that I have just received from the club. Besides, I would
like to express my sincere thanks to all members in the club since
they have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to support us.
According to the announcement, … (trích đề=copy paste). I was on
top of the world when I heard this news since this plan/event is the
best thing since sliced bread. This is a little disappointing to me as
it was such a bolt from the blue. From my perspective, it would be
better if the club could post the information about this notice on the
club’s forum so that people can follow and attend with us./ From my
perspective, it would be better if the club could post the information
about this notice on the club’s forum so that people can give their
suggestions to fix this problem./ From my perspective, it would be
better if the club could post the information about this notice on the
club’s forum so that people can come up with more ideas to
contribute to this plan/the club/the event/the contest/….
Please take my suggestions into consideration. I look forward to
receiving your response soon.
Best regards,
Họ và tên.
Dear Sir,
My name is (họ và tên) and I have been a club member for 2 years. I
am writing this email to express my feelings and opinions about the
notification that I have just received from the club. Besides, I would
like to express my sincere thanks to all members in the club since
they have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to support us.
According to the announcement, … (trích đề = PARAPHRASE). I
was on top of the world when I heard this news since this plan/event
is the best thing since sliced bread. This is a little disappointing to
me as it was such a bolt from the blue.
From my perspective, it would be better if the club could post the
information about this notice on the club’s forum so that people can
follow and attend with us./ From my perspective, it would be better
if the club could post the information about this notice on the club’s
forum so that people can give their suggestions to fix this problem./
From my perspective, it would be better if the club could post the
information about this notice on the club’s forum so that people can
come up with more ideas to contribute to this plan/the club/the
event/the contest/…. Moreover, I would be grateful if we could …
Please take my suggestions into consideration. I look forward to
receiving your response soon.
Best regards,
Họ và tên.

Long time no see. How is it going? I hope everything goes well. You know I am keen
on garden and everything garden related. Currently, I am a member of a garden club.
This weekend my club has a program with the participation of Mr. Seiko. However, I
just received an email from the club informing me that Mr. Seiko won't be able to
come to the show because of illness. I'm greatly frustrated because I've been waiting
to meet him for a long time. What should I do? Write back soon



Write an email to the manager of the club.

Dear Sir,

My name is Vo Thi Hong Nhung and I have been a member of the club for six
months. I am writing this email to express my great disappointment regarding the
cancellation of the talk show "The Garden of Japanese" due to Mr. Seiko's sickness. I
was also informed that Mr. John would perform instead.

I have prepared very well for this upcoming event. I guess every audience is like me.
Although Mr. John is an excellent speaker, what we were looking forward to was
"The garden of Japanese" not "Garden of England". I know this is a case of force
majeure but I hope you can talk to Mr. Seiko. I would be grateful if you could
convince Mr. Seiko to reschedule the conversation to a date as soon as his condition

I hope that my suggestions are taken into consideration. I look forward to receiving
your response as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

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