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Coin change problem #1:

Denomination: Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 (are available as much as)

For Rs. 15, 14, 13 this denomination gives optimal using
greedy approach (cover with maximum value as much as …).
Coin change problem #2:
Denominations: Rs. 1, 5, 7, 10 (again are available as much
Required Rupees I want to have is 14 with minimal number of
Now, greedy strategy does not work. Since with greedy
strategy, you will give me 5 coins (1 x 10, 4 x1), but 2 coins
are sufficient (2x7).
Lesson learnt:
1. Greedy strategy is applied to optimization problem.
2. Greedy strategy gives an optimal solution, but need not
3. Greedy strategy does not always give optimal solution.
Fractional knapsack:
Problem Formulation: Let x_i, 0<= x_i <= 1 denote the
fraction of the amount of item i to be included. If x_i = 1, full
item of i is included, if x_i = 0.5, means half of the item i is
included, if x_i = 0 means, item i is not included. Benefit of
item i = b_i, weight of item i = w_i, total weight of the bag is
Objective: Maximize Ʃ xi * bi subject to Ʃ xi * wi <= W.
Input: All items with their benefits and weights, total capacity
of the bag W.
Output: X = x_1, x_2,…., x_n ( 0 <= I <= 1).
Step 1: find ratio b_i / w_i and sort the ratio in decreasing
order (largest to smallest). So, use any sorting algorithm.
Step 2: Initialize array x_i = 0 for all i from 1 to n.
Ste 3: Initialize w = 0 and i=1. (w = current weight of the bag)
Step 4: While (i <=n and w <= W) do
1. If w + w_i <= W, then x_i = 1.
2. Else x_i = (W – w) / w_i // W –w is the available weight
3. w = w + x_i *w_i
4. i = i ++
Step 5: Return all x_i.
Eg: (280, 40), (100, 10), (120, 20), (120, 24). W = 60kgs.
A = (280, 40) format: (benefit, weight)
B = (100, 10)
C = (120, 20)
D = (120, 24)
Ratio: R(A) = 280/40 =7, R(B) = 10, R(C) = 6, R(D) = 5. Arrange
in descending order: 10,7,6,5. Revised order of the Items= B,
A, C, D.
X_B = 1,
X_A = 1,
X_C = ½
X_D = 0

Ex: Profits:(p1,…,p6) = (10,6,15,42,8,16); Wts=(2,3,5,7,8,4),

Ans: Profit:87. Wts: 7+2+4+5+2kg (of 3kg)= 42+10+16+15+4.

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