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For use with the Spire RPG

by Grant Howitt

For Clare and Wil, in exchange for correctly answering the cryptic crossword in the
Kickstarter newspaper clippings

Requirement: Assist in the smuggling of a shipment of corpsefruit to the upper echelons of

Refresh: Move something, or someone, valuable through a perilous area without being

You cannot apply the effects of more than one kind of corpsefruit to a single use; for
example, if you have NOBLE HARVEST and CALM THE TROUBLED PSYCHE, only one
advance can apply to a particular corpsefruit eaten.


DUBIOUS INCOME. ​You can set up illegal deals to handle cash-flow problems. ​+1 Silver.
You can manage a delivery of corpsefruit by speaking to contacts, buyers and suppliers -
when you do so, clear D6 stress from Silver (yours or an ally’s) but mark D3 stress to

CALM THE TROUBLED PSYCHE. ​One of the popular strains of corpsefruit in Ys is used as
a mild sedative; you have access to supplies of this purple-red, plum-like fruit. ​+1 Mind.
When someone eats corpsefruit from your supply and takes a while to relax and soothe their
soul, they clear D3 stress from Mind. The first fruit eaten in a session has no cost; each
subsequent one marks D3 stress to Silver.

GLASSHOUSE SPECTRE. ​You know the ancient trick of force-growing a corpsefruit in

hours, generally used to assess the quality of an untapped graveyard for future growing
operations. ​Once per session, bury a special corpsefruit seed in the remains of a living
creature. Over the next few hours, it will germinate and bear tough, bitter fruit. Eating this
fruit will put you, or anyone else, into a trance where you can communicate with the spirit of
the deceased creature in a dream; a typical crop produces D3 such fruits, and eating them at
the same time will result in a shared dream between users.

NOBLE HARVEST. ​You have access to a steady supply of corpsefruit from one of the noble
grave-gardens that dot the subterranean lands of the Home Nations. ​When you select this
advance, choose one of the benefits granted by the Vermissian Sage’s DYNASTIC
MEMORY advance; when someone eats corpse-fruit from your supply, they gain temporary
powers as though they were of the house in question. The first fruit eaten in a session has
no cost; each subsequent one marks D3 stress to Silver. You can take this advance multiple
times, selecting a different noble house each time.

DREAMS OF GLORIES FALLEN. ​At great cost and considerable danger to yourself, you
have acquired a supply of corpsefruit that grows above the burial site of an ancient drow
monarch. ​When someone eats corpsefruit from your supply, they enter a dreamlike state of
bliss and are transported back to the time where Spire was held by the dark elves, not the
aelfir. While they dream, they can move freely through the city and talk to the ancient
inhabitants they meet there; this might allow them to gain information on their current
mission, or it might not. While it cannot be proven that the corpsefruit allows the user to
actually send their mind several hundred years into the past, the information gleaned whilst
dreaming is uncannily accurate. The first fruit eaten in a session has no cost; each
subsequent one marks D3 stress to Silver.


HIDDEN GROVE. ​They told you it couldn’t be done, but they were wrong; you have set up a
stable supply of corpsefruit, here in Spire. ​At the start of each session, roll a D8; you have
this many pieces of corpsefruit available for use in this session, and may use them to
activate multiple instances of advances such as NOBLE HARVEST without marking
additional stress. (You can sell fruit to remove Silver stress at a rate of 1 for 1.)

If you roll a 8 when determining how many pieces of corpsefruit you have this session, your
grove has been found and confiscated by the authorities, or destroyed by jealous rivals -
lose access to this advance at the end of the session, unless you go through hell and high
water to keep it under your control.

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