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Name of the student: ________________________________________________

Grade: 5 _____
Section: __________

Grade: 5
English Worksheets: Term: 3
Unit: 7
Name of the Unit: Ancient Civilisations

This worksheet handout contains:

1. Spelling list
2. Vocabulary List: Meanings and Sample Sentences
3. Grammar Concepts
a. Concept: 1: Subordinate Clauses to express opinion
b. Concept: 2: Past Simple Passive
4. Reading Comprehension Passages

Spelling Skills

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
Spelling Word List: Unit: 7: Ancient Civilisations

1. ancient 2. The Pyramids 3. The Sphinx

4. The Colosseum 5. An aqueduct 6. tomb

7. to bathe 8. mummy 9. heart

10. preserved 11. pharaoh 12. archaeologist

13. treasures 14. magnificent 15. jewellery

16. weapons 17. chariot 18. statue

19. thousands 20. million 21. mummified

22. wrapped 23. gladiator 24. merchant

25. engineer 26. meat 27. bread

28. entertainment 29. baths 30. mystery

31. hieroglyphs 32. sarcophagus 33. stuffed

34. spices 35. a time machine 36. buried

37. infection 38. amazed 39. winged

40. hooded 41. hawk 42. tubby

43. pudgy 44. excited 45. worried

Vocabulary Skills: Words and Meanings

Lesson 1

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
Words Meanings

1.ancient (adj) of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time

Sample Sentence: Mr Graham was amazed to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot
1. 2. civilisation (n) human society with its well-developed social organizations, or the country and
way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time
Sample Sentence: We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilisation.
2. 3. an amphitheatre(n) a circular or oval area with seats around it arranged on a steep slope for watching
sports, plays, etc
Sample Sentence: The Colosseum was the largest amphitheatre in the Roman Empire.
4.The Colosseum(n) a large amphitheater in Rome, built by the ancient Romans

Sample Sentence: The Colosseum could seat more than 50,000 people.
5.a sphinx ->The Sphinx (n) an ancient imaginary creature with a lion’s body and a woman’s head. ->
A large stone statue of the same creature that stands in the desert near Cairo, Egypt
Sample Sentence: The Great Sphinx was sculptured at Giza to guard the entrance of the Nile valley. aqueduct (n) a structure for carrying water across land, especially one like a high bridge with
many arches that carries pipes or a canal across a valley.
Sample Sentence: The water is brought to the town by an aqueduct directly from the mountains.
7.a tomb (n) a large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an
important person, is buried.
Sample Sentence: The pyramids in Egypt are really the tombs of ancient pharaohs.
8.a pharaoh (n) (the title) of a king in ancient Egypt.
Sample Sentence: King Tut was a pharaoh. bury (v) -> burial (n) to put a dead body into the ground. -> The act of putting a dead body into the
ground and the ceremony connected with this.
Sample Sentence: The soldiers’ bodies will be flown back to the UK for burial. The soldier was buried in the UK.
10.a treasure (n) very valuable things, usually in the form of a store of precious metals, precious
stones, or money.
Sample Sentence: Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.
11.anarchaeologist (n) someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who
lived in the past
Sample Sentence: The archaeologists found the king’s 3000-year-old mummified body and many other amazing
treasures in the tomb. guard (v) to protect someone or something from being attacked or stolen.
Sample Sentence: Soldiers guard the main doors of the palace.
Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
13. canopic jars (n) special vessels used by ancient Egyptians during the process of mummification to
store and preserve particular body organs: the stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver
Sample Sentence: The organs removed were embalmed, stored in canopic jars and then placed in the tomb with the
14.a gladiator (n) In ancient Rome, a man who fought another man or an animal, usually until one of
them died, for public entertainment
Sample Sentence: Ten thousand gladiators are said to have died in the arena.
15. a slave (n) a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for that person

Sample Sentence: Born a slave in 1760, he was sold as a child to a farmer in Delaware.

16. a mummy (n) (especially in ancient Egypt) a dead body that is prevented from decaying by
being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth
Sample Sentence: The mummy thus prepared was taken to be displayed in the museum.
17. to mummify (v) -> to preserve a dead body as a mummy.
mummification (n)
Sample Sentence: His body was taken to Cairo, mummified and remained there for years before being brought to
18. to preserve (v) to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being
damaged or destroyed
Sample Sentence: The remains of the Roman building are wellpreserved.
19. hieroglyphics (n) a system of writing that uses pictures instead of words, especially as used in
ancient Egypt
Sample Sentence: An ancient statue of a Nubian king with an inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphics was also
found at a Nile River temple in Sudan.
20.numerals (n) symbols that represent numbers.
Sample Sentence: The Roman numerals had seven digits and no zero.
21. to bathe (v) to swim, especially in the sea, a river, or a lake; to wash someone, usually with
soap and water in a bathtub.
Sample Sentence: I had to change the kids’ diapers and feed them and bathe them.
22.liver (n) a large organ in the body that cleans blood
Sample Sentence: He had terrible pain in his stomach because of his enlarged liver.
Lesson 2
23. a block (n) a solid, straight-sided piece of hard material such as wood, stone, or ice
Sample Sentence: They cut enormous blocks of stone from the hillside.
24. magnificent (adj) very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
Sample Sentence: The view from the top of the mountain is magnificent.
25. a chariot (n) a two-wheeled vehicle that was used in ancient times for racing
Sample Sentence: The Ancient Greeks and Romans loved watching high-speed chariot racing.

26. royal (adj) belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family
Sample Sentence: Few of the European countries still have a royal family.
28. a throne (n) the special chair used by a ruler, especially a king or queen
Sample Sentence: The king’s throne was made of gold.
29. a statue (n) an object made from a hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like a
person or animal
Sample sentences: In the centre of the hall stood a huge stone statue of the queen.

30. weapons (n) any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, or knife.
Sample Sentences:The walls were decorated with swords, axes, and other old weapons.
31. jewellery (n) decorative objects worn on your clothes or body that are usually made from
valuable metals, such as gold and silver, and precious stones
Sample sentence: Thieves broke the shop window and carried off jewellery worth thousands of pounds.
32. to embalm (v) to use chemicals to prevent a dead body from decaying
Sample Sentence: When Daniel died, the men embalmed his body and made it ready for burial.
33. to stuff (v) to completely fill a container with something; to fill a dead body with special
material so that it looks as if it is still alive
Sample Sentence: This suitcase is absolutely full–I can’t stuff anymore things into it!
34. a spice (n) A substance made from a plant, used to give a special flavor to food.
Sample Sentence: A large range of herbs and spices are used in the Indian cookery.
35. linen (n) Strong cloth made from the fibres of the flax plant.
Sample Sentence: He was wearing a straw hat and a linen jacket.
36. a shroud (n) A cloth or a long, loose piece of clothing that is used to wrap a dead body before it is
Sample Sentence: Until mid-seventeenth century not all the bodies were buried in coffins, but they did have shrouds.
37. a sarcophagus (n) A stone coffin, often decorated, that was used in ancient times.
Sample Sentence: The burial chamber contained the dark grey stone sarcophagus which held the body of the king.
Lesson 3
38. entertainment (n) Public shows, performances or other ways of enjoying yourself.
Sample Sentence: The park provides free entertainment such as clowns, magicians, jugglers, and balloon sculptors.
Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
39. a toga (n) a piece of clothing worn by people in ancient Rome, consisting of a long piece of
cloth wrapped around the body and hanging loosely from the shoulders
Sample Sentence: The soldier I saw was a tall, bald man dressed in a toga and a spiked crown.
40. a tunic (n) a piece of clothing that fits loosely over a person’s body, reaches to the waist
or knee, and often has no sleeves
Sample Sentence: The young men had to go barefoot, and were dressed only in a tunic both in summer and in winter.
41. a soldier (n) a person who is in an army and wears its uniform, especially someone who
fights when there is a war
Sample Sentence: Soldiers were patrolling the streets.
42. a merchant (n) a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by
trading with other countries
Sample Sentence: The town’s merchants closed their shops during the parade.
43. an engineer (n) a person whose job is to design and build machines, engines, or electrical
equipment, or things such as buildings, roads, railways, or bridges, using
scientific principles
Sample Sentence: The engineer soon got the air-conditioning up and running again.

Exercise 1: Match the following words with their meanings:

Words Meanings

1. archaeologist a. Someone who fights in wars to protect their country

2. gladiator b. Someone who is not free

3. slave c. Someone who buys and sells things

4. merchant d. Someone who fights people and animals to entertain others

5. soldier e. Someone who tries to find out how people lived in the past

1- --------------- 2- ----------------- 3- --------------------- 4- ------------------- 5- --------------------

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the box:

preserve bathe mummify bury discover guard

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
1. We searched all morning for the missing papers, only to _______________ them in a drawer.
2. When we arrived, I ran to the sea to _______________ my feet in warm salty water.
3. It is our duty to __________________ the nature for future generations.
4. Armed security officers are employed to __________________ the president.
5. The ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to _______________ their dead.
6. Ancient Egyptians also took as much time and care to ________________ their pets as they did with people.

Grammar Skills

Grammar Concept 1: Subordinate Clauses to express opinion: LB: p. 97, ex. 4, 5; AB: p.77,

In compound sentences, each part of the sentence that has a subject and a predicate (verb) is called a clause.
A clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence is called the main clause.
A clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence and is dependent on the main clause is called the subordinate
Verbs such as think, know, believe, feel, trust, guess, expect etc. may express facts or opinions and are often
followed by a subordinate clause joined by that (a that-clause).
Examples: I guess that things are pretty hard for you now. (opinion)
I feel that I should be doing more to help her. (opinion)
She knows that the Colosseum is in Rome. (fact)
He understands that a lot of people disagree with this idea. (fact)

A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false Ex: New Year is celebrated on the 1st of January.
An opinion is a personal belief or feeling. An opinion cannot be proven. Ex: New Year is the best holiday.

Exercise 1: Join the sentences using ‘that’. Then, decide if each statement is a fact or

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
Example: The show was fantastic. Jane said so. - Jane said that the show was fantastic. – O

1. I am staying at my friend’s house tonight. My parents know it.

2. They will be late. I think so.
3. The unicorns are real. I believe so.
4. I should stay in bed for two days. The doctor advised me so.
5. We should tell our teacher about this. My friend agreed with me.
6. I help my grandmother in the garden. My grandmother asked me to.
7. The lesson wasn’t going to end. He felt so.
Grammar Concept 2: Past Simple Passive: LB p. 99; AB p. 79

We use Past Simple Passive when we don’t know who or what did the action or it is not very
To form Past Simple Passive we use:
was/were + V + ed or was/were + V3 (Past Participle)
(regular verbs) (irregular verbs)

Examples: My book was published yesterday.

Rome wasn’t built in one day.
If you want to say who did or what caused the action, use by or with.
The house was built by my grandfather. It was destroyed by fire.
The room was filled with smoke. This wood sculpture was cut with a knife.

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive form.
Example:At last, the problem __________(solve) to everyone’s satisfaction.
At last, the problem was solved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
1. The houses _____________________(build) of stone, brick and wood.

2. Every morning the workers ____________________ (tell) what they had to do.

3. A beautiful tune _______________________(play) when we came to the hall.

4. Such mistakes _____________________(make) by even the best students.

5. The student ___________________(ask) to answer the question.

6. When _________the book ________________ (write)?

7. Where _________ the statue __________________ (place)?

Exercise 2: Use the clues to make sentences with Past Simple Passive.

Example: The thief / catch / the police. – The thief was caught by the police.

1. A sound of violin / hear / in the hall.


2. I / wake up / at 7 o’clock / my mother.


3. The envelope / find / on my desk.


4. The book / buy / a week ago.


5. The picture / paint / great artist.


6. The window / break / the other day.


Exercise 3:Write the following sentences in Past Simple Passive.

Example: They changed the timetable yesterday. – The timetable was changed yesterday.

1. They sent the sick man to the hospital. _________________________________________

Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves. _______________________________________

3. They used the room only for special occasions. __________________________________

4. The tsunami destroyed the town. _____________________________________________

5. Nobody informed me about it. _______________________________________________

Reading Comprehension Skills

Brotherly LoveBy Kelly Hashway

Michael raked the last of the leaves into a small pile. There weren’t
even enough to jump in. “Mom and Dad are never going to pay me
for raking this little bit of leaves.” “What are you talking about?”
Greg asked, walking up behind him.

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Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
“I’m trying to do extra chores so I can make enough money to buy the new Space Invaders
video game, but there’s nothing to do around here.” Michael sighed and looked around.

“You could offer to wash Mom and Dad’s cars,” Greg said. Michael’s face lit up. “That’s a great
idea.” “I bet some of the neighbors would pay you to wash theirs, too. It’s getting colder and no
one is going to want to wash the cars themselves.”

Michael nodded. The air was cold. He shivered at the thought of washing cars and getting wet
in this cold weather. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

Greg placed his hand on Michael’s shoulder. “I have some golf gloves that are designed for wet,
cold weather. I’ll loan you a pair, and I’ll even help you wash the cars.” “Really? You’d help me
and let me keep the money?”

“Sure. Golf season is over. I won’t need the extra cash for a while.” Greg disappeared inside the
house. Michael asked his parents if he could wash their cars for a small fee. When they agreed,
he asked some neighbors, too. Three more agreed. Michael got a bucket, some sponges,
towels, and soap. Greg came back outside with the gloves.

“Here you go. They might be a little big for you, but they’ll keep your hands warm and dry.”
“Thanks.” Michael still couldn’t believe his brother was helping him earn the money like this.
He was going to have to think of a way to repay him.

After spending the day washing cars, Michael looked at the stack of money he’d made. He
counted the bills carefully.

“Well?” Greg asked. “Do you have enough for that video game?” “Yeah.” Michael smiled.
“Then let’s go buy it.” Greg drove Michael to the mall.

Michael found the game immediately, but as he took it off the shelf he saw a golf video game
next to it. Michael looked at Greg and thought of how he’d helped him earn the money. Greg
loved golf and wouldn’t get to golf again until spring. Unless...

“What are you doing?” Greg asked as Michael put his game back and brought the golf game to
the register. “I thought this golf video game would be more fun. We can play it together.”

Answer the following questions.

1. What was Michael upset about?


2. Why was Michael trying to do some extra chores?

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Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019

3. What did Michael want to buy?


4. What was the idea that Greg gave to Michael?


5. Why no one wanted to wash the cars themselves?


6. In what two ways did Greg offer to help Michael?


7. Why wouldn’t Greg need extra cash for sometime?


8. Apart from his parents who else agreed to give Michael the car washing job?

9. Was Michael able to get the money he needed for the video game?

10.What type of game did Michael buy? Why did he buy this particular game? Give two

Cross-Curricular Link: History

Reflect on the passage to differentiate between a Fact and an Opinion

Long Ago in Egypt: Thousands of years ago, a group of people lived in Egypt. They lived on a
little strip of land along the Nile River. Every year, the Nile would flood. When the waters
retreated, rich soil was left behind. This soil was perfect for farming, and the ancient Egyptians
called it the “Black Land.” All the other land in the area was made up of hot, dry desert. The
Egyptians felt lucky to have found this special spot near the river.

Ancient Egyptians did not have many of the things we have today. For example, the Egyptians
did not have televisions. They did not have video games. They certainly did not have computers
or the Internet! You might be fooled into thinking the Egyptians had nothing to do. Actually,
this ancient people kept very busy with work and play.

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Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019
Egyptians at Work: The Egyptians spent their time doing many of the same things modern
people do. They built houses to live in. They also built big, sturdy buildings called pyramids. In
fact, some of their pyramids are still standing today! The Great Pyramid at Giza is the largest
single building ever created on Earth that we know of. No one today could build a pyramid as
well as the Egyptians did!

In addition to building pyramids and homes, the ancient Egyptians also farmed land and tended
sheep. They taught their children, and they raised them well. The Egyptians also ran
businesses. They would sell their crops, cloth for clothes, perfumes, jewelry, furniture, and
food, such as bread.

Egyptians at Play: The Egyptians found many ways to entertain themselves in the Nile River
region. One of these was writing and telling stories. The Egyptians wrote in one of the most
beautiful languages in the world-hieroglyphics. Long ago, this language was discovered. Many
have studied it over the years. Ancient Egyptians would draw pictures on the walls of the
pyramids. This was their way of writing down their special stories.

In these drawings, the Egyptians told about fishing in the Nile River. They also described
riverboat trips. They enjoyed relaxing on the shore or swimming in the slow-moving waters of
the Nile. They loved music and often played instruments to pass the time. These ancient people
also loved to play board games. Sometimes, if they were feeling adventurous, they would even
hunt crocodiles or hippos! It seems quite silly to hunt crocodiles or hippos!

Wealthy Egyptians liked to have big parties. They would serve food and drinks to their guests.
To entertain their guests, they hired musicians, dancers, and acrobats.

Even though the Egyptians lived a long time ago, they were not that different from people of

Directions: Read each statement and decide if it is a fact or an opinion.

➢ If it is a fact, place an X under “Fact.”

➢ If it is an opinion, place an X under “Opinion.”
➢ If the sentence contains a fact and an opinion, place an X in both boxes. Then underline
the words that express an opinion.

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Grade: 5: Unit: 7: Worksheet Handout English Academic Year 2018-2019

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