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Topic and Concept Development Reflection

Name _______Chloe Miller_____________________

What is the topic your team will be exploring?


What are the 4 concepts (the smaller ideas) you will be

connecting to the broader topic (the big idea)?
1. Construction
2. Destruction
3. Homes
4. Enveloping

What evidence do you provide that led you to identifying this

investigation topic?

Schema checklists, provocations, sociograms,

What are you most excited about for this investigation?

I am excited to see how the kids used the materials and what
they build. I am interested to see what kind of object or even
building they will build. I am also looking forward to the
conversations the children will have when working in this
investigation and how they will share their ideas with each other.
What are 2 possible objectives for the course of your whole
investigation? Use the formula as follows: the children will
Think about how this will link to measurable ways you can
document children’s growth over time.

1. The children will learn how to connect two or more

materials by building structures out of 3-4 provided
2. The children will learn how to envelop and enclose
objects by building structures specific to the object
they have (ex. Habitats, houses, etc.).

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