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Team Members:
- Alejandro Ordoñez (Franklin)
- Mayer Cartuche (Profesor Shelby)
- Eysttin Namicela (Dr. Bravestone)
- Franklin Sarango (Ruby)
- Bryan Simancas (Alex)
Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle
Dr. Bravestone: What are you making?

Alex: Margaritas. It’s actually one of my strengths. That and piloting, although I did get shot down by a
couple orangutans in fighter jets… so maybe not that great at it.

Alex: Anyway, cheers

Ruby: Oh, thanks

Dr. Bravestone: Sure

Ruby: I’ve never had alcohol before

Dr. Bravestone: Me neither

Ruby: You know, what? What the hell?

Dr. Bravestone: Lehayim

Ruby: And I’m done with that

Dr. Bravestone: It’s good

Franklin: Can you give me one more?

Profesor Shelby: Alex. What’s up with all these candles?

Alex: Citronella. One of my weaknesses is mosquitos… Wich is kind of a bummer when you live alone in
an open heart in the jungle.

Profesor Shelby: He’s single

Franklin: Who’s this? Who’s Alan Parrish?

Alex: Is the guy who built this place

Dr. Bravestone: Wait, other people have been stuck here too?

Alex: Yeah. This is Alan Parrish’s house. I’m just living in it

Profesor Shelby: So, Alex, tell me… How long have you been in the game?

Alex: Oh, It’s tough to say. Time is kind of funny here. But few months, at least

Ruby: A few months?

Dr. Bravestone: What?

Alex: Yeah, I can’t seem to make it past the transportation shed

Ruby: “Transportation shed” … What’s that?

Alex: It’s the next level. First time, my hot-air balloon wouldn’t even take off. And then there was the
whole plane thing I mentioned. And once I got down to my last life… I realized I’m screwed. And I was
never gonna get out of here by myself

Alex: Half the stuff that came at me, I had zero way to deal with. You can’t kill a mamba with a margarita

Franklin: You sure can’t. You need a zoologist for that

Dr. Bravestone: Alex, we can help each other. You’ve been here a long time, you know the game, and
between us… We have a lot of strengths

Ruby: Yeah. We’re actually pretty good together

Alex: I don’t know bro. Okay, I mess up one more time. I’m toast.

Alex: Totally freaks me out even thinking about going back to the transportation shed. I don’t wanna die
in Jumanji

Dr. Bravestone: We just gotta stick together. If we do that, we can win. I know we can

Profesor Shelby: Oh, my God. You’re a missing piece. You were the thing we needed to find.

Ruby: So the clue was to, what, go to the bazaar to find the missing piece? It wasn’t the elephant

Alex: It was me

Professor Shelby: Yeah

Franklin: Dudes, let’s do this

Dr. Bravestone: Yeah

Profesor Shelby: Let’s do this

Franklin: Hey, Bravestone you gonna drink that margarita?

Dr. Bravestone: I… You’re done

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