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Quick Outline :Business Information Management (BIM) course:

Fall Semester:
1. July 25, 2024:
- Activity: "Call to Action"
- Task: Introduce concept/plan for personalized professional learning, receive feedback from
the team.

2. August 1, 2024:
- Activity: Present Resources and fill out needs assessment
- Task: Equip educators with advanced proficiency in BIM software applications and

3. August 3, 2024:
- Activity: Effective Teaching Styles
- Task: Provide opportunities for educators to explore innovative teaching strategies and
instructional methodologies tailored to the BIM curriculum.

4. September 5, 2024:
- Activity: Foster Collaboration
- Task: Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among BIM educators to exchange best
practices, resources, and ideas.

Spring Semester:
5. January 9, 2025:
- Activity: Mid-Year Review and Reflection
- Task: Reflect on progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust PL plan as needed.

6. February 6, 2025:
-Activity: Guest Speaker Session
- Task: Invite industry professionals to share insights and trends in BIM related fields.

7. March 6, 2025:
- Activity: Project-Based Learning Workshop
- Task: Explore project-based learning approaches and develop project ideas for BIM courses.

8. April 3, 2025:
- Activity: Data Analysis Techniques
- Task: Introduce data analysis techniques and tools relevant to BIM applications.

9. May 15, 2025:

- Activity: Reflective Practice Workshop
- Task: Facilitate a workshop on reflective practice, encouraging educators to reflect on their
teaching experiences and identify areas for growth.

10. May 29, 2025:

- Activity: Tech Tool Showcase and Demo
- Task: Showcase various educational technology tools and demonstrate their application in
BIM instruction.

11. June 12, 2025:

- Activity Future Trends in BIM Industry
- Task: Invite a guest speaker to discuss emerging trends and future directions in the business
information management industry.

12. July 1, 2025:

- Activity: End of Year Celebration and Showcase
- Task: Celebrate achievements, showcase student work, and reflect on the year's successes.

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