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1. What are some of the golden rules you observe in your life?

– Marga: Value the people around you (Explanation: Valuing the people around you can make a
stronger relationship between colleagues, which can lead to a better decision-making that
can help the company’s success.)

2. What/Who influenced you to follow these rules?

– Marga: My mother worked for only one company all throughout her work experience and she
is that someone whom I truly want to be someday. I admire her determination and good ethics
and professionalism skills that helped her be the worker that she is today.

3. How did you think these rules help you navigate life better?

– Marga: It helped me assess my given knowledge and abilities that can help me once I step
into a real workplace already. Additionally, it helped me to distinguish what are the significant
skills that I must embody today and in the future.

4. If you have a golden rule that you would like to share to your
partner, what would it be? Why?

– Marga: It would be do not be afraid to ask for help, people must know that no one is perfect,
thus asking for help won’t hurt at all. We must remember that it serves as an additional
knowledge that may be beneficial for us in the future.

1. What are some of the golden rules you observe in your life?

– Iya: Honesty is the best policy (Explanation: Honesty is the best policy does not only revolve
around the workplace, but it all started on yourself, being honest with yourself will make the
outcome of your hard work more effective because you know your capabilities and limitations
that will prevent mistakes which will lead to faster and easier outcomes.

2. What/Who influenced you to follow these rules?

– Iya: My Grandmother is one of my inspirations when it comes to the golden rule learn from
your mistakes. She always tells us that there is nothing wrong in making mistakes but make
sure you learn from it and use it for your personal growth. Making mistakes become wrong
when it happens repeatedly without development.

3. How did you think these rules help you navigate life better?
– Iya: By being honest helped me in improving my capabilities by gradually increasing the
limitations I know I can do. This also helped me when I ask for help as I am honest with my
mistakes, with this, the people I asked for help will not be clueless about my skills and

4. If you have a golden rule that you would like to share to your
partner, what would it be? Why?

– Iya: It would be value the people around. Every people is basically your support system, they
are the one whom you will ask for help. In a workplace, people have different personalities so
it is normal for you not to like everyone but always remember that they will also be the one to
teach you different ways to handle your emotions

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