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(by: Alma Theresa T. Daulat)

I never thought I would fall in love again

After the heartbreak and such intensifying pain
I thought I can’t see the undying beauty
Too much hurt I thought I couldn’t see reality

Until one day you came into my life

Those simple lifestyle I started to bid goodbye
I tried to ignore the strange feelings I had
And I promise to myself I’ll never fall in love

But it seems that you’re really eager to hear

My heartwarming response you didn’t fear
You keep on waiting you show me such care
With these I thought is it really a nightmare?

Before I thought your such a pretender

To love truly I think you can’t render
I would say to care you can’t truly bare
Lately I realize I’ve been quite unfair

With the moment you’ve shared you create a difference

The playboy thought I had now, I feel the presence
For such charm and songs I feel your occurrence
With those simple things you really make sense

And one day I had to be sure

For what I feel I know I’m not a fool
Anew I learned to utter I LOVE YOU
And this is because of amazing YOU!

And to doubt I can’t help but do

Because of some girl who is part of the issue
Remembering such things makes me feel blue
Yet, I just ignore it because I trust you

It’s true it’s hard to have someone like you

Hearthrob should I say so many girls admire too
But sometimes proud since you’re such a great guy
Completing my journey you didn’t mind to give a try

I hope you won’t neglect me oh my dear

A unique naive girl who’s standing near
With my simple crafty ways I hope you feel
I cherish you my only one, I give you my only deal!
Just wanted to know how happy I am
Finding a better man whom I can say really mine
Please do stay and let’s wait for the right time
Till our hearts finally reach the EXACT RHYME!

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