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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects millions of people worldwide.

It is characterized
by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. In this case study, we
will explore the story of a patient who has been struggling with asthma and how they have found
relief through the services of

The Patient

Mr. Zhang is a 35-year-old man who has been dealing with asthma since childhood. He has been on
various medications and treatments, but his condition has not been improving. He often experiences
shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing, which affects his daily activities and quality of life.

The Solution

After hearing about from a friend, Mr. Zhang decided to give it a try. He was
impressed by the professional and personalized approach of the team at They took
the time to understand his medical history and current condition before coming up with a customized
treatment plan.

The team at recommended a combination of medication, breathing exercises, and

lifestyle changes to manage Mr. Zhang's asthma. They also provided him with a detailed asthma
action plan, which he could refer to in case of an asthma attack.

The Results

With the help of, Mr. Zhang's asthma has significantly improved. He no longer
experiences frequent attacks and is able to participate in physical activities without any difficulty. He
is grateful for the support and guidance he has received from the team at

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Disclaimer: This case study is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical
advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for personalized treatment.
Please see an attachment for details 1. what do you have to consider in up to 10% of pts with a
cervical spine fx? Answer: asecond, noncontiguous vertebral column fx *therefore radiographic
screening of entire spine is warranted in pts... By ExamNavigator , Uploaded: Apr 11, 2024 lution
and triangulation of the ill child in conflict. A given 1. QDiscuss how competence impacts
productivity in a nursing unit in a hospital. Identify 2-3 other variables and discuss ho Stress-related
asthma and family therapy: it is now more broadly applied to ‘stress-related illness’ • Journal article
a. “He should go to the doctor regularly to make sure his asthma is being treated correctly.” b. “If he
takes medications for a while, he will outgrow his asthma.” c. “Part of L.'s treatment should be
avoiding things that irritate his lungs.” d. “If I recognize early warning signs, he might be able to
take medicine and not go to the ER.” the configuration of several family dimensions which are
Obtaining C.J.'s pulse oximetry reading Administer the prescribed asthma medications (e.g.
bronchodilators, steroids, or combination inhalers / nebulizers). Bronchodilators: To dilate or relax
the muscles on the airways. Steroids: To reduce the inflammation in the lungs. March 25, 2024 by
Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN a. Monitor HR and RR every 2 hours. By ExamNavigator ,
Uploaded: Apr 11, 2024 It contains more than 200 care plans that adhere to the newest evidence-
based recommendations. The BBFM was originally developed to understand L. is a 7-year-old who
has been brought to the emergency department (ED) by his mother. She immediately tells you he has
a history of ED visits for his asthma. He uses an inhaler when he wheezes, but it ran out a month
ago. She is a single parent and has two other children at home with a babysitter. Your assessment
finds L. alert, oriented, and extremely anxious. His color is pale, and his nail beds are dusky and
cool to the touch; other findings are heart rate 136 beats/min, respiratory rate 36 breaths/min regular
and even, oral temperature 37° C (99° F), Sa O 2 89%, breath sounds decreased in lower lobes
bilaterally and congested with inspiratory and expiratory wheezes, prolonged expirations, and a
productive cough. is that it crop up to address the pathological origin of asthma. References: Images
and Videos Images Videos • Genentech. (n.d.). • Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 6-11, p195
• Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 15-10C, p690 • Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 15-10D, p690 • Kumar (2010) et
al: Fig 15-10 E, p690 • Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 15-10 A&B, p690 • Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 15-10 B,
p690 • UC San Diego School of Medicine. (1998). Pulmonary function tests. Retrieved October 17,
2013, Retrieved from • U.S. National Library of
Medicine. (n.d.). • Asad, F. (2010). Asthma- YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2013,
from • CPRFreak. (2010). Grace's asthma attack -
YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2013, from • NHS
Choices. (2010). Asthma: An animation – YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2013,
from • World Medical School. (2012). Asthma- USMLE
step 2 review - YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2013,
/watch?v=3d6Oyt32gpe Explain the disease, its symptoms, as well as probable underlying causes
that might trigger an attack. Contains information that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of
preventive measures. Adherence to prescribed treatment programs would be improved as patients
would find it easier to include something they are familiar with. 産婦人科は女性しか対
象にしない診療科ですが逆に女性を全般的に診ていける診療科でもあります 広い範囲で活
躍できる診療科とも言えます興味ある人はどんどん明日の産婦人科医を目指して下さい 香川
医科大学1993年卒 専門領域. 京 大 病院 産婦 人 科. 埼玉県立小児医療センター 株式会
社タウンアート Town Art Co Ltd 医療センター 小児 埼玉県 京 大 病院 産婦 人 科 死亡 Lfspo
Ddns Info. . 筑波大学附属病院病院情報 民間医局レジナビ. 伊勢原 協同 病院 看護 師
京 大 病院 脳神経 外科 スタッフ 久留米 第 一 病院 産婦 人 科 京 大 病院 精神 科 評判
五所 川原 布施 病院 評判 初台 リハビリテーション病院 評判 京都 府立 リハビリテーション病
院 中津 市民 病院 産婦 人 科. 胃 カメラ 医療 法人 以 和貴 会 北条 病院 医 真 会 八尾
病院. 医学部助教A 宮川 知保. 藤原 浩 ふじわら ひろし. 中京 病院 お盆 休み 中垣 病院 看
護 部長 京 大 病院 産婦 人 科 個室 公 済 病院 出産. 20170223 子宮体癌に対する腹腔鏡
下傍大動脈リンパ節郭清術を開始しました 20170106 H29年の初頭ご挨拶----Challenge and
Change. 社会医療法人真泉会今治第一病院 診療科のご案内. 産婦人科専門医周産期
専門医母体胎児医学部助教A 青木 稚人. 中村 充宏 なかむら みつひろ. One of the most
common breathing problems is asthma which is developed due to the inflammatory airways in which
the airways become narrow, swell and produce more amount of mucus than normal making it
difficult to treat. Can occur in any age groups and is common breathing problem seen and If the
condition worsens the airways can become more narrow and life-threatening conditions and the
chances of Asthma is increased or caused due to Smoking, environmental changes, allergens, illness,
emotions and inhalants in the air. Generally, this condition can be treated successfully in Homeocare
international with effective results and the treatment is safe and reliable its treatment differs from
individual to individual and it helps in rebuilding the body’s immune system providing rapid relief.
Consultation is free. Know more:
/ Toll-free: 1800-102-2202 Asthma Triggers History of Asthma Diagnosed at Age 10 Frequent
Sinusitis Exposure to secondhand smoke Spent the night at a friends house whose father is a smoker
Family History Grandfather: COPD Secondary to smoking No longer smokes Patient Risk Factors
ID: iad1::87gfb-1713131145227-bd000f11e6a4 Students, used to enhance its asthma attack asthma
diagnostic studies such. Admissions using an after studies found the time of people with. case study
asthma nursing Dose and demonstrated a hospital. Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B., Makic, M. B.,
Martinez-Kratz, M. R., & Zanotti, M. (2020). Nursing diagnoses handbook: An evidence-based
guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. point there was no requirement for any additional
asthma medicines.
March 25, 2024 by Anna Curran. RN, BSN, PHN *NURSING> EXAM > 2024 ATLS Module 4 -
Thoracic Trauma Latest Questions With Complete Grade A Answers(All) well as be affected by,
disease activity. According to their Background • Jenny, 14 yr old female • Spent the night at a
friends house • Exposures: • Friends father smokes • Current Medications: • Fluticasone inhaler BID
• Albuterol HFA PRN • Allergies: Sulfa (rash) Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and
votes cannot be cast. Observe any signs and indicators of shortness of breath (dyspnea) that may
present as retractions of the chest, excessive use of accessory muscle, and nasal flaring. This is an
essential indicator that the patient may be suffering from breathing issues as these are signs of
possible respiratory distress. When there is significant inspiratory effort, the breathing pattern is
noticeably altered due to difficulty pumping air into and out of the lungs. Stress-related asthma and
family therapy: Content may be subject to copyright. Save Background: Asthma is an inflammatory
clutter of the airways that causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. In India,
approximate calculation indicates a prevalence of between 10% and 15% in 5-11 year old children.
Modern Western treatment focuses on controlling asthma with two classes of medication
corticosteroids and bronchodilatorss. Another plan of action for reducing and potentially even throw
out asthma manifestation affects manipulation of the craniosacral fascial system. This system is a
unification of the craniosacral and fascial or connective tissue part. This idea can help in making
clear the greatly high rate of achievement with manual therapy in pediatric asthma. Methods: In this
case report first I have taken a brief history of the patient condition after the full assessment like
brain cycle rhythm, chest and systemic. I have given cranio sacral therapy, Intercostal release, PNF
for diaphragm release on child for seven sitting of about 45 minutes of each session. Results: After
completion of treatment session of seven sitting his lungs to be bright of any wheezing or other
impediment. Brain cycle was of 90 seconds. His peak flow meter readings were between 250 and
300 Liters/minute, which were in a satisfactory range for him. The physician suggested that at this
point there was no requirement for any additional asthma medicines. Conclusion: It comes into sight
that the loss to the respiratory system caused by fascial burden early in life may be fully reversible, if
treated immediately. The latent grace of this interdependent approach is that it crop up to address the
pathological origin of asthma. Manifestations of Asthma Typical Manifestations Patient’s
Manifestations • Wheezing • Coughing • Chest tightness • Shortness of breath • Severe shortness of
breath with difficulty speaking • Unproductive cough • Tachycardia, heart rate 110 • Tachypnea,
respiratory rate 24 • Anxiety • Hypoxia, oxygen saturation on room air 88% • Bilateral high-pitched,
diffuse expiratory wheezing • Use of accessory muscles Typical manifestations data (Kumar et al.,
2010) Assessing Control - The Asthma Ladder Step Up Therapy Persistent Asthma Step Down
Therapy Intermittent Asthma Nursing Mnemonics Cheatsheet Part Ii Nursing School Survival
Nursing School Nursing School Notes adolescent with intractable asthma. The model is described,
along with supportive research findings. Then a case Respiratory Therapy This is an excellent
reference for nurses and nursing students. While it is a great resource for writing nursing care plans
and nursing diagnoses, it also helps guide the nurse to match the nursing diagnosis to the patient
assessment and diagnosis. A CASE OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. By Dr. Jawahar Shah M.D.(Hom).
NOTE: To protect the patient’s identity, we have used a model’s picture or photographs for the
purpose of presentation. A CASE BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. 12 Years old boy was brought on 27th
July 1986, suffering from Bronchial Asthma. 50% Objectives • Understand severity scoring vs.
control in guiding the treatment of asthma • Discuss the utility of the “asthma ladder” in step up and
step down therapy • Introduce new therapies used in patients with refractory asthma In addition,
salbutamol also brings about increased mucociliary clearance rate thus preventing the obstruction of
the airways (Barnes, 1983)Salbutamol being a beta type 2argonists acts on the smooth muscles on
the airways and reverse the narrowing of the airways as in the case of asthma and also in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.... Salbutamol is used in relieving of broncho-spasm in patients with
asthma or Chronic Obstructive pulmonary Disease, and for acute prophylaxis against exercise
induced asthma, or in situations known to induce broncho-spasm (Rossi, 2004).... We offer a full
range of strategic marketing and public relations (PR) services, from brand positioning and message
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programs, effective launches and promotions, and more. 402: PAYMENT_REQUIRED Copyright
2014-2024 Case Study . The Study of an Environmental Impact Statement for a
Wind Farm Liam Dervan, EHO Galway. E.I.S. Team, Galway. Under the auspices of; Mr Brendan
Lawlor, A/PEHO Team Members; Mr Gerry Leen, SEHO Mr Seamus Mitchell, SEHO Ms Niamh
Kelly, EHO Suggest to the patient to inhale and exhale via pursed lips. When the patient breathes
with his/her lips pursed, he/she is allowing more fresh air to enter the lungs while expelling old air
they’ve been holding in. case study asthma nursing ! sample proposal format thesis A CASE OF
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. By Dr. Jawahar Shah M.D.(Hom). NOTE: To protect the patient’s
identity, we have used a model’s picture or photographs for the purpose of presentation. Mr. B.D.N.,
aged 67, a well known social worker with a strong inclination to help people. By ExamNavigator ,
Uploaded: Apr 11, 2024 This information is intended to be nursing education and should not be used
as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
---------------------------------------------------- このページは30秒
後にFC2ホームページのトップページにジャンプします。 Nursing Diagnosis: Health-Seeking
Behaviors: Prevention of Asthma Attack related to an expressed desire to avoid and correct
situations impetus of asthmatic episodes, as evidenced by an increased interest for better control
over health practices, the impact of environmental factors and behavioral factors on health, and an
increase in the number of attacks can help understand the family-psychobiological contribution to
exacerbation of disease activity, and therefore Code: DEPLOYMENT_DISABLED CASE STUDY.
Learning Objectives. To research and revise the case study for Section B of the exam. Warp
Documentary. Take the time to instruct the patient and parents on correct handwashing procedures
and offer time for a follow-up demonstration. Avoids the transmission of pathogens from close
contacts, such as touching. An economy contains two risky assets. Both of them cost $1. Asset A
will pay the holder $3 if it rains tomorrow and $0.50 if it does not rain tomorrow. Asset B will pay
the holder $3 if it rains tomor Analyze the pathophysiology of asthma and relate it to the category of
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lung. Methods: Two hundred and ten cases were randomly assigned into an observation group and a
control group, 105 cases in each one. Finally 7 cases were dropped out in the observation group; 6
cases in the control group. Feishu ... [Show full abstract] Save Nursing Mnemonics Cheatsheet Part
Ii Nursing School Survival Nursing School Nursing School Notes advances in family-based theory
and practice in the 100% found this document useful (4 votes) Obtaining a detailed health history
Great way to get paid for all of the hard work!. sometimes. On Saturday, Gary passes out during ...
Therefore, our findings suggest the relevance of interventions that include a focus on strengthening
an individual's capacities for healthy connection in relationships and the ability to also respond to
stress in thoughtful and nonreactive ways. Moreover, our findings contribute to the increasing body
of empirical research that supports that family interventions have significant benefits for patients and
their families (Martire et al., 2004;Theodoratou-Bekou, Andreopoulou, Andriopoulou, & Wood,
2012). Clinicians working with families can employ a multigenerational approach to intervention,
encouraging clients to establish more person-to-person relationships, facilitating increased awareness
about the emotional processes in one's own family, or by coaching clients to avoid the use of
triangulation in the midst of heightened emotions (Bowen, 1978;Haefner, 2014;Rodr ıguez-Gonz
alez & Kerr, 2011). ... (1) In this case report first I have taken a brief history of the patient condition
after the full Mysimilia offers specialised Homeopathy treatment for Asthma. Our Homeopathic
treatment will help control your Asthma problems. Mysimilia is one of India's Top homeopathy clinic
located in Mumbai. Their patients are spread across major states of India and the globe. The medical
information on this site is provided as an information resource only and should not be used or relied
on for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Facts on second hand smoking and asthma • Exposure to
secondhand smokingcan trigger asthma attacks and make asthma symptoms more severe (EPA,
2013). • Second hand smoking contributes to children/adolescent’s asthma attacks more than adults
due to their narrower airways (Salmun et al., 2007). • Cotinine is a nicotine byproduct that has been
found in saliva, urine, and blood of children/adolescent exposed to secondhand smoking (Salmun et
al., 2007). • Children with asthma who are exposed to secondhand smoking have asthma that is
harder to control, even with medication (Jarvey et al., 2008) Pathophysiology of Asthma Priming or
sensitization The exact cause of asthma is unknown. Experts believe that asthma is caused by genetic
and environmental factors.
somatic symptoms in children are attributed to specific ... PST focuses on helping individuals
develop strategies to directly address and resolve the problems causing them stress, promoting
proactive coping [130]. Self-Management, meanwhile, equips individuals with skills and strategies to
manage their symptoms, behaviors, and overall wellbeing, making it a valuable tool in the context of
chronic illnesses or long-term conditions [131]. ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any
college or university. b. “If he takes medications for a while, he will outgrow his asthma.” Download
to read offline Assess the patient’s activities of daily living, as well as actual and perceived
limitations to physical activity. Ask for any form of exercise that he/she used to do or wants to try.
To create a baseline of activity levels and mental status related to fatigue and activity intolerance.
20% discount. 100% Table 4. Risk of asthma ever among offspring by maternal ... Therefore, our
findings suggest the relevance of interventions that include a focus on strengthening an individual's
capacities for healthy connection in relationships and the ability to also respond to stress in
thoughtful and nonreactive ways. Moreover, our findings contribute to the increasing body of
empirical research that supports that family interventions have significant benefits for patients and
their families (Martire et al., 2004;Theodoratou-Bekou, Andreopoulou, Andriopoulou, & Wood,
2012). Clinicians working with families can employ a multigenerational approach to intervention,
encouraging clients to establish more person-to-person relationships, facilitating increased awareness
about the emotional processes in one's own family, or by coaching clients to avoid the use of
triangulation in the midst of heightened emotions (Bowen, 1978;Haefner, 2014;Rodr ıguez-Gonz
alez & Kerr, 2011). ... Asthma Case Study. Group 7. Courtney Ramsey Jennifer Martin Lisa G.
Castro Ning Huang Stella Cooremans - Pena Rosimeire Sawyer. An Asthma Attack. Background.
Jenny, 14 yr old female Spent the night at a friends house Exposures: Friends father smokes Current
Medications: Evaluate the rate, depth, and rhythm of the patient’s breathing. When the patient’s
usual breathing pattern or rhythm changes, there is a strong probability that an impending ailment or
disease state is developing; in particular, this may be an early warning sign of oncoming respiratory
distress. These are the nursing books and resources that we recommend. Nursing Diagnosis:
Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to inadequate pulmonary ventilation, secondary to asthma, as
evidenced by shortness of breath, coughing, cyanosis, nasal flaring, changes in the depth of
breathing, excessive use of accessory muscles, presence of respiratory noise, and tachypnea. After
completion of treatment session of seven sitting his lungs to be bright of any wheezing Ensure the
patient is at ease and comfortable by providing amenities like a quiet, peaceful space and soothing
music. Remaining calm and exerting less inspiratory effort makes breathing easier and conserves the
patient’s energy equally. Etiology of Manifestations Asthma is a disease that inflames and narrows
the airways of your lungs. (1) Inflammation • Early reaction • Bronchoconstriction/reversible
bronchospasm (triggered by direct stimulation of subepithelial vagal receptors • Increased mucus
production • Variable degrees of vasodilation with increased vascular permeability (Kumar et al.,
2010) somatic Family model presented a type of family. That is, Research has demonstrated that the
family plays a de- Education> EXAM > Certified Beer Server Exam, Practice Exam 1, Practice Test
2 and 3 Cicerone 100% Correct (All) The objective of the current study is to shed a light on the
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hellip; United Healthcare is a subsidiary American healthcare entity that is headquartered in
Minnetonka, the State of Minnesota.... Pathophysiology of Asthma • IgE coats submucosal mast cells
and repeat exposure to the allergen triggers the mast cells to release granules contents and produce
cytokines and other mediators which induce the early phase reaction and the last phase reaction.
190(10), 530-531. Late-phase reaction: • Mast cells, epithelial cells, T cells, and other cytokines
produce chemokines to recruit leukocytes • Inflammation with recruitment of leukocytes • Mediators
released from leukocytes, endothelium and epithelial cells in late reaction Pathophysiology of
Asthma • Kumar (2010) et al: Fig 15-10 E, p690 Etiology of Manifestations Asthma is a disease that
inflames and narrows the airways of your lungs. (1) Inflammation • Inflammation is triggered by
anything in the environment that causes a person’s airway to hyper-react and make breathing
difficult. • Jenny’s trigger was tobacco smoke. • The inhaled smoke elicited a TH2 dominated
response. • “TH2 cells secrete cytokines that promote allergic inflammation and stimulate B cells to
produce IgE and other antibodies. These cytokines include IL-4,which stimulates the production of
IgE; IL-5, which activates locally recruited eosinophils; and IL-13, which stimulates mucus secretion
from bronchial submucosal glands and also promotes IgE production and B cells” (Kumar et al.,
2010, p. 689).
... In Theodoratou-Bekou et al. (2012), a 15-year-old girl presented with severe asthma attacks over
which she felt she had no control. ... (“Case Study Regarding Asthma Essay Example | Topics and
Well Written Essays - 1250 words”, n.d.) Asthma Case Study. Group 7. Courtney Ramsey Jennifer
Martin Lisa G. Castro Ning Huang Stella Cooremans - Pena Rosimeire Sawyer. An Asthma Attack.
Background. Jenny, 14 yr old female Spent the night at a friends house Exposures: Friends father
smokes Current Medications: Additionally, it distinguishes between nursing and collaborative
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by providing them with appropriate and high quality study materials. Pepid Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan Nursing Care Care Plans © Copyright Contos Dunne Comunnications By
ExamNavigator , Uploaded: Apr 11, 2024 L. is a 7-year-old who has been brought to the emergency
department (ED) by his mother. She immediately tells you he has a history of ED visits for his
asthma. He uses an inhaler when he wheezes, but it ran out a month ago. She is a single parent and
has two other children at home with a babysitter. Your assessment finds L. alert, oriented, and
extremely anxious. His color is pale, and his nail beds are dusky and cool to the touch; other findings
are heart rate 136 beats/min, respiratory rate 36 breaths/min regular and even, oral temperature 37° C
(99° F), Sa O 2 89%, breath sounds decreased in lower lobes bilaterally and congested with
inspiratory and expiratory wheezes, prolonged expirations, and a productive cough. lution and
triangulation of the ill child in conflict. A given vioral family”. Rather, the BBFM is a model of the
inter- *NURSING > EXAM > Pediactric Asthma HESI Case Study;ANSWERED (All) Indiana
Wesleyan University, Marion Course Hero, a Learneo, Inc. business is a participant
in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Included below are affiliate links from Amazon
at no additional cost from you. We may earn a small commission from your purchase. Please see our
Privacy Policy Respiratory Case Study Asthma Attack Student Handout Case Study. Prasun K Jalal
MD Baylor College of Medicine. Case no. 1. 53/M, Caucasian Fatigue and lower extremity swelling-
6 m H/O IV drug use in 1970’s Drinks 2-3 beer a day for 20 yrs, stopped 6 m back. Examination.
BMI 35 Spider angioma on chest Hepatosplenomegaly
/content/11/1/28 New Essays Regularly monitor the patient’s oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation
refers to the percentage of blood hemoglobin that is saturated by oxygen. 95-100 percent oxygen
saturation is considered normal, and deviations within this baseline level indicate inadequate
ventilation. It may arise from several causes, but it is often correlated with asthma if blockages are
present (e.g., mucus) in the airway passage. このページは30秒
後にFC2ホームページのトップページにジャンプします。 Please follow your facility’s guidelines,
policies, and procedures. ... In addition, autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysregulation may play a
role. It has been proposed that depressed emotional states are associated with ANS dysregulation,
which in turn increases disease severity (36). More specifically, the dysregulation in serotonin
associated with depression has been shown to increase the secretion of Type 2 inflammatory
cytokines commonly implicated in asthma (37,38). ... Require the patient to have a dedicated rest
schedule incorporated into his/her daily routine. A common side effect of having an improper
breathing pattern is exhaustion due to the additional work required to breathe normally. Metabolic
rate and oxygen consumption rise with exercise, and for that reason, periodic rest between care
activities should be incorporated. QPlease provide an answer that it is not in course hero already. You
are a registered nurse (RN) working in a Women's OB/
MS Word - 100% We are providing the best homeopathy treatment
which are more effective and help full to Take the time to instruct the patient and parents on correct
handwashing procedures and offer time for a follow-up demonstration. Avoids the transmission of
pathogens from close contacts, such as touching. Pdf Pediatric Asthma Quality Of Life
Questionnaire Paqlq Validation Among Asthmatic Children In Thailand can help understand the
family-psychobiological contribution to exacerbation of disease activity, and therefore Medically, she
is under care of her primary care physician for last 40 years, and her medications include prescription
medications for arthritis, asthma, and heart problems.... Introduction: Although for ethical and
confidentiality reasons, the true identity of the patient will remain undisclosed; this case study is
about a patient who will be called Molly Jones, which is obviously her nick name.... Nursing
Diagnosis: Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand secondary
to asthma as evidenced by fatigue, overwhelming lack of energy, verbalization of tiredness,
generalized weakness, and shortness of breath upon exertion Take the time to instruct the patient and
parents on correct handwashing procedures and offer time for a follow-up demonstration. Avoids
the transmission of pathogens from close contacts, such as touching. assessment like brain cycle
rhythm, chest and systemic. I have given cranio sacral therapy, Intercostal Silvestri, L. A.
(2020). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L., Rebar, C. R., & Heimgartner, N. M. (2018).Medical-surgical
nursing: Concepts for interprofessional collaborative care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Encourage
coughing. Suction secretions as needed. To help clear thick phlegm that the patient is unable to
expectorate. 0% Awesome and a great way to make money!. Your fellow students know the
appropriate material to use to deliver high quality content. With this great service and assistance
from fellow students, you can become well prepared and avoid having to resits exams. Case study
about asthma in patients that are specifically pediatric. Desired Outcome: The patient will
demonstrate effective coping as evidenced by a reported decrease in the degree of anxiety and
reduced anxiousness in the form of a calmer demeanor and more cooperative conduct. classes of
medication corticosteroids and bronchodilatorss. Another plan of action for reducing and This paper
applies the Biobehavioral Family Model (BBFM) of stress- related illness to the study and treatment
of an adolescent with intractable asthma. The model is described, along with supportive research
findings. Then a case study is presented, demonstrating how the model is clinically applied. We tell
the story of an asthmatic adolescent presenting for therapy due to her intense asthmatic crises, and
the case is presented to exemplify how the BBFM can help understand the family-psychobiological
contribution to exacerbation of disease activity, and therefore guide treatment towards the
amelioration of severe physical symptoms. Facets of the patient’s intra-familial interactions are
consistent with the BBFM, which support clinical validation of the model. In the case described, it is
likely that additional asthma medications would not have had the desired ameliorative effect,
because they did not target the family relational processes contributing to the symptoms. The
recognition of the influences of family relational processes on the disease was crucial for effective
intervention. The therapy incorporates and weaves together BBFM understanding of family patterns
of interaction and physiological/medical concerns integrated with Bowenian intervention strategies.
This case study validates the importance and usefulness of BBFM for intervention with stress-
sensitive illnesses such as asthma. a. Calculate the NPV for each machine over its life. Rank the
machines in descending order on the basis of NPV. b. Use the annualized net present value (ANPV)
approach to evaluate and rank the machine 2. Identify the nursing responsibilities associated with
giving albuterol 0% he case study involved a 5-year-old girl named Rose, whose 9-year-old brother
had died of asthma.... The paper is an important addition to research regarding the importance of
play.... The paper "The Significance of Play in Child Development" describes that the multi-agency
team helped Rose come out of her emotional trauma, through the introduction of risk-free play in the
playset.... Previewing 1 of 5 pages Upload your study docs or become a member. Question 3
Compare and contrast the typical manifestations of asthma with those seen in this case. Include
pathologic etiology of each manifestation. This is an excellent reference for nurses and nursing
students. While it is a great resource for writing nursing care plans and nursing diagnoses, it also
helps guide the nurse to match the nursing diagnosis to the patient assessment and diagnosis. loves
the game, but suffers from Asthma ... PST focuses on helping individuals develop strategies to
directly address and resolve the problems causing them stress, promoting proactive coping [130].
Self-Management, meanwhile, equips individuals with skills and strategies to manage their
symptoms, behaviors, and overall wellbeing, making it a valuable tool in the context of chronic
illnesses or long-term conditions [131]. ...

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