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Ivan James Joseph BSBA – I402 20-04-24

Logistics Management

Aggregate Planning and Scheduling – 06 Activity 1

1. Identify the suitable production strategy for

Make-to-Order (MTO) and Make-to-Stock (MTS) are the best options of production
strategy for because make to order allows the firm to offer a wider range of
customized bouquets based on the customer’s preference. While make to stock on the other hand
can be done around special holidays where the demand for bouquets skyrocket but it is essential
to do this production days before the peak demand and for the demand forecasting to be accurate
so the spoilage of goods can be avoided.

2. Determine the appropriate priority rule that will provide optimum operations for the
First come, First served should always be the priority rule of this firm because the
reason why customers avail their products or service in the first place is because of
events that is significant to them so time is of essence on their business model.

3. Propose the applicable supply option that will resolve the problem in the given case
Vary inventory levels and Subcontracting are the options this firm should focus on
because of the nature of their business model that faces a sudden rise in demand either
expected or unexpected. By varying inventory levels, flowers and bouquets may be
stockpiled with enough buffer to shoulder the peak season while subcontracting is a last
option when the demand is really overwhelming and there’s been a mistake made on
forecasting where they can outsource the production of their products.

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