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Film making

Promote awareness on getting covid vaccinations.

(After the announcement that vaccine will now be available for kids from 15 – 18, the students of
class XI started discussing whether to take the vaccine or not)

Chris- I heard that people are getting covid positive even after getting the vaccine, so what’s the
point of taking the vaccine. I am not taking it.

Sophie- Yeah, I agree, what if we don’t take vaccine but take precautions, we can still survive this. I
don’t think its safe. I read somewhere that people are getting serious pockmarks on their faces due
an allergy reaction, I don’t want my face to go ugly.

Valentina- People are dyeing out there due to the deadly virus and all you care about is your face!?
Really Sophie! I think we should ask advice from Mr. Marshall.

(Mr. Marshall enters, the kids explain him the whole debate)

Mr. Marshall- Hm so this is the HOT TOPIC for today! First of all, don’t believe anything you’re
reading online until and unless its from a reliable source or a government website. And if you believe
that any of your allergy would get worked up just ask the doctor for advice. Don’t make
assumptions. I also have a video that I got online, who all are fans of Brunt Litter the pop star?

(Many children raise hand)

Well, he uploaded this video yesterday to his social media account-

Humans are regarded as the most advanced species on this planet Earth. But 2 years ago, when a
virus spread, we humans had nowhere to go but lock themselves in. We didn’t fight just
surrendered. But now after going through sleepless nights and working continuously for days the
scientists have come up with the vaccine. This little vaccine makes us superior. We now have an
edge on this virus. So, take up the vaccine and become empowered. Thank you!

Sophie- I think I am going to take the vaccine now.

Valentina – We all are!

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