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Unit 3 Criteria A and D summative

Grade 8

Study the following for the criterion A

1. State what is visible light

Visible light waves are the only wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can

2. Identify the three things that can happen when light interacts with a material.
a. Reflect - throw back light without absorbing it
b. Absorb - to take in
c. Transmit - allow light to pass through a medium

3. Explain how we see the colors of objects.

Open this article: Printable_article_“What_Eyes_Can_See.pdf

4. Describe what you and the Australian Institute of Marine Biology trying to find out.

-the cause of high skin cancer rate in Australia

Study the ppt’s and investigations made about this.

Key concepts:

a. When light hits a material, the material can absorb energy from the light.
b. When a material absorbs energy from light, the energy causes the material to change.
c. There are different types of light that can change a material in different ways.

Criterion D is GRASPS task

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