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I think AR is effective in enabling students to picture the contents of their study more
realistically and learn more details about each content. They can access greater quality of
materials with less cost and are also expected to reduce teachers' work significantly. If I
were an instructor, I would mainly use this in a science class; for example, I could teach my
students details of any animal's body structure without an ethical problem or any
concerns about using real animals.

VR enables students to experience real-world situations without actually stepping out of

classrooms. This technology significantly expands the range of what can be learned in
classrooms, and this is the most innovative and valuable addition to learning in my opinion.
However, some concerns such as cost, space, and motion sickness should be addressed
upon incorporating VR as a core tool in classrooms. Especially balancing the number of
devices in a classroom and the total price might be an issue depending on how much
funding the school receives. VR will provide students with valuable experiences unless the
number of devices cannot cover the number of students. As an instructor, I would use it
for career planning/training for students of for dangerous experiments such as a chemical
reaction which are not normally allowed to be conducted by students in K-12.

I have never used 3D printing in my learning experience, but I think it will be beneficial in
training students' spatial ability and enhancing creativity. This can give students a valuable
experience of designing an object and making their imagination into a real object. If I were
to use it as an instructor, I would get my students to design a blueprint of their imagined
object and then print it using 3D printing in an art class.

2. I am excited about Generative AI. This will significantly reduce teachers' tasks and also
make it possible to deliver educational materials to a broader audience beyond language
or other barriers.

3. While it helps teachers a lot to prepare for their teaching, there can be many teachers
who rely on it too much and do not play professional roles as teachers, leading to status as
educators being considered less professional even though the de-professionalization of
teachers is already problematic today. Also, relying too much on educational content
created by Generative AI has potential risks in the outcomes of students learning such as
insufficiency in humanistic education. Moreover, this can be said for most emerging
technologies, but their use leads to cutting down many current job positions and people
being laid off, which can have significant damage to the economy.

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