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Basic Calculus

Szamaki P. Cheung Grade 11 STEM N. Tesla

“The Challenge of AI in Education”

Being an avid user of AI, I believe I have witnessed the advantages and disadvantages of
artificial intelligence in education. AI technology is a game-changer in learning by allowing the
personalization of instruction for every learner, instant feedback, and enabling teachers to focus
on more important developmental tasks. But despite that, it has drawbacks relating to data
privacy, bias, and dehumanization.
The first and, probably, the most significant advantage of using AI in education is
personalization. Professor Philippe Desjardins-Proulx from the University of Helsinki argues that
AI can assess the strengths, weaknesses, and learning strategies of every student and create a
lesson suited for each. Needless to say, such an approach could save a lot of time for struggling
students, allowing them to follow the in-depth explanations of the tense they did not understand
instead of waiting for the whole class to catch up. AI tutoring software can also provide
immediate feedback and identifies the errors in submitted homework. In this way, the student can
learn from his or her mistakes more quickly.
AI also has the potential to free up teachers for more complex tasks like advising and
mentoring students. With AI systems taking over routine tasks like grading assignments and
providing basic instruction, teachers could focus more on nurturing students‘ creativity, critical
thinking, and interpersonal skills. AI teaching assistants could even help manage large class
sizes, allowing teachers to spend more one-on-one time with students who need extra help.
However, the increasing role of AI has its drawbacks. Many AI systems in education are
heavily data-driven and require large amounts of data on student performance to function well,
which creates numerous issues around data privacy and security. Moreover, critics warn that
various AI systems could exhibit bias against certain groups of people and further disadvantage
marginalized students. Some scholars even claim that by replacing teachers with algorithms, AI
deployment will deprive the education process of humanity. Therefore, despite the numerous
benefits that AI could bring, its use in education should not harm students in any way.
As someone who utilizes AI tools, I believe AI can play an important role in education
when balanced with the support of us humans. With careful implementation and with the right
safeguards, AI could empower teachers and boost students’ learning outcomes in meaningful
ways. But we must also remain vigilant of AI’s risks and limits to ensure this technology truly
enhances – rather than replaces - the invaluable role of human teachers.

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