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Session 5

What’s the Future of AI Education? Experts Share Their Insights

Taken from:
Read the following opinions about AI (artificial intelligence) in education.
A. Dan Ayoub, General Manager for Microsoft Education. “I expect we’ll see three things happen.
First, AI will help students personalize their learning experience and see better academic results.
example, tools like the editor in Microsoft Word that uses AI to scan students’ papers and make
suggestions for more inclusive language and better word choice. These types of naturally
integrated AI tools will offer students more control over their learning experience, which increases
their confidence and overall love of learning. Secondly, I think more universities will use AI  to
track students’ performance and predict patterns, enabling the university to better cover students’
needs. Third, AI will play the role of a teaching assistant, both in K-12 and in higher education.
Once AI becomes an educator’s digital assistant, teachers will be able to use their time differently,
focusing more on the part of the job they love – teaching – and less on administrative tasks.”
B. Tom Livene, CEO and co-founder of Verbit. “The ability of AI to make education accessible to
population who has been left behind, is driving innovation for all students. Since educational
organizations have the obligation to better assist students with disabilities, technology adoption
accelerates the innovation needed to fit those requirements. This trend is expected to continue
growing, opening the door to personalized learning processes, platforms and paths that allow each
student to maximize her or his learning based on specific preferences and learning goals, thus
enriching a curious and passionate generation that is looking to make a big positive impact on the
C. Vishen Lakhiani, CEO of Mindvalley. “The future of AI is self-directed learning. Students who
wisely use AI are leaving apart more traditional and often outdated curriculums in order to pursue
and plan their lives. They’re encouraged to create a vision for who and what they want to be in the
world, and what they want their relationships to look like as well. This is done by opening up
people's eyes to the possibilities of the world and writing them in some sort of platform. This
means the A.I. will custom education so that you can achieve the vision of who you want to be.”
D. Dee Kanejiya, founder and CEO of Cognii. “AI is still an emerging technology in education, so
it has a huge potential in future in contributing to both the science and business of education. Most
of our current educational tests are based on a simple format of multiple-choice questions which is
not an accurate measurement of learning. AI will change it in the future as we will measure learning
in a most authentic and relevant way. AI will play a crucial role in improving the access and
affordability of education to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. It will increase the capability of
teachers across the K-12, higher education, and corporate training courses.”
E. Viola Lam, founder and CEO of Find Solution Ai. “Repetitive jobs have to be simplified in the
future. With the help of AI, institutions can be more cost-effective and better assign manpower to
the corresponding task. However, AI cannot replace all manpower because some humanized tasks
require a real person to develop them. AI is an assistance for teachers who are hard to be replaced.
Through AI, teachers will no longer need to invest a lot of time on heavy, repetitive and simple
tasks, such as grading.
Based on AI analysis of students’ learning data, teachers can spend more time to educate students
according to their specific needs, understand their characteristics and their problems encountered in
learning. The quality of students’ personalities can also be significantly improved. Teachers have
responsibilities beyond imparting knowledge, such as the establishment of moral education and
values, which is exactly what AI and technology cannot do.”
Exercise 1
Match the following statements with their corresponding opinion. Write A, B, C, D, or E. Number 0
is an
0. AI may allow learners to customize their learning process and get better scholar outcomes. A
1. AI could only assist teachers in administrative tasks that do not involve emotional factors. E
2. AI is going to provide students with more opportunities to make their dreams come true. C
3. AI may help educational institutions to identify and solve students’ academic difficulties. A
4. AI might be used for giving a more inclusive education to learners with special needs. B
5. AI will make assessment more accessible, practical, and valid for teachers and students. D
6. AI could help teachers improve their labor as educators as well as their time management. A
Exercise 2
Read the following statements and write T if it is True or F if it is False. Number 0 is an example:
0. The use of AI in the classrooms will help students build their personalities. FALSE
1. AI implementation might not contribute to students’ self-trust and motivation when learning. F
2. AI could not provide students with accurate feedback regarding their performance. F
3. AI will not contribute to the development of modern methodologies to test students’ learning. F
4. AI is going to help people take advantage of the opportunities to be what they wish to be. T
5. AI is going to improve educational organizations’ economy because of its cost-effectiveness. T
6. AI may support education based on individual’s learning characteristics. T

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