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Iris Dai

English Composition

13 April 2023

Should We Incorporate AI in Education?

Recently, artificial intelligence systems such as chatGPT, GPT-3, and RoBERTa

have become the center of discussion around the world. They are all based on deep

learning algorithms and can generate human-like responses to text-based input. Due to

their extraordinary systems that are varied from the previous techniques, upon these

new advanced products show up, they are soon applied to many realms widely and

deeply. However, new invention brings new problems. Because of AI’s convenience

and efficiency, students start to regard AI as an accessible tool to help them improve

the quality of their homework or exams. This trend provokes some intense debate on

AI’s application in education. Though some drawbacks indeed exist in the current

developing stage, Al still benefits us a lot with its strong ability to provide

information. Therefore, AI should be incorporated into education due to its efficiency

and multifunction systems.

AI is an efficient learning tool that can help us save much time while doing

research or creating new projects. By leveraging its ability to process and analyze vast

amounts of data, AI can provide us with immediate answers and solutions to questions

without losing time. For example, whenever we find unknown vocabulary in a

language class, we can immediately ask ChatGPT for the word’s translation and

usage, saving lots of time from looking for a dictionary. Besides, when generating a

new project or design, we no longer need to start by coming up with innovative ideas

by ourselves. Consulting AI would be the better choice for us because it can present

us with various plans and proposals retrieved from the huge database. Thus, the
remaining things we need to do are picking up the feasible ones and filtering them to

find out the best idea.

In addition to its efficiency, AI also has numerous potential applications in

education, making it a multifunctional tool for both educators and learners. One key

area where AI can be used is in personalized learning. By analyzing data about

individual learners, AI can provide targeted and personalized instruction to students

based on their learning profiles. For example, the function of the “ presentation

coach” set in PowerPoint can evaluate our performance and give us constructive

advice to improve. Besides, AI can also help educators to grade assignments and

provide feedback more quickly and accurately so that teachers can have more time on

designing courses or improving teaching qualities. Additionally, AI’s predictive

analytics can help educators to identify students who may be at risk of falling behind

and provide them with additional support when needed. Overall, AI’s multifunctional

system can help us to learn or teach more conveniently and effectively.

However, some may argue that AI might make people lazy and too much rely on

its abilities. If we allow it to be incorporated into education, students would stop

thinking and ask AI to do everything. While it seems like a worrisome drawback of

AI’s application on learners, if we retrospect the history of the technology’s

development, we will find that laziness always brought new inventions. In another

word, our laziness is a powerful motivation to create and grow. Instead of worrying

that people would lose the ability to think, we should put more attention on how to

teach the student to apply AI to various realms to create new thoughts because we are

the high-tech generation, and the use of AI is unavoidable in our future lives.

In conclusion, we should incorporate AI into education because it can save us

time and do many tasks for us. Some opponents say it would destroy our thinking

abilities and make us lazy. However, they overlook the numerous benefits of AI
including increasing efficiency, providing individual learning systems, evaluating our

performance, and giving feedback. By doing automatic routine and repetitive tasks, AI

helps us to focus on more meaningful and creative tasks, freeing up our time and

energy to work on more complex and engaging projects. Furthermore, Instead of

making us lazy, AI can help us reach our full potential by enhancing our skills,

knowledge, and productivity. Ultimately, it is up to us to leverage the power of AI and

ensure that we use it in ways that promote growth, development, and progress.

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