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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is study that focuses on machines learning that can perform tasks that requires

intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns.AI is used in many
applications today, from Chabot’s that provide customer support in real-time to self-driving cars that
can navigate roads autonomously.

While AI might bring a big change in education and other areas, it's important to recognize its problems.
This will make sure we use it fairly and well-planned. It is important to think about these major

The main limitations of AI include the following Data Bias and Fairness, Lack of Common Sense and
Reasoning, Overreliance on Technology, Cost and Accessibility, Ethical Concerns, Focus on Measurable
Outcomes but in this essay we are going to talk about only 3.

Data Bias and Fairness: AI learns from data, and if that information is unfair. The AI will keep those
prejudices going on. This can cause students from needy backgrounds to not get fair chances. It affects
their ability for school success and opportunities they can gain in education. For instance, an AI system
for Students admission could be wrongly affected by unfair data. This might not treat certain student
groups fairly.

Overreliance on Technology: AI can be a good tool but it shouldn't replace humans talking and thinking
carefully in the classroom. Using too much technology can cause students to learn without really trying,
not being interested in what they are doing and dropping their creativity. Teachers are very important in
helping kids think strongly, understand feelings and grow morally. This is best done by talking with them
and giving advice - which we called "critical thinking", "emotion management" skills education finance
variant of the original recipe for developing strong moral values.

Focus on Measurable Outcomes: AI frequently focuses on measurable results and data-based methods
to learning. This might make us too concentrated on tests that are the same for everyone, and
memorizing without understanding deeply. We could forget about getting better at more broad skills
like being creative, solving troubles or thinking sharply.

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