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Developmental Psychology Lab

Observation Learning:
Observational Learning is the process of learning by watching the behavior of others. The
individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models. Research suggests that this
imitative learning involves a specific type of neuron, called a mirror neuron.
Stages of Observational Learning (SLT Modeling Process)
1. Attention
We must first pay attention to the model
2. Retention
We must be able to remember the observed behavior
3. Reproduction
We must be able to replicate the behavior demonstrated
4. Motivation
We must be motivated to demonstrate what we have learned
Influences on Observational Learning:
According to Albert Bandura's research, there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood
that a behavior will be imitated. We are more likely to imitate:
 People we perceive as warm and nurturing
 People who receive rewards for their behavior
 People who are in an authoritative position in our lives
 People who are similar to us in age, sex, and interests
 People we admire or who are of a higher social status
 When we have been rewarded for imitating the behavior in the past
 When we lack confidence in our own knowledge or abilities
 When the situation is confusing, ambiguous, or unfamiliar
Group members:
• Lubaba Naseem 2865-BS-PSY-21
• Aimen Tariq 2907-BS-PSY-21
• Aymen Malik 2839-BS-PSY-21
• Ayesha Shahbaz 1410-RE-BH-PSY-20
• Sohaib Sami 2986-BS-PSY-21
• Fazila Kazmi 2771-BS-PSY-21
Details of the Interviewee: (on whom the task is done)
Name: Shehran Saqib
Age: 6 years
Work of the experimenter:
The experimenter played with child in different games in which role taking was present. Both
experimenter and child also had a good conversation with each other during the tasks.
Administration of the task and child response:
Four activities were performed namely construction with toy blocks, cooking, driving and
Task 1 (Playing the role of Labor)
Child tried making a house with colorful toy blocks. When questioned, he answered he was
making it for himself and his cousins. He also permit the experimenter to help him in this
Task 2 (Playing the role of a Chef)
Child tried to make potato fries in kitchen. He told experimenter he helps her mother in cooking.
Task 3 (Playing the role of a Bus Driver)
Child also played the role of a bus driver. He used cushion as a steering wheel while sitting on a
sofa. The experimenter was sitting behind him like a passenger.
Task 4 (Playing the role as Shopkeeper)
The role of shopkeeper was played very well by the child. He did very good bargaining over two
toys with customer (experimenter).
It is concluded that children observe, learn and imitate the behavior of parents and significant

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