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The hat can also be crocheted after measurements, this way you can use any yarn
and hook you'd like. If you use single crochet make 8 stitches in the ring and increase
with 8 stitches per round. If you make double crochet make 12 stitches in the ring and
increase with 12 stitches per round.

Hook: 3 mm
Yarn: Cotton, size 1, superfine, yardage: 50 g = 170 m, I used 93 grams for my hat.
Brand: Mayflower.

Stitches (abbreviations):
hdc = half double crochet
ch = chain
ss = slip stitch

Increase: You increase by making 2 stitches in the same stitch. You increase with 10
stitches per round. If you want a rounded shape to the hat make the increase between
the increases from the round before.

You finish every round the following way: 1 ss in the first stitch in the round, ch 1
and turn over your work. (this is a turning chain and you don't crochet into it).
First stitch is crocheted in the 2nd stitch from the hook, last stitch is crocheted in the
last stitch of the round.

See the attached video on how to start and finish the round (video 01:25 & 01:55)

Crochet tension: 10 cm = 21 hdc x 9 rounds

Size: Use the calculations below to make the hat in any size you want.

The measurements of my hat: Circumference: 55,8 cm, height: 8 cm, width of the
brim: 9 cm

Changing colors: I changed color randomly but made sure to make 1 row in beige
between each color change. See the attached video on how to change color (video

If you want a unicolor hat: You can continue in the same direction and don't have
to make a turning chain at the end of the round. Just mark the beginning of the round
so you know when to increase.

Process: The hat is crocheted from the middle and out in rounds. You increase to
make a flat circle. Then stop the increases to shape the hat. Then increase to make the
The measurements includes how much the hat will stretch.
To find out how many cm the circle of the hat has to measure in diameter, you are
going to make the following calculation:

[your head circumference in cm]- 15 = ___ : 3,14 = [the diameter of the circle]

55 cm – 15 = 40
40 : 3,14 = 12,9 (I'll round up to 13)

That means that when my circle measures 13 cm in diameter (from one side of the
circle to the other) I stop the increases.
Increase with 10 sitches per round

Round 1: Ch 4. Connect to a ring with 1 ss in the first ch, ch 1.

Round 2: Make 10 hdc into the ring. Finish with 1 ss in the first stitch, ch 1 and
turn over (you do this after every round throughout the whole pattern)

Round 3: Make 2 hdc into every stitch = 20 stitches on the round

Round 4: *Make 1 hdc in the first stitch, 2 hdc in the 2nd stitch*. Repeat from * to * =
30 stitches on the round.

Round 5: *Make 1 hdc in the first two stitches, 2 hdc in the 3rd stitch* . Repeat from *
to * = 40 stitches on the round.

Round 6: *Make 1 hdc in the first three stitches, 2 hdc in the 4th stitch*. Repeat from
* to * = 50 stitches on the round.

Round 7-11: Continue this and move the increase for each round. After round 11 you
should have 100 stitches on the round.

If you follow measurements:

Increase until the diameter of the circle matches the number you got in the
calculation above.

No increase

Round 1-18: Make 1 hdc in each stitch.

If you follow measurements:

Now you crochet the height of the hat. Stop after you have the height you want the
hat to have or what fits your head – try it on as you go.

Now you go back to making increases exactly like before – 10 increases per round.

Increase with 10 stitches per round

Round 1: Make 1 hdc in the first nine stitches, 2 hdc in the 10th stitch.
Round 2: Make 1 hdc in the first ten stitches, 2 hdc in the 11th stitch.

Round 3-14: Repeat this pattern and move the increase for every round.

Round 15-16: Make 1 hdc into each stitch, finish the hat with 1 ss in the first stitch,
ch 1 and break off the yarn.

If you follow measurements:

Stop when the brim has the width that you want. Afterwards you can make one or two
rows wihtout increase. Then finish with 1 ss in the first stitch, ch 1 and break off the

Now you can weave in the ends!


If you afterwards want the brim to be more stiff you can try and block it.
You can buy fabric starch (or make your own).

I used a mixture of water and universal glue (you can also use textile or wood glue).

I mixed 2 tsp in 100 ml water and put the brim into the mixture and wringed out the
excess water. Then I let it dry flat on some plastic for about 24 hours.

The more glue you add the more stiff the result will be.

Thank you for buying my pattern! I hope you liked it :-)

If you share photos on social media remember to tag @mati_denmark and #HollyHat

Pattern and finished product is for private use only and may therefore not be sold.

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