Self Critique

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Halle Brenny

ART 396-54
April 17, 2024
Self-Critique - Spring 2024
Since the beginning of this class, I have grown as an individual, and as a future teacher.

Some of the ways that I have grown are by learning about the art elements and principles. This

is something that I was aware of, however didn’t know much about. As a teacher, knowing this

information will allow me to apply it in my classroom as we create art. I think that it is fun to

focus on different elements and principles in different projects and art works, so now I would

be able to do that since I have learned about these. Another way that I have grown is by

learning about the stages of artistic development. I learned so much from this and am excited

to use it as a future teacher. It can help me assess my students work and create rubrics for their

artwork. It also lets me know what stage they should be at, and how I can challenge them to go

a step or two further.

A few skills that I learned from this class and plan to use in my teaching are the 5-step

creative process, using visual literacy in my classroom, and teaching about Art History. The 5

Step Creative Process is interesting and is something that I plan to implement in my classroom

as it can be used for various activities and art projects. I like how it is 5 different steps, and how

it shows what the teacher should be doing, and what the students should be doing. I also like

the idea of using Visual Literacy in my classroom because there are so many different things I

could use. I could use pictures, videos, posters, different websites, or social media. I also like

how students tend to remember visuals more than text, so I am hoping to use a lot of visuals in

my future classroom when I teach. I also want to be able to teach about ART History in my

classroom, and alongside that I want to do virtual field trips to Art Museums. I think that this
can be very beneficial and can be something fun to do in the classroom. There are different

activities that you can do with virtual field trips, but I would connect it to what we are learning


One thing that I have found most useful for my upcoming teaching practice is the idea of

trial and error. When I think of artwork, I often think of it being perfect, and being able to get it

‘right’ the first time. I am also a perfectionist which doesn’t help. This semester, I have learned

so much about trial and error, and letting students explore with what they are doing, and how it

isn’t going to be picture perfect and that’s okay. I am excited to go into teaching with an open

mind and allowing my students to experiment and make a mess with what they do.

Something that sparked my interest and I want to continue learning more about and

exploring with is TAB art days. I love the idea of student choice and student led. As a student, I

never liked doing what everyone else did, I wanted to be different. I think that this is the perfect

opportunity for my students to pick and choose what they have an interest in and maybe find a

passion for something. I also love the idea that there is no right or wrong way. I think that this is

important, especially at a younger age. Students have so much created and designing, and it is

important to create time and allow that. I want to learn more about different art activities and

supplies that I can use for a TAB Day in my classroom. I also want to learn about how to teach

students about what TAB is, and how they can use it in my classroom.

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